Yamalube is the Oil I Trust for My Motors

domo-online blog 4 11-17-14I take care of my watercraft extremely well. I purchased my WaveRunner as well as my outboard brand-spanking new, several years ago, and they are still running great. When you buy new, you don’t have to deal with anyone else’s maintenance neglect or bad habits. It’s extremely important to me to keep my machines running in the same great condition that I bought them in.

Yamaha has always been a brand I trust. Their Yamalube oil has always worked great in my motors and it’s all I’ve ever used. In all these years, I’ve never had an engine problem because I keep up on my regular maintenance and only use the best products to safeguard the longevity of my machines. When I buy this oil, I know I’m getting the same great product every time. Consistency is a thing I really appreciate in a running engine.

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Buying Bulk Mercury Optimax Oil to Survive the Winter

domo-online blog 3 11-17-14Living on an island in the Inside Passageway of Alaska, winters can be tough. The days grow very cold and the sea gets rough. Sun becomes a distant memory by the time the end of fall rolls around, and no one wants to go out more than necessary. It’s hibernating season for Alaskans and during this time, it’s a good idea to stock up on necessary supplies in case of emergencies.

I always buy bulk Mercury Optimax oil to get me through the winter. Because I live on an island, my main mode of transportation is my boat. It’s extremely important to me to keep my boat running clean and healthy so it can perform throughout the dreary season and beyond. That’s why I stock up well in advance of winter. Living in such a dark, cold and remote location as I do, it’s always better to be safe than sorry when stocking your supplies.

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Is it Better to Go Synthetic When Considering Your Boat Motor Oil?

domo-online blog 2 11-17-14There has been a debate for years whether synthetic is better or more efficient than regular oil in your boat engine. My father refuses to use synthetic at the moment, stating the old, ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,’ mentality. Now that I’m a grown woman with a boat of my own however, I’m considering using synthetic in my engine.

Doing my research on the best boat motor oil available, I found that using synthetic oil results in less engine wear over time, although this does come at a price. Synthetic is about twice as expensive, currently, than regular oil is. I decided that because I use my boat nearly every day for commuting, and I plan on keeping it for a long time, I’m going to switch to synthetic. Sorry Dad!

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What My Dad Taught Me About 2 Cycle Oil

domo-online blog 1 11-17-14Having been born a girl hasn’t always been easy. This is especially true because my interests lie in more masculine dominated areas, such as fast boats and hunting expeditions. At first, my father pushed aside my interest as a fleeting curiosity. He was much more involved in trying to teach my brother who had no interest at all in boats, or the outdoors for that matter. But that finally changed when my brother went to college and I got time alone with my dad.

My father decided I was serious and began teaching me everything he knew about boats. Because my education in this area was pretty beginner-level, he had to start at the most simplest instructions, such as what 2 cycle oil was and what it was used for. He informed me that this oil is intended for use in crankcase compression two-stroke engines. My next lesson is to understand what a two-stroke engine is!

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Yamalube 2-M Makes My Boat Runs Great All Summer Long

domo-online blog 5 11-10-14I purchased my first boat when I was sixteen with money I had saved up from years of being a paperboy. It was a beaten looking tin contraption with an electric motor stuck on the back and paddles for when I ran out of juice. Now, at thirty-six, and with a family of my own, I’ve upgraded my boat to a beautiful bowrider that fits the whole family plus my fishing equipment.

The type of boat wasn’t the only thing to change, however. My idea of safety did as well. I didn’t want my family to be stuck out in the middle of the ocean because of a faulty engine or bad oil. That’s why I always use Yamalube 2-M motor oil. The last thing I want is to be stuck out to sea with a crying baby and an angry wife. I trust my sanity and my marriage to Yamalube.

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Sucking Up Weeds Isn’t Your Only Problem: Choosing the Right Waverunner Oil

domo-online blog 4 11-10-14I grew up on a large river in Western Massachusetts. My summers were spent on the water, either in a boat or a jet ski, racing around and making trouble, enjoying the wind in my hair and splash of cold water against my face. That was how I usually enjoyed it, however, unless my Waverunner sucked up a bunch of weeds again and sputtered and died.

