Q & A

Evinrude OilQuestion:

I have a sport twin 10hp evinrude and wandering if i need to add any special gas additive or can i just run it on 50:1 Evinrude oil


The 10hp Sportwins were built in one form or another up into the early 1960s (need model number to pinpoint) and don’t make the cut for 50:1 mix. They still had several bronze babbit bearings and need some extra oil to stay in operation over the long haul. 32:1 (pint oil to 4 gallons gas) using good quality TCW-3 rated oil and good quality gasoline (89 should be good enough – 87 can be kinda junky in some areas, 90+ high test not necessary) and you’ll be good to go…
– Scott

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Get Your Motor Runnin’ with Evinrude Oil

Evinrude Oil to the Rescue“Chances are you’ve seen some old-timer tooling down the road with a flat-bottom boat tied into the back of his pickup. Inside the boat, or maybe in the truck bed itself, wedged between the cab and the wheel well, rides a battered old outboard motor.

If those old motors could talk, the stories they could tell about long-ago duck hunts and fishing trips.

Surprisingly, many cosmetically abused motors still run well. With a modest investment of time, money and Evinrude Oil, you can restore them to showroom condition.

Collectors generally don’t restore outboards for the money. Fully restored, most outboards don’t bring a profit after you factor in the price of parts, tools and time. Most do it for the satisfaction of restoring such an important piece of Americana.”

The results are in. For the best outboard motor oil on the planet there’s no beating Evinrude Oil. Take care of your engine and you’ll enjoy it for years!

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Why Evinrude Oil

Evinrude Oil

Take care of your outboard motor with 2 cycle Evinrude Oil!

Marine engines sometime have two strikes against them before they leave the factory. First, when they are run, they generally are run at or near peak RPM for extended periods of time under heavy load conditions. Every time they are asked to plow through a wave or boat wake, the engine strains to keep RPM constant. This would be the equivalent of having your car attached to a giant bungee cord, adding drag and releasing it over and over all day long, something we would never dream of doing. Secondly, extended periods of time between uses is common on marine engines, allowing potentially damaging corrosion to build up quickly.

The key to fighting these damaging realities is proper care and maintenance of your engine through proper lubrication. The proper outboard motor oil will reduce friction and leave the cylinder walls properly coated to eliminate corrosion between uses. Changing the crankcase oil frequently will prolong the life of inboard engines. The proper fuel additives will keep your fuel fresh all season, and remove water build up due to condensation in the tank. Other important additives can boost octane levels of the fuel and clean the injectors, all in the name of increased fuel economy.

The bottom line is, don’t treat your boat as if it’s a car. Make sure you have the proper marine products to extend the life of your engine.

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The Start of the Outboard Motor — the Evinrude Story

The outboard motor was invented over 100 years ago — the inventor, Ole Evinrude, died 68 years ago.

Ole Evinrude was born in Norway in 1877. His family moved to the U.S. when he was a small boy, settling in Wisconsin. He grew up working with his hands and spent his teens taking jobs at factories until he founded his own motor shop around the turn of the century.

The Story that sparked the Idea!

In 1906, Evinrude was picnicking on a small island with Bess Cary, his future wife. Bess mentioned that she’d like some ice cream and Ole volunteered to go get it — even though it meant rowing quite some distance to another island. By the time Ole returned with the gallon of ice cream, it had melted away. This event inspired Evinrude to create a lightweight, detachable motor that could power small boats.

The invention is born!

He made his first tests in 1907, started a new company in 1909 and obtained a patent in 1911. Soon the Evinrude Outboard Motor Company had hundreds of employees. Ole led the technical team and Bess was in charge of advertising and promotion — with the company’s motto: “Don’t row! Throw the oars away! Use an Evinrude motor”. He later started his own brand of Evinrude Oil … but that’s another story!

The Evinrudes retired early, but they got back into the small motor business in the 1920s. They continued to improve and sell their outboard motors, even during the lean years of the Depression. Bess died in 1933 and Ole died the next year, at the age of 57, on July 12, 1934. The year he died, his company created the Lawn-Boy brand of lawnmowers, which still exists, as does the Evinrude brand of outboard motors — although both brands are now owned by different companies.

The budding love of a woman and her love for ice cream sparked an industry that today is worth billions of dollars!


(Thanks — https://www.tecsoc.org/pubs/history/2002/jul12.htm — for this great story!)

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Evinrude indsutry leaders for almost a century!

