Evinrude Motors can Be Set Up to Run on Evinrude XD100 oil or Evinrude XD50

domo-online blog 2 2-22-16When I was looking into purchasing an Evinrude outboard for my boat, I became confused when I saw that some of them needed one type of oil while others of them needed a different type of oil. I wasn’t sure how motors that were otherwise the same could be running on completely different types of oil. It seemed odd that they might work this way.

I started to research these motors since I wanted to see why there was any type of a difference in the oil that they could use. I quickly discovered that an Evinrude outboard motor could be set up two completely different ways. The motors could be set up for Evinrude XD100 oil or they could be set up to use a different type depending on the preference of the boat owner.

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Bulk Motor Oil Makes it Easier to Stay in Business

domo-online blog 1 2-22-16When I started a company where customers would be able to hire a boat and a guide to take them fishing out on the water, I thought it would be easy enough to make money. I soon realized that it was a bit harder than I had expected just because all of the operating costs were so high. I had to take care of the boats and pay the guides. With limited business at the beginning, I thought for sure we’d go under.

While I was trying to market the company and make it a success, I looked at my different expenses to find out what I could do to make everything more affordable. I eventually decided to buy bulk motor oil instead of small amounts since I could get it cheaper in large quantities. This helped me to keep costs lower while I turned my business around.

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Yamalube Oil is Perfect for My New Outboard Motor

domo-online blog 5 2-15-16In preparation for the spring boating season, I decided to finally make the leap and buy a completely new outboard motor. I spent a lot of time looking at these motors and trying to find the right kind of motor for my boat. After so much consideration, I decided that it was just time to go ahead and buy one so that I could have a new one for my boat.

When I brought the motor home and got it set up on my boat, I was really excited to be able to actually use it. Of course, before I ended up using it, I had to make sure that I would be able to get the right kind of oil for the new motor, since my old brand wasn’t very good quality. I decided to switch over to Yamalube oil since this was much better quality.

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Waiting for the Weather to Warm Up So That I’ll Need to Use Some WaveRunner Oil Again

domo-online blog 4 2-15-16Since my WaveRunners never go out during the winter, I make sure to put them into storage and to take any fluids out of them so that they will work again when I take them back out. We have been having an unseasonably warm winter here, which is making me antsy about the possibility of getting out on the water again. I am hoping the weather warms up a bit more.

As soon as the warm weather seems like it will be staying around for a good amount of time, I am going to get my WaveRunners ready to be used. I have everything that I need on hand already since I soon expect to be able to take these boats out. I don’t want the weather to be nice enough and then be caught without the WaveRunner oil that I need.

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Two Cycle Oil is Perfect for the Two Cycle Outboards I Use on Rental Boats

domo-online blog 3 2-15-16When I took over the rental boat company that my father started when he was young, I had to learn a lot more about boats than I initially knew. I was lucky to have my dad looking out for me, making sure that I knew how to do simple maintenance on the boats that we had. I was able to learn a lot about the type of oil the boats needed and how to fix simple problems.

To make sure that I am able to keep all of the boats in my shop supplied with the oil they need, I have to make sure that I always have a good amount on hand. I typically will buy the best quality two cycle oil that I can find in bulk since this saves me money in the long run because my boats are well cared for. I love getting boats back from a customer and having them complement me on how great the boat ran.

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Optimax Oil is Optimal for My Outboard Motor

domo-online blog 2 2-15-16When I got a Mercury Optimax engine I knew that I would have to use a specific type of oil if I really wanted it to perform as optimally as I wanted it to. I wanted to be able to keep my motor running perfectly by getting the oil that was right for it so that the motor would run efficiently and produce less exhaust. I have always hated boat exhaust so this was a key selling point for me.

In order to make it simple for my motor to run the way that it was meant to, I have to take the time to find the right oil for it each time it needs new oil. I use Optimax oil since this is the type of oil that is actually made for the outboard that I bought. The oil ensures that my boat always produces only minimal exhaust which makes me happy.