And that wasn’t the only problem I ever had. I also had an issue with using the cheapest 2-cycle oil I could find instead of the correct Waverunner oil. This, I learned, presented several problems and I believe resulted in the failure of the engine after just a few years in use. The machine never seemed to run clean, clogged by weeds or not. I definitely learned the hard way, now that my jet ski is out of order, the importance of buying good oil to run your machines.

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The Importance of Making Sure Your Outboard Oil is Full

Everglades and Turner RiverI had always wanted to take my boat down the alligator infested alleyways of the Florida Everglades and take a week off fishing in the sun with my buddies. For my thirty-second birthday, that’s exactly what I planned on giving myself as a present. Little did I know the adventure I was about to be in store for. And I use the word adventure, loosely.

On the second day out in the Everglades, with no other fishermen or people around to be found, we broke down. I found my outboard oil was almost completely depleted. I guess I had forgotten to check it, in my excitement to get out in the water. I learned a value lesson that trip. If you don’t want to be hospitalized for dehydration because your boat broke down in the Florida Everglades, always make sure your oil is full.

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The Best Oil for My Outboard: Mercury 2 Stroke Oil

domo-online blog 2 11-10-14I once used to fill my outboard with whatever cheap oil was available and positioned in front of my face. After about a year of doing this, my new boat ran like it’d been sitting in a boat yard collecting moss for ten years. The motor would smoke and cough. I knew my cheap ways had gotten me into a deep hole of engine trouble.

That’s when I switched to Mercury 2 stroke oil. I had my engine cleaned and overhauled so I could start from scratch and use the right product to protect my engine. Now when I venture out into the Sound, I’m not worried about being stranded due to engine failure. Now I’m confident in my engine’s performance.

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Why I Swear by Evinrude Oil

domo-online blog 1 11-10-14I tend to use quite a bit of motor oil on a daily basis. Living in one of the coldest and loneliest provinces in Canada, Yellow Knife is a place where you need to make sure your supplies are top quality and that they do their job well. You see, I can’t just pop over to a neighbor or run to Walmart to fetch more oil if I need it. That would require a weekend getaway and a full tank of gas.

I use my manufacturer specific oil to in my blowers and chainsaws, and Evinrude oil in my outboard. I am confident that using the correct oil will extend the overall life of my machinery.  It also runs quite well and I’ve never had a problem, no matter the temperature or the stress I put the motor under. When you depend on your products as strongly as I do, you make sure you buy right.

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Using Yamalube 2W Oil While in the Caribbean

domo online blog 5 11-03-14This month, my grandparents are going on a cruise to see a bunch of the different islands in the Caribbean. While they’re away on their Caribbean vacation, I am going to be watching their house, and responding to the emails that they send me about how nice of a vacation they are having down in the tropical part of the world. They make me wish that I was there.

Just yesterday, they sent me an email talking about how they planned to go out on some personal watercraft and soak up the sun. This email really made me miss the summer here when my brother and I would often fill our boats up with Yamalube 2W oil and zip around the lake. Now it is almost impossible for us to do this because the lake water is just too cold.

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Mercury Two Cycle Oil is Best for My Boat

domo online blog 4 11-03-14When I made the switch to a Mercury engine for my boat, I knew that I also needed to switch the type of oil that I was using. My new engine required an oil that could be used in direct injection applications rather than one that required the oil to be mixed directly into the gasoline in order to be used properly.

Since I knew that I was using a Mercury outboard motor, I determined that it would be a very good idea to choose direct injection oil that was made by Mercury. I ended up picking out a Mercury two cycle oil the exceeded all of the recommendations for use with my engine. I was very happy with the way that the oil worked when I put it into my engine.

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Mercury Engine Oil Keeps My Mercury Motors Running Efficiently

domo online blog 3 11-03-14You can’t easily get away with using a different grade of oil without experiencing serious problems as a result. When you have a motor that is made by a specific company that makes a lot of other boating equipment, it is much more important that you use the right oil. The right oil is made to make these motors operate well.

For example when I bought a Mercury outboard motor, I knew that I would not be able to use just any old oil. To make sure that the motor ran as efficiently and expertly as it was intended, I had to make sure that I used the Mercury engine oil that actually went with it. Only this type of oil could ensure that my motor kept working the way that it was intended to.

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