Using Some 2 Cycle Mercury Oil in My Cousin’s Outboard Motor

domo online blog 2 8-18-14My cousin has had an outboard motor that has always run a little bit oddly. The motor doesn’t really work too well and has always had problems starting up. My cousin finally took it in to be fixed a couple of weeks ago. The person who worked on the motor suggested that now that it was fixed and running alright again, he should try to take better care of it.

My cousin decided that the best way to make sure that his outboard motor was well taken care of was to use high quality 2 cycle Mercury oil in the motor instead of using the cheaper oil that he had been using. He even found some places where he could buy it in bulk so that he could get the oil that he really needed at a cost that was actually a lot more affordable.

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Evinrude Outboard Oil for a Used Outboard Motor

domo online blog 1 8-18-14One of my friends has been looking for a motor to put on his boat for a long time. He originally was only looking at new motors because he was sure that these would be better than any used motors that he could find. After looking at prices on some of them, he realized that a used motor might not be a bad idea when it came to his purposes, since they were much cheaper.

Once he found a good motor to buy, he brought it home to work on right away. He spent an afternoon going over the motor and making sure that all of the parts of it looked like they were in good working order. He then made sure to get some Evinrude outboard oil for the engine. He took the motor out on the lake for the first time without any problems at all.

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Stocking Up On Yamalube 2W for Some Borrowed WaveRunners

domo online blog 4 8-11-14Since my brother is going to be on vacation for the next few weeks, I asked him if I could borrow his WaveRunners while he was gone. While he wasn’t excited about the idea of me running the boats without him there, he agreed that I could borrow them as long as I was careful to take good care of them. Since I’ve watched him take care of them for years I know exactly what to do.

I have already stocked up on some Yamalube 2W oil so that I can run these boats safely without messing up the engines. I went and picked up the boats yesterday since my brother is leaving today. When I went over there, he told me a lot of things that I already knew about taking care of the boats. Finally, he seemed comfortable with having me take them away.

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Yamaha Outboard Oil is Different From Other Types of Yamaha Oil

domo online blog 3 8-11-14When one of my friends bought a Yamaha outboard engine for his boat, he turned to me to tell him exactly how to start using and maintaining this outboard motor better. I explained to him that it would probably be a good idea for him to start buy using the type of oil that was the same brand as his boat. This meant that he needed Yamaha oil for his Yamaha outboard.

I then had to explain to him that there are a lot of different types of Yamaha oil and only Yamaha outboard oil was meant to be used in his boat. Other types of Yamaha oil are made for snowmobiles or for personal watercraft and can really mess up the outboard motor. I was able to get him to choose the right kind of oil for his outboard and get him started with his boat maintenance.

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Joking About Buying a Mercury Oil 55 Gallon Drum

During the summer, my brother takes his boat out on the water just about every single weekend. When he runs the boat this often, it continues to work really well for a long time because it likes being used so much. It also ends up costing my brother a lot of money since it needs more oil and gasoline to continue running as my brother uses it on the water.

After looking over the cost and the consumption of the boat’s oil, my brother jokingly said that he ought to have just purchased a Mercury oil 55 gallon drum at the beginning of the summer. I know that he meant it as a joke when he said it, but after he started looking up the price of these drums he started considering it as a real option. Maybe he’ll buy one next year.

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Taking Good Care of My Fishing Boat with Evinrude Johnson 2 Stroke Outboard Oil

domo online blog 1 8-11-14When it comes to taking good care of my boat, I guess that I can be a little bit fussy. I take great care whenever I wash the boat to make sure that I look for any scratches or problem spots on the boat that might indicate that something is wrong. When I run the outboard motor, I listen for any flaws in the normal operating noise that it produces to detect engine problems early.

I always take good care of my outboard motor by making sure the correct ratio of Evinrude Johnson 2 stroke outboard oil is mixed in with the gasoline that I use to run it. I am very careful about measuring out just the right amount to make sure the mixture is perfect for my motor. I also include a fuel additive to clean out any build up that might be in the motor.

