Yamalube 2M Oil Keeps My 2 Stroke Outboard Running Smoothly

domo online blog 5 9-22-14Sometime in the middle of August, one of my friends asked if I might be interested in buying his boat and motor. The boat was just a small fishing boat, not good to take anywhere but a lake or a bay on a smooth day. It had a small 2 stroke motor which I was told could be temperamental at times. It wasn’t exactly a very tempting offer, but I’d been looking to buy a smaller boat.

After taking the boat off his hands, I found that the motor did seem to be just as temperamental as he had said. It started intermittently and with great effort. I took the motor to my father, who managed to do some quick repairs that had it running a bit better. I have been using some Yamalube 2M oil to keep the boat running well since the repair.

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Deciding to Use Mercury Premium Plus with the Boat Motor

My father has always been very particular about what kind of oil goes into his boat motors. He is careful to make sure that all of the boat motors that he owns use the type of oil that is actually best for their operation. Since he has a couple of different motors on the different boats that he uses, he has a few different types of oil that he uses regularly in the different motors.

In one of his newest motors, he has decided to start using Mercury premium plus oil. He did a lot of research on the motor and the kind of oil that it would need before deciding on a brand and type of oil to use. This is the type of oil that a lot of people that he has asked about the motor have recommended. So far he has enjoyed the way that the motor runs with it.

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Adding Mercury 2 Cycle Oil Before Heading to the Boat Launch

domo online blog 3 9-22-14When one of my friends bought a new boat motor from someone online, he asked me to come with him when he took it out with his boat for the first time. I agreed because I wanted to see how the motor ran since he had gotten a really good deal on it. We decided that we were going to take the boat on a lake close to his house to give the motor a good trial run.

Before heading to the boat launch, we made sure that the motor was filled with gasoline and Mercury 2 cycle oil. We were nervous before we first started up the engine, but the engine started perfectly and sounded great. We cruised around the lake with the outboard motor without experiencing any problems with it. It seems that my friend got a great deal on an excellent boat motor.

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Need to Use Evinrude XD 100 Oil to Power a New Motor

domo online blog 2 9-22-14When my uncle first bought his new boat motor, he was happy to have it because it was bigger and more powerful than his other boat motor had been. He was used to using a very small motor on the back of the boat, which was mostly good for trolling around while he was fishing on the lake by his house. It had been a decent motor, but he’d wanted something more.

His new motor is a much nicer motor than the old one. It is set up to use Evinrude XD 100 oil, which was a weird change for my uncle. Luckily, he was able to find a website with a great price. The oil works great in his boat motor and doesn’t cost too much for him to afford.

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Cutting Down Cost with Bulk Outboard Motor Oil

domo online blog 1 9-22-14At the beginning of the summer, one of my friends was sure that they wouldn’t be able to afford to run their boat at all this year. He had just lost his job, so spending money on oil for his boat and gas to run it seemed a little wasteful. He had money saved up to make sure he could survive through a period of time without a job, but it didn’t leave much money for recreation.

With how stressed out he was about getting a job, he eventually decided that he needed to go out on his boat to relieve some of the stress. To save money on taking the boat out he bought some bulk outboard motor oil. He was able to take the boat out several times without spending a lot of money. He soon was able to find a new job so money wasn’t such a huge issue.

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Another Bottle of Yamalube Oil Keeps My Dad’s Fishing Season Going Strong

domo online blog 5 9-16-14Yesterday, I went over to my father’s house to go out on a fishing trip with him on the small lake that is near to his home. As usual, he was all ready to go with his boat hooked up to his truck and everything perfectly prepared for the fishing trip. We went out on the lake and had a great time hooking trout and reeling them in throughout the early morning.

When we were done with our trip and returned to shore, my father made sure that the boat was securely on the trailer again. When he got home, he filled the boat up again with gasoline and Yamalube oil so that he would be able to go out fishing again tomorrow. My father really wants to make the most of the season before it is over and the lake by his house is closed.

