What to do When a Mercury Oil 55 Gallon Drum Becomes Empty

domo online blog 2 6-9-14For the past couple of years my father and his friends have used a large oil drum to supply themselves with all of the boat oil that they needed. After adding the oil to their boats for the summer season, they became aware that they were at last in possession of an empty 55 gallon drum. Initially, there was a lot of debate about what to do with the empty drum.

An empty Mercury oil 55 gallon drum was not nearly as useful as a full one, so all of the men immediately claimed that disposing of the drum was not their problem. My father looked up some resources online for how to dispose of oil drums, but all of it seemed fairly complicated. Eventually, my father and his friends decided that the best thing to do with the drum was to see if they could refill it

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Evinrude Johnson 2 Stroke Outboard Oil is Part of My Summer Routine

domo online blog 1 6-9-14On most weekends during the summer, I take my boat out on the lake to enjoy the beautiful weather. Even when the weather is not so great, I will go out because I’ll usually have most of the lake to myself. My weekend routine focuses around prepping my boat for the day out on the lake and heading out onto the lake.

Before I go out each weekend, I make sure that I have the proper mix of Evinrude Johnson 2 stroke outboard oil running through my outboard engine. I try to get to the boat launch early, because then I can usually beat the crowd of families that will show up at the launch later on. Once I get my boat into the water and my truck parked, I am ready for a fun weekend excursion.

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Trusting Yamaha Oil to Keep My Engine Lubricated

domo online blog 5 6-2-14When I first got a boat of my own, I was determined to do everything that I could to take care of it and keep it in good condition. I knew too many people who didn’t bother to take great care of their boats and then got into trouble with their engines dying out in the middle of a lake or a bay. I never wanted to have any problems of that sort, especially when they might be prevented.

I made sure to keep my boat running well by checking the outboard engine on a regular basis. I kept up with regular maintenance and made sure to change my oil every season by draining the old oil and adding the Yamaha oil that my boat would need. By following all of these safety precautions I have managed to keep my outboard running well over the course of many years.

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Summer WaveRunners Require Yamaha 2W Oil

domo online blog 4 6-2-14Now that it is summertime many people are hitting the lake so that they can enjoy nice weather and cool water. One of the most fun things to do on warm summer days is take out a couple of WaveRunners and race around a lake or a bay. My cousins and I always enjoy the days that we spend out on the lake doing this.

We always make sure that we follow proper boat safety by wearing life jackets and watching out for other boats. We also take great care of our WaveRunners by using Yamaha 2W oil to make sure that all of their components continue working well. The last thing that we want is to have one of the WaveRunners break down while we are out in the middle of the lake.

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Mixing Yamaha 2S Oil in the Early Morning

domo online blog 3 6-2-14For as long as I can remember, my father has always insisted on getting up for fishing trips before the sun is even up. I have a million bleary memories from my youth of early morning drives and visits to bait shops when the sun was just peaking over the horizon. I remember early morning boat launches and sitting on the boat as my father got ready on the dock.

He would always mix his Yamaha 2S oil with the gasoline in his boat only right before we got ready to leave.  It is odd that he used 2S, since that is for motorcycles and ATV’s.  Now that I have my own boat, I make sure that I use the proper oil, per manufacturer recommendations.

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Ringfree Plus Makes an Engine Run Without Sludge and Build Up

domo online blog 2 6-2-14My uncle has been running his boat engine for several years now and has started to worry that the way that the engine is running could be affected by the build up from oil and gasoline in the system. He has started to become more concerned because one of his friends recently had to take apart his boat engine. He discovered a lot of nasty build up inside the motor.

In order to keep the boat running at its best he decided to try a oil additive that would help clean out the engine. He ran some ringfree plus through the motor to get rid of any carbon build up that might be inside of it. Now that he has been out on his boat a couple of times running with this additive he feels a lot better about his engine and isn’t as worried.

