Using the Right Type of 2 Cycle Oil for a Boat

domo online blog 1 7-14-14Outboard motors on a boat are not the only kind of two cycle engines that are out there. Two cycle engines can be found in many power tools such as chainsaws and weed cutting tools. They can also be found in some snowmobiles, motorcycles, and tractors. This means that there are a lot of different two cycle engines that need to have oil that is perfect for their systems.

Not every type of oil that is 2 cycle oil is good for every application. There are a lot of different types of oil on the market that are especially made for different types of vehicles and tools. When you are looking for some oil to go in the two cycle outboard motor on your boat, you should look for oil that is designed for this application, rather than using something more nonspecific.

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Packing Yamalube for Personal Watercraft Learning

domo online blog 5 7-07-14Recently, my brother and I took my cousin out to a local lake so that he could learn a bit about personal watercraft. He wanted to learn to drive one since he thought that they were pretty cool. My brother and I wanted to make sure that he understood how to operated one safely and also how to maintain one so that he wouldn’t damage a boat or himself.

We brought some Yamalube 2-M to the dock so that we could show him how to add this to the watercraft before launching it. Then a nice person on the dock asked us why we were putting outboard oil in a personal watercraft.  He said, “There are oils specifically made for pwc’s, and that is not one of them.  Running outboard motor oil in your pwc engine can cause severe damage.”  Embarrassed, we went to the dock store and purchased some Yamalube 2-W for the day.  Our goal that day was to teach my cousin about proper care for a personal watercraft and we were the ones that ended up getting schooled! I think that my cousin learned a lot from the experience, and so did my brother and I.

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Two Cycle Oil is Necessary to Properly Lubricate a Two Stroke Engine

domo online blog 4 7-07-14When it comes to engines, many of us are more accustomed to the engine of a car in which different fluids are all separated out and many systems run at the same time to keep an engine going smoothly. When it comes to operating smaller vehicles such as snowmobiles and small boats, a smaller and less complex engine is needed. This is where two stroke motors come into play.

Typically, the two cycle oil that is used in this engine is either mixed directly with the gasoline or put into a section of the engine which puts it into the gasoline in small amounts. There is not a separate lubrication system in these smaller engines, but it is still very important that oil is used. Without two stroke oil an outboard motor  can’t operate properly.

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Getting More Mercury 2 Stroke Oil After a Long Boating Weekend

domo online blog 3 7-07-14Last weekend, my father spent a lot of time out in his small motor boat trolling around fishing. Since he was using his 2 stroke outboard motor, he ended up using the last of the 2 stroke oil that he had in his shed. When his boat became low on fuel, he took it back to the boat launch and loaded it up to go home. This was fine since it was starting to get late anyhow.

Since my father would like to take his boat out again soon. He has started to look for good deals on Mercury 2 stroke oil both locally and online. Even though he usually buys his oil at the same place each time, he still compares prices regularly because he doesn’t want to pay too much.

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Finding Evinrude Oil Last Minute

domo online blog 2 7-07-14Since there was a three day weekend last weekend, my uncle thought it might be a good idea to take his boat out on the lake on Sunday. He knew that the lake was probably going to be pretty crowded, but he still wanted to get a chance to go out on his boat and have a little bit of fun. When he checked his outboard motor prior to leaving the house, he realized he was going to need some outboard motor oil.

Since my uncle usually buys all of the Evinrude oil for his boat online, he wasn’t exactly sure where to buy it locally when he needed it right away. He was able to find the oil that he was looking for at a local automotive repair store. It was a lot more expensive than it would have been if he’d purchased it online earlier.  That will be the last time he makes that mistake!

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A Quest for the Best Outboard Motor Oil

One of my friends recently bought his first boat and so far he has been a little obsessive when it comes to making sure that he takes proper care of it. There is something about spending a great deal of money in one place that makes him a little concerned about making mistakes that will cost him money in the future. This means that he does an insane amount of research before doing anything on the boat.

