A Rush for WaveRunner Oil on a Surprisingly Sunny Day

domo online blog 4 5-19-14Since last weekend was sunny even when all weather reports had claimed there would only be rain and thunderstorms, I wasn’t surprised when my buddy called me to say that he wanted to take out his WaveRunners. Of course, I was a little more surprised when he said he still hadn’t finished the maintenance on them and was in desperate need of some oil.

Luckily, I happened to have some WaveRunner oil in my shed that was left over from last year. I hurried over to his house with the oil and between the two of us we had both of his WaveRunners ready to go in less than an hour. My reward was a wonderful day spent zipping through the water aboard a WaveRunner, which was the perfect way to stay cool on a surprise sunny day.

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Choosing the Mercury Premium Plus as His New Oil

One of my friends recently bought himself a new speedboat with some serious horsepower. In the past, he has always had a boat that had a typically puttering engine and having one with this much get up and go is kind of a shock to all of our systems. We’ve all been teasing him about his midlife crisis boat, because of course it is painted to look pretty flashy.
domo online blog 3 5-19-14In this boat, he chose Mercury Premium Plus oil because it is specifically for Mercury engines like his.

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Finding the Best Deals on Evinrude XD 100 Oil

domo online blog 2 5-19-14When it comes to finding good deals on oil, I often find that the internet is really a good resource. Of course, it has the definite disadvantage of telling me about deals on oil that do not exist in my general area and are out of some boat maintenance shop in a totally different state. In some areas, there just isn’t a great price on marine oil that is very close to home.

In this case, it can sometimes be worth buying the oil online at a lower price and paying to have it shipped across the country. One of my friends has always ordered the Evinrude XD 100 oil that he has to get for his boat online because the places that sell it in his area raise the price significantly. He finds that if he buys large amounts of oil, it is still cheaper even with shipping.

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Borrowing Yamalube from my Father this Year

domo online blog 5 5-12-14At the end of the boating season last year, my father and I went out on one last trip to the bay before winterizing our boats. We spent an entire day racing around the bay and enjoying the waves and the islands before finally turning back to the boat launch. I was the first to haul in my boat, but I waited to say goodbye to my father before going home.

During our parting conversation, I mentioned stopping at a store on the way home to pick up some Yamalube oil for my boat. My father said that I ought to just come over to his house, because he’d bought his in bulk this year and would have plenty for both of us. I was willing to take him up on his offer and have this years boating powered by his oil.

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After Adding Outboard Oil Comes the Fun Parts of Boating

domo online blog 4 5-12-14Having a boat is a lot of work regardless of weather you have a large yacht or a small speed boat. There is required maintenance for all types of boats that you simply have to actually take care of in order to keep your boat running for a long period of time. When you’re buying a boat, you should make sure to keep the maintenance in mind when picking which boat is right for you.

I personally chose a smaller speed boat with an outboard engine because most of the maintenance is limited to adding 2-stroke outboard oil. There is still the launching of the boat and running the engine in fresh water after being in salt water, but this is all relatively easy maintenance.

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Evinrude Oil is Making it a Little Easier to Breathe

domo online blog 3 5-12-14I have always loved living on a lake up into the point in the year when all of the people with speed boats come out and race around the lake, leaving some of us choking on their filthy exhaust. Since I enjoy boating myself, I understand that exhaust is just a part of the boating experience. However, I happen to know that the amount of soot and sludge in the exhaust is not necessary.

When people use cheaper oil, they end up with nastier things coming out in their exhaust. There is a lot more soot and ash in the exhaust which isn’t good for your engine or the environment. I always stick with Evinrude oil because it cuts back on these nasty emissions at least somewhat by having lower ash content in the oil that the engine has to use.

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Finding Bulk Mercury Optimax Oil Somewhere Other than the Marina Store

domo online blog 2 5-12-14My father hates to buy anything from the marina store because he feels that he is usually being grossly overcharged for the convenience of having a place to get last minute items for his boat. He has taken to being overly prepared for any boating situation by checking everything on his boat before he even goes near the marina. He buys boat parts online so that he won’t be overcharged.

