Must Have Info – Read This!

Help Preserve Healthy Coastline with Evinrude XD 50 Engine OilAn Environmental Guide for Watercraft Operators
Reprinted from Evinrude XD 50 Engine Oil website
©Personal Watercraft Industry Association

All boaters participate in the ecosystem, a system created by the interaction of a community of organisms with their environment. We are not separate from nature, but a part of it. As boaters, we cannot ignore the effect we have on the environment. The waters that we enjoy may be impacted by our actions. Every boater has a responsibility to learn and use environmentally safe boating practices and products (like Evinrude XD 50 Motor Oil) that will protect the waters for the future.

As a watercraft rider, you are considered a boater. Watercraft are defined as Class A inboard boats by the U.S. Coast Guard and are required to follow most boating regulations.

The Personal Watercraft Industry encourages you to adopt the following simple guidelines to preserve our natural resources.

Beware and show you care by following these general rules.


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Prices just keep getting better

SmileyAs a top performer XD 50 outboard motor oil from Evinrude/Johnson is a very popular formula. Offering improved emissions and superior protection against engine wear, this oil has earned its place as a staple for those who have 2 stroke engines. That’s why the continuosly dropping price comes as such a surprise. With already rock bottom prices, how can it get any better?

It just did! For less than $22/gallon you can stop using the other stuff and start using the oil that was designed for YOUR engine. If you need a TC-W3 compliant oil then this is for you. So stop by and check out the lower price on XD 50 motor oil!

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Stay on top with XD 50

Evinrude XD 50Evinrude’s top-quality synthetic blend for 2 cycle outboard motors is XD 50. Performance enhanced and ready for action this unique oil boasts a cleaner combustion and even reduced smoke emissions. Anyone who’s been in a smoke cloud can tell you, this is a good thing. Aside from being a synthetic blend and cleaner burning outboard motor oil XD 50 also protects against engine wear with superior lubrication.

If you’re looking for an oil that provides a high load performance and unmatched dependability then XD 50 is the formula for you. Enjoy the reduced maintenance and top performance of 2 cycle engine oil from one of the world’s leading innovators. With bulk pricing and fast delivery there’s no better time to buy.

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The Fantastic Yamaha FX Nytro XTX Crossover

The newly announced Yamaha FX Nytro XTX crossover snowmobile looks fantastic. It’s 130 horsepower –1049cc — three cylinder engine has enough power to climb everything but the trees along the trail. Sorry, it doesn’t use Yamalube 2S oil —it’s a four stroke engine.


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“With every trip I collect new mementos, though few are collected in scrapbooks. And those who fish for bass across the land collect them too. They are the images from first light to last and from first fish to last. And we’d share them in a minute. Some recall particular triumphs often preserved in snapshots and clippings, while others we tend to hide, at least until the time we’re ready to laugh about them. Daybreaks, canebrakes, heartbreaks, muggy nights, and foggy mornings. A hundred things that worked, and a thousand things that should have. That’s bass fishing.”

-George KramerBass

Before you head out for bass fishing, make sure you don’t get stranded. Get the right 2-cycle oil for your outboard motor!

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What’s the big deal?

Synthetic OilA lot of people don’t know exactly what sets synthetic oil apart from its counterpart. Motor oil that’s derived from the proces of turning oil into petroleum is what has traditionally been called motor oil. Synthetic oil is oil created from chemical compounds. Historically, traditional mineral oils such asd those derived from processing crude oil are not as efficient or beneficial to the use of high performance engines.

Synthetic oil offers a full host of advantages versus mineral oils and can often last much longer. As a more economical, more earth friendly product, synthetic motor oil is unmatched in terms of convenience and ease-of-use. Most people don’t need to know exactly how a 2 cycle outboard motor oil works. All they need to know is that the motor itself works. But with synthetic oils you can improved the overall performance of your outboard motor, not to mention increase oil efficiency.

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Yamaha Motor annual net sales up 11%

Line GraphYamaha Motor’s operating income rose 2.8%, to JPY127 billion, and ordinary income climbed 11.9% to JPY140.3 billion. However net income decreased 7.8% to JPY71.2 billion during the fiscal year under review, due to a special provision for an accrual for product liabilities.