Last week, he spent hours searching the internet and asking his neighbors at the harbor what the best outboard motor oil for his boat would be. The best oil to him would be one that was both good for his motor and good for his boating budget. He ended up finding a lot of different options, but he eventually decided to buy brand name oil that he could buy online in bulk.

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Buying Yamalube 2W Oil on the Fourth of July

domo online blog 5 6-30-14In celebration of Independence Day, my brother and I took his WaveRunners out on the lake by our house. When I got there this morning, I fully expected that the boats would be fueled and ready to go. I discovered that my brother was actually running quite late and hadn’t had time to fill the WaveRunners up with gasoline and oil so they could go out on the lake.

We ended up having to find an open store that sold Yamalube 2W oil because my brother discovered that he didn’t have any left in his shed. It was quite the adventure, but we finally managed to find some that we could buy. We filled the boats up and took them out onto the already crowded lake. We had a fun time racing around in the water even though the lake was crowded.

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Finishing Off a Large Supply of Yamaha 2M Oil

domo online blog 4 6-30-14Last winter, my father found a great deal on Yamaha oil and decided that he should buy a large amount of it to give to people in his boating club and use in his own boat. Since then he has been collecting favors by offering the oil to just about everyone that he knows. This is not uncommon in the boating club he is a part of and everyone pays him back with trips in their boats.

Yesterday, my father finally ran out of the Yamaha 2M oil when he gave it to the person who is going to take him out on the water tomorrow for the Fourth of July. My father is glad that he no longer has anymore outboard motor oil to store in his garage. The supply that he bought during the winter was taking up a corner of the garage until it started getting used in the spring.

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Putting Away the Snowmobile Oil for the Season

domo online blog 3 6-30-14Summer is here, which means that the snow in the mountains has melted and all of the nearby lakes have opened for boat traffic. My brother is making the transition between snowmobiles and WaveRunners now that the season has changed. He has taken out his personal watercraft and gotten it fully ready for the new season. Last weekend, he worked on getting the snowmobile put away.

My brother put his snowmobile and all of the extra snowmobile oil that he bought this year away for the summer. He also got all of his snow gear packed into a large plastic container so that it could be stored as well. My brother is always sad to see the snowmobile put away for the summer, but at least he has days on the lake to occupy him during the warmer seasons.

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Sticking with Mercury Engine Oil to Power an Outboard Motor

domo online blog 2 6-30-14At the end of last season, my uncle determined that he was spending too much money on his boat and decided to write up a budget to try to contain his spending. He focused on cutting back on his regular maintenance cost and lowering the amount of time he took the boat out on the water so he wouldn’t waste as much gas. He limited himself to a certain number of trips for this summer.

Initially, he debated switching from Mercury engine oil to a generic brand so that he could cut the cost of putting oil in his boat. After doing some math and researching prices, he found that he could actually get Mercury oil cheaper in bulk so he wouldn’t have to switch to a generic. He decided that sticking with brand name outboard oil was probably important anyway.

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Going Online to Get Evinrude XD100 Oil

domo online blog 1 6-30-14My father’s best friend has been working on getting his old boat up and running. The boat has sat for the last couple of seasons because his friend injured himself at work and has been focused on recovery rather than taking his boat out. Now that he is finally getting back out on the boat, he has discovered that there are lots of things that need to be done.

Since he was looking for some Evinrude XD100 oil for cheap, my father helped him find it online for a significantly better price than he could find in any of the local stores. Last weekend, they focused on mostly cleaning the boat and getting it looking nice for the season.

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Preparing for a Long Trip with Yamalube Oil

domo online blog 5 6-23-14As usually happens at this time of year, my brother has decided that he is going to be taking a lengthy boating trip all around the little islands near his home. The good weather has tempted him to extend the trip to be more than a week long this time. My brother is an impulsive guy, so the trip is planned for the first week of July, leaving him very little time to prepare.

A longer boating trip means bringing all of the little things that you might need if something goes wrong while you’re out on your boat. He has already packed some Yamalube oil and extra life vests. He is planning to restock a boating first aid kit that he has on board as well. In a matter of days, he will have everything that he thinks he needs packed in his boat.

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