Before he takes his boat away on its trailer, he will check to make sure that it has the oil and gasoline that it will need for the trip. He keeps a selection of bulk Mercury Optimax oil in his garage so that it will always be available when he needs it. Once he is sure that the outboard engine has everything that it needs to stay running without a trip to the marina store, he is ready to go.

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Where Do You Use 2 Cycle Oil?

domo online blog 1 5-12-14Two stroke oil, which is also known as two cycle oil, can be used in countless applications. This type of oil is the oil that is designed for two stroke engines. Since these engines do not have any sort of system which cycles oil separately from the main function of the engine, this oil is mixed with gasoline in order to lubricate the engine.

It is not uncommon to have 2 cycle oil being used to power hedge trimmers and lawnmowers. My favorite place to use this type of oil is with my outboard engine on my boat. I love the way that having oil like this keeps my engine running well. I can race around a lake with my two stroke outboard motor, knowing that it is well lubricated.

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Learning a Little about Yamalube 2W Oil and WaveRunners

domo online blog 5 5-5-14One of my cousins recently bought himself a used WaveRunner from someone who he knows from school. He didn’t really know anything about the boat, but he has wanted a personal watercraft for a long time, so it surprised no one that he was so quick to jump on a good deal. So far, his father has been teaching him everything that he has to know about owning a WaveRunner.

My cousin knows how to operate one of these boats and has spent many summers taking out his father’s boat. Now that he has one of his own he is learning about using Yamalube 2W oil and the maintenance that is required for one of these boats. He hasn’t been enjoying the technical side of owning a boat so much, but he has enjoyed racing around on a WaveRunner of his own.

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Yamalube 2-M Offers Preventative Care as Well as Lubrication

domo online blog 4 5-5-14It can be very tempting to purchase generic oil for your boat, since generics are often so much cheaper than brand name oils. What is important to remember is that there is a reason that generics are cheaper than oils with a name brand. There is a level of quality in name brand oils that cheaper oils do not have because they have a different formula.

For example, regular TC-W3 oil might work just fine in your outboard for a certain length of time. However, it doesn’t do the preventative care that Yamalube 2-M does. This oil helps to guard your motor against ring stick and carbon build up that can prevent your motor from working as well over time. If you are willing to spend the money on a good motor, you should spend money to protect that motor as well.

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Getting Two Cycle Oil for a Trip Around the Lake

domo online blog 3 5-5-14My father suggested that it might be fun to go out on the lake yesterday afternoon. I was initially reluctant, because I had been working all day and going out on the lake for a couple of hours didn’t sound terribly appealing. However, I didn’t want to disappoint my father, so I agreed to go out on the lake and tool around for a few hours before dinner.

He hooked up the boat trailer and went to the gas station to fill up his gas tank for the trip. We ended up having to go get some two cycle oil as well, because it turned out that he had already used his last bottle. Finding some oil meant taking even more time before launching the boat. By the time we got the boat launched, it was getting to be evening time and the mosquitoes on the lake were terrible.

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Sorting Through Rope and Mercury 2 Stroke Oil in My Uncle’s Boat Shed

domo online blog 2 5-5-14Last weekend, my uncle decided that it was probably time for him to reorganize his boat shed, since the shed that he keeps all of his boating gear in is a complete mess most of the time. I went over to help him clean the shed, because it definitely wasn’t something that he could have done by himself. The shed was actually more messy and disorganized than it had been the last time I’d seen it.

He had tangled tie ropes spread across the floor. There were several different fish nets tucked away in odd corners of his shed. He even had a case of Mercury 2 stroke oil, which he hasn’t used since he got rid of his old boat. We were able to clean out the shed and sort through the mess so that everything that is in the shed now is actually something that he needs for his boat.

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