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Renting WaveRunners on Vacation Means Not Worrying About Buying WaveRunner Oil

domo online blog 4 9-16-14My brother and I have always enjoyed taking a couple of WaveRunners out on the water to race around and enjoy the outdoors. It was only natural that when we went on vacation with each other this summer we rent a couple of WaveRunners to race around the reef out in the warm tropical bay near to Hawaii. We got the boats from a place right on the beach near our hotel.

It was really fun racing the boats around in the sparkling blue water and enjoying the warm Hawaiian sun beating down on us the entire time. It was bizarre for us to have the boat rental company being the one worrying about gasoline use and WaveRunner oil for these machines. At the same time it was a really nice break from having to do maintenance before taking out the boats.

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Bulk Mercury Optimax Oil is a Cheaper Way to Buy

domo online blog 3 9-16-14When my brother first bought his OptiMax outboard engine for his boat, he was excited to use it. He had first fallen in love with this type of engine when he saw it on one of his friends’ boats and enjoyed the way that it performed. He had then saved up the money to buy one to replace the older engine that had come with the boat that he had bought years before.

After investing so much time and effort into getting this engine, he wants to be sure that he is getting the most out of it. This means filling it with Mercury Optimax oil which can be expensive when he buys it at our local sporting goods store. He has recently started purchasing bulk Mercury Optimax oil because it is so much cheaper to buy it in large quantities.

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Different Types of Boat Motor Oil for Different Boat Motors

domo online blog 2 9-16-14When you buy a boat, one of the things that you should be taking into account is the type of oil that you’ll be using in the engine to ensure that it keeps running properly. Oil can be a big part of the cost of maintaining a boat, so you’ll want to make sure you know what you’re getting into early on. Even a smaller personal watercraft requires a specific type of oil.

There are many different types of boat motor oil that work best for the engines that they are designed to run in. Some boats are set up to specifically work with one type of motor oil. You always have many brands to choose from, but it is important to stay with whatever your boat owner’s manual recommends as far as the type of oil to put in the boat motor.

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High Quality 2 Cycle Oil Makes Boats Run More Smoothly

domo online blog 1 9-16-14Anyone who has walked into a marina store before knows that there are many different brands of oil to choose from. At first glance, it might seem that the only difference between the oil available is a slightly different packaging and a price point. When you run them in your engine, you will discover exactly why some of the oil costs more than other types of oil.

When you buy high quality 2 cycle oil for your boat, you are making an investment in keeping your boat running perfectly. Higher quality oil can make it so that there are fewer deposits left inside of your motor and that you are able to get more performance out of the motor. You can run cheaper oil, but you certainly won’t be seeing the same effects.

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Meeting and Exceeding Industry Standards with Yamalube 2-M

domo online blog 5 9-08-14Buying generic marine oil for your boat can be very tempting. I know many people who have been tempted by low costs to buy oil that is not as good for their boats as it is for their wallets. Generic oils are not good for your boat because they often don’t run as cleanly or as efficiently. This can make it so that you are wasting more oil and getting build up in the engine.

When I use oil for any boat, I make sure that I use oil that meets and exceeds all of the industry standards for boat oil. In one of my boats, I use Yamalube 2-M because I know that this is oil that is made for my engine. The oil protects my engine from carbon build up and makes it so that I get the best performance in my boat. It also isn’t that much more expensive when I buy it in bulk.

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Finding the Best Two Cycle Oil Available

domo online blog 4 9-08-14Anyone who owns a boat knows that there are lots of types of marine oil. When you walk into a marina store, there are rows of oil from many different brands. Many of these would work in your boat, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are the best type of oil to use in your boat. It is important that you know enough about your engine to choose the right oil.

Finding two cycle oil for your boat is a simple matter of learning what kind of oil works best in the boat. Some motors should use a synthetic blend of oil because this will make them run a lot cleaner. Using oils that run more efficiently and more cleanly can save you money in the long run because there won’t be a lot of carbon deposited inside of the engine that could cause trouble.

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