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Evinrude XD 100 Oil Keeps My Engine Running When I Need it the Most

domo-online blog 1 2-15-16Having a boat engine sputter out can be annoying at the best of times, but whenever everything else is going wrong, it is important that the engine keeps running. There is nothing worse than finding yourself trapped in a storm with no power in the engine to get back out of there. With a motor you can at least head for home, hoping to get back safely.

Since I always have these situations in mind, I do what I can to make sure that my engine is maintained properly. I know that by using reliable gasoline and high quality Evinrude XD 100 oil, I am setting myself up for success. I don’t worry about my engine sputtering out when I need it the most since I have taken precautions to keep my engine working.

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Yamalube 2 Cycle Oil is Regularly on My Shopping List

domo-online blog 5 2-08-16Since I run a boat rental company, I have to constantly maintain all of the boats that I have so that they are ready for people to use. I make sure that I wash the boats after they are used and get them ready for the next person who is renting the boat. Part of this is doing a quick inspection to make sure that there is nothing that the boat needs before going out again.

Since I have a large number of boats, it seems as if I am always adding oil or gasoline to one boat or another. I have a shopping list for my business that I use to keep track of anything that I am running low on. I find that Yamalube 2 cycle oil is one of the things that seems to be on my shopping list the most since the boats need this oil to continue running well.

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Mercury Oil is All I Need to Get My Boat Ready for the Fishing Season

domo-online blog 4 2-08-16I am very excited for this next fishing season because it feels like it has been forever since I was able to catch a fish. I had to take a short break from fishing since I was busy taking care of a family member who became ill. I am more than ready to get back to fishing now that this family member is feeling a lot better and doesn’t need my help anymore.

To help me get back to fishing, I have to make sure that my boat is in running condition. I have been working on the motor and checking all of the things that might have been messed up when it had to sit through the last season for fishing. It looks like I’ll just need some Mercury oil and I will be able to go out on the water and start fishing.

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Evinrude XD 50 Oil is What I Need for My Fishing Boat

domo-online blog 3 2-08-16I have started to take out people who are interested in fishing in this area while they are on vacation. I schedule trips with them and take them out to all the places around here where the fishing is good. Many tourists enjoy having a guide and prefer having someone else drive them around in a boat so that they don’t have to steer a rented boat in unfamiliar waters.

To make it so that I am able to keep my boat running well so that I never have to cancel a fishing trip, I make sure to get my boat everything that it needs. This means purchasing Evinrude XD 50 oil and looking at the motor on a regular basis. I am able to make sure that the fishing boat is ready whenever anyone books a trip with me.

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Evinrude Outboard Oil is Just What My Second Motor on My Boat Needs

domo-online blog 2 2-08-16Since I take friends and family members out fishing regularly, I try to make sure that my boat is always ready to go. I know that sometimes things can happen and motors can break down, but I try to keep this from happening as much as possible. I maintain my motors well and use quality oil to keep them running a lot better all of the time.

Since I know that something could still happen, I make sure that my boat is always equipped with more than one motor. The second motor is a good back up just in case something happens to the first one. I keep the motor ready with Evinrude outboard oil and a supply of gasoline so that this motor can get us home if something happens.

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Bulk Outboard Motor Oil Keeps My Fleet of Rental Boats Supplied

domo-online blog 1 2-08-16When I have started to rent out boats for people to use on the water near to where I lived, I wanted to make sure that I would be able to make a profit doing this. I started the business as a place where people could come to get reliable boats to take out on the water. This meant that I needed to upkeep them and maintain them constantly which was sometimes expensive.

I have tried to cut costs where I can without making it so that the boats don’t run as well as I would like them too. I like to make sure that I can use quality oil since I know using low quality oil can do more damage in the long run. I have been able to save money on operation costs by buying quality bulk outboard motor oil instead of smaller amounts of generic oil.

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