Motorcycle sales have increased 15.5% from the previous fiscal year, exceeding one trillion yen at JPY1.05 trillion, led principally by favorable sales in Indonesia, Vietnam and Brazil. Marine product sales rose 8.8%, to JPY289.9 billion, reflecting steady increases in personal watercraft sales in the US and outboard motor sales in Europe.

Meanwhile, operating income from the motorcycle business rose 15.4% to JPY63 billion. Operating income from the marine product business increased 21.6%, to JPY28.2 billion. Operating income from the power product business dropped 19.5%, to JPY22.2 billion.

Negative factors affecting operating income include an increase in selling, general and administrative expenses totaling JPY52.8 billion from 2006, the impact of a change in the product mix and related factors totaling JPY10.3 billion, an increase in R&D expenses totals JPY7.5 billion, hikes in raw material prices totaling JPY4.9 billion, and an increase in depreciation expenses totaling JPY5.7 billion.

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The Outboard Motor

Fifties Evinrude AdThe history of the outboard motor is as simple as its operation. A testament to ingenuity, the outboard motor was invented in 1907 by Ole Evinrude. A pattern maker by trade, Ole Evinrude finished his first outboard motor in 1907 And even to this day, outboard motors are basically the same: using Ole’s idea of a vertical crankshaft, horizontal flywheels, and set of bevel gears. Today Evinrude motors, with the help of some good outboard motor oil, will propel a boat a bit faster than the ’07 version (150 mph versus 5 mph).

Since its invention the outboard motor has come quite a ways in terms of technology, efficiency and performance. Throughout the years other engineers have expanded on Evinrude’s ideas and made the outboard motor one of the most remarkable inventions of the century. Ole Evinrude is a great example of the entrepeneurial spirit and the innovation that mark much of boating culture.

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Fishing Among Top Ten Sports in the US

Freshwater FishingFishing is often a nostalgic activity, bringing people back to their childhood fun. Whether they enjoyed fishing with family, friends or just by themselves, fishing is an integral part of our American culture. Frequently used for recreational activity and family outings, fishing has proven itself to be one of the most relaxing activities anyone can engage in.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to bodies of water, types of fish and even types of boats. With so many boats becoming more and more affordable everyday we see more people taking to the open water for fishing expeditions with family and friends. 2-cycle engines offer an excellent resource in this area, providing lightweight, affordable motors that are convenient and easy to use. And your 2-cycle engine oil is affordable too! In creeks, streams, rivers lakes and salt-water people just like you are enjoying the real fun of fishing.

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Safety First

Dog Life VestThe last thing anyone wants is a mishap or accident on the water. Oftentimes these scenarios can leave people susceptible to drowning or freezing. Part of a good boating safety regimen is making sure everyone on your boat is equipped with a quality-tested life vest. With all the stores offering this type of safety equipment to boating enthusiasts you can easily find almost anything you need.

Whether it’s special sizes or special quality or bouyance requirements, everything is right at your fingertips. Boating preparedness and best practices don’t end with affordable, high quality 2-cycle motor oil. Do yourself and your ship-mates the favor of maintaining a high level safety on the water.

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Shipping deals a plus

Freight TruckBecause of its weight outboard motor oil can present a unique challenge to freight carriers and handlers. Whether it’s by the cae of by the drum, oil is heavy and requires dependable shipping. At they’ve done the work already, lining up a reliable, affordable freight shipper. When your order is to be delivered to Florida you can have your motor oil within just a few days of your order process completion.

Capitalizing on personalized service you can even call and find the name of the freight service nearest you so that you can go and pick your oil at that terminal. Because it’s so affordable the shipping doesn’t cause too much of an impact on the overall cost of the oil you buy. Because it’s so fairly priced you can still enjoy enormous discounts on your motor oil and still get the convenience of a competent and proved freight service.

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How long before your 55 gallon drum of oil goes bad?

I use Evinrude XD50 in my 200 hp Evinrude E-Tec engine and am thinking about buying a 55 gallon bulk oil drum. I can save about $10 a gallon compared to the counter price at the store, but I wonder how fast I must use it before it goods bad…or does it ever go bad?

My two fishing buddies and I are sharing the drum and should finish it off in about a year.

Does anybody know the answers? Thanks, Bill

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