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Utilizing Many Different Types of Yamaha Oil

domo online blog 5 8-04-14My family has always been pretty dedicated to the Yamaha brand. Whenever anyone wants to go out and buy something that has an engine, they always look for something that was built by Yamaha. Of course, this often means buying a more expensive product than might come from another brand, but the longevity of the items we have purchased have proven that it is worth it.

We find ourselves using Yamaha oil for all of our different engines. Yamalube 2S is for my brother’s snowmobiles that he takes up into the mountains after the first good snowfall of any year. Yamalube 2W is for the WaveRunners that we race around the lake during the summer. Yamalube 2M is for all of our Yamaha outboard motors that keep boats running through fishing and crabbing seasons.

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Using Ringfree Plus to Maintain and Older Engine

domo online blog 3 8-04-14One of my friends has been running his boat for quite a long time now. He has over 700 hours on the engine so he has started to worry that he might need to do a bit more to keep his engine running in the condition that he has for ages. He has always been good about using the right outboard motor oil in it, but now he wants to do more.

After reading some recommendations about his Yamaha outboard, he discovered that the company that built his engine recommended using a fuel additive to help clean out deposits in the engine. He started buying Ringfree Plus and putting it in the outboard on a regular basis. Now whenever he adds gasoline to his boat, he also adds a little bit of the fuel additive to help keep his engine healthy.

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Helping with the Mercury Outboard Oil at the Marina

domo online blog 1 8-04-14Yesterday, I received a call from one of my friends asking for help with his boat. Since he only got the boat last year, I was sure that he was confused about some part of regular boating maintenance so I went to the Marina to help him out. I was thinking that he would need my help determining how to open some part of his outboard engine or something like that.

It turned out that the only problem was that he didn’t know what kind of outboard oil was the right kind for his boat. He was stuck in the marina store reading the labels of a bunch of different types of oil. I was able to show him the Mercury outboard oil that was right for his boat. I am fairly certain that I could have given him the same type of help over the phone.

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Relying on Yamalube 2M When Trolling for Fish

domo online blog 5 7-28-14I have two motors on the back of my boat. One of the motors is for going fast and getting where I am going without any difficulty. The other motor is a smaller motor that is mainly for trolling when I am fishing or using as a backup motor in case the main motor breaks and I need to get myself back to shore some other way. I have to rely on this motor for trolling since my other motor is too powerful.

I always make sure that my smaller motor works before I leave the dock, because I don’t want to get out to where I am fishing and find that it doesn’t work. I put Yamalube 2M and plenty of gasoline in it so that I can be able to troll around for a long time. I make sure to keep it in top condition so that it can always keep me safe and perform the way I expect it to.

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Moving Aside the Yamaha 2w Oil to Get Out Waterskiing Equipment

domo online blog 4 7-28-14For the past several weeks, my main focus has been enjoying the lake with a couple of friends and some personal watercrafts. Last weekend, we decided that we had enjoyed a lot of time on these boats and we should try something else for a little bit. Since one of my friends has a speed boat, we decided to go water skiing and enjoy the lake in a new way.

I was able to put away the bottle of Yamaha 2W oil that we’d been using with the personal watercrafts when I got out the water skiing equipment that I purchased last year but never really used. My friends and I enjoyed a wonderful summer afternoon experimenting with the equipment and generally enjoying ourselves. Perhaps, we’ll go back to the WaveRunners again in a couple of weeks.

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He Says He Uses Evinrude XD 50 Oil

domo online blog 3 7-28-14One of my friends just started testing out a small outboard motor attached to his boat so that he can troll around when he is fishing and not worry about being run over by all of the speed boats out on the lake. The little two cycle outboard is pretty impressive for its size and actually puts out a good amount of power. My friend has really been enjoying using the engine so far.

Since my friend is very particular about keeping all of his fishing equipment in perfect shape, he will only use the best oil for his engine. He makes sure that he uses Evinrude XD 50 oil whenever he is out on the lake with his new outboard. He loves how this oil reduces the smoke that comes from the outboard motor and how well his motor seems to run.

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