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Who Packs Outboard Motor Oil in a Boat Cabin?

domo online blog 1 6-2-14If I didn’t know that he wasn’t, I would assume that my father had been a Boy Scout when he was a kid. He takes a be prepared attitude with him everywhere that he goes, including out on the boat. His boat has always been stocked with an extra anchor, tow ropes, floatation devices, and a first aid kit. Whether he needs any of these items is really up to opinion.

My father even keeps an extra gallon of outboard motor oil in his boat cabin. It isn’t as if you could really change the oil in a boat while it was in the water. All the same, he has the boat motor oil with him just in case he might need it at some point in time. Most of the time he’ll only have to use it when he is on dry land and more than likely when he is still at home.

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Life Jackets and Yamalube 2m in My Dad’s Shed

domo-online blog 5 5-26-14The last time that I went out on a boat, I went along with my father, because I have had my boat in the shop for some minor boating repairs. He wanted me to show up at his house the night before we were to go out on his boat, because he wanted to get an early start as usual. I bought my fishing and boating gear with me, but left it in the car overnight.

Early in the morning, my father sent me out to the shed to get out the life jackets, which he said were located behind the Yamalube 2m. I had forgotten that he bought all of his boat oil in bulk, so I was a little bit surprised when I found out that the life jackets were behind a rather large oil drum in the shed. I had to edge around the drum to get into the tight space behind it where the life jackets were located.

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Benefits of a Two Stroke Outboard and Mercury 2 Cycle Oil

domo-online blog 4 5-26-14Over my years of boating I have used two stroke engines and engines that required oil that cycled through the engine in its own separate system. I have learned that there are definite advantages and disadvantages to each type of oil cycling system. The main problem that I have found with a boat with an outboard that has a separate oil system is that oil changes can be a lot more difficult.

With two stroke outboard motors, I have found that one difficulty is having the Mercury 2 cycle oil that I need at the same time as I run out of gasoline. This can sometimes mean bringing the 2 cycle oil with you and mixing it in with the gasoline when you are actually at the marina. Forgetting your 2 stroke oil at home means that you might have to make a costly trip to the marina store.

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If You Have a Place to Store It, Bulk Outboard Motor Oil is the Way To Go

domo-online blog 2 5-26-14Most people know that when you buy things in bulk, you tend to get a way better deal than you would buying individual items. This is why so many people have memberships at warehouse stores where they can buy food, toilet paper, and toothbrushes in bulk. Boaters should be aware that buying in bulk can help them to make certain parts of boat maintenance a little bit cheaper.

Items like boat motor oil can be expensive when you buy the amount that you need in smaller containers. When you buy bulk outboard motor oil, you can usually get a much better deal per gallon than you would in smaller containers. Of course, the main problem with buying in bulk is that you have to find some place to store all of that oil that you get a good deal on.

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Memorial Day Means Hitting the Lake with a 2 Stroke Motor and Some 2 Stroke Oil

domo-online blog 1 5-26-14For as long as I can remember, Memorial Day in my family has meant taking out the boats. Of course, when I was growing up it was a little different, because back then my father just had a small boat with a little two stroke outboard motor. On Memorial Day, we would wake up in the early hours of the morning so that we could beat everyone else to the boat launch.

Between picking up food on the way, loading several sleep deprived children into a truck, and mixing some 2 stroke oil and gasoline for the boat, we would inevitably reach the boat dock several hours after our intended time of arrival. By this point, we would wait a long time to get our chance at the boat launch. Only once we were out in the water would our vacation day really begin.

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You Never Know When Cleaning Might Reveal a Stock of Yamalube 2M Oil

In preparation for the weekend, I made the effort to actually get my shed cleaned out. I have all of my boating things in the shed including extra life jackets, motor parts, and several crab pots. I originally started the cleaning project so that I could find a particular fishing pole that I knew was in there somewhere. By the end of the day, I had found many things, but not the pole.

I found an entire supply of Yamalube 2M oil that I thought I had used up over a year ago. It turns out I still have a few gallons of the outboard oil left, which I can use for next year. That was by far my most exciting discovery in my shed. Only after organizing all of the crab pots and tow ropes, did I realized that the fishing rod that I was looking for had been lent to a friend.

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