Evinrude E-Tec“Bess Cary loved ice cream. One day, during a picnic on an island in a Wisconsin lake, Cary asked fiance Ole Evinrude if he would row back to shore to get her a dish.
Sweat poured down his face as he raced to get the ice cream back to his dear Bess before it melted under the hot summer sun. That was when Evinrude thought to himself, “There has to be a better way.””

And Evinrude outboard 2 cycle motors were born, and with them a long history of reliability and non-stop innovation. In the market of 2 cycle outboard engine oil Evinrude continues to lead with both its Evinrude XD 50 and XD 100 oil types for all kinds of 2 cycle engines. See for yourself how to increase your outboard motor’s performance with near half-off oil prices at domo-online!

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Records Tumble

BRP Australia

Evinrude E-Sydney Australia, February, 2007 – The Southern 80 Ski Race which has been held for over 40 years was again held this past weekend. The Race takes place on the Murray River between Torrumbarry and Echuca on the second Sunday in February each year.

The event is a two up water ski race, which covers the river from Torrumbarry to Echuca with over 120 bends on this 80 kilometer race section. The race attracted 563 entries from all over Australia with international representation from New Zealand, Great Britain and the USA.

Once again Evinrude E-Tec has shown a clear set of heels in the MOC and SMOC classes with 5 races contested, winning all 5 and obliterating 3 long standing Mercury records with the winning SMOC class boats, all powered by fully homologated
Evinrude E-TEC™ 250 H.O. and Evinrude Outboard Motor Oil!

• SMOC Expert class Stalker Racing broke the 2004 race record.
• SMOC Social Class Stalker Racing broke the 2003 Mercury race record.
• SMOC Short Course Expert Evinrude Racing broke the 2007 Mercury race record.


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How it Works

The two stroke engine employs the crankcase as well as the cylinder to achieve all the elements of the Otto cycle in only two strokes of the piston. A quality outboard motor oil like Evinrude XD 50 is more important than ever.

Click here to see it work…

twos_in.gifIntake. The fuel/air mixture is first drawn into the crankcase by the vacuum created during the upward stroke of the piston. The illustrated engine features a poppet intake valve, however many engines use a rotary value incorporated into the crankshaft. (more…)

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The Many Benefits of Recycling

The Many Uses of Recycled Motor Oil

Oil BarrelRecycling used outboard motor oil keeps oil out of landfills and ensures that this oil is available for re-use, reconditioning, reprocessing or re-refining.

From a purely environmental point of view, the best thing that the motor oil consumer can do is to buy a longer-lasting oil. In that way, less used oil is generated in the first place.

Over 380 million gallons of used oil is recycled each year according to the U.S. EPA, which equates to over 50 percent of all motor oil purchased annually.

Currently, used motor oil can be re-used or recycled one of three ways-reconditioning, reprocessing or re-refining. It is important to note that each process can be important in helping to manage the overall volume of used motor oil in the U.S.


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Don’t Forget to Stir Your Oil

Waring Boat Motor Immersion MixerWhen you’ve got a drum of oil it’s a good idea to stir it from time to time and I’ve found a method that works alarmingly well. However, you have to do this with the lid on the 55 gallon drum or you’ll be wearing your oil. The way to do this is to cut as small a diameter circle as possible to fit the mixer through so you can stir the oil without throwing it. I’ve only tried this with the bulk Evinrude XD 50 oil as that’s the drum I bought.

Once you’ve got the small hole cut in the top of the lid just place the immersion blender in the hole, you can even rest the motor of the blender on the lid if you cut your hole right. Plug it in, flip the safety and pull the triggers for unattended operation. Then just let it sit. These things are ultrapowerful and, ironically, are known as boat motors! It’s just a giant mixer that moves at an incredible speed. Don’t let it run too long so it doesn’t overheat, but long enough to stir all the oil in the drum. It may need a couple of minutes to really get moving.

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Shelf life of Oil

My friend Al, at the Evinrude Service Center says he is still using oil that he has stored in his garage for 8-10 years ….and it is still good. He stressed that you have to keep it free of any dirt, heat or moisture. So, getting a drum of bulk oil and taking 1-2 years to use it up should be no problem at all.

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The Difference Is Genuine

Evinrude XD 50 Bulk OilEvinrude/Johnson XD50

ENHANCED FOR HIGH PERFORMANCE – WITHOUT A DROP OF STEROIDS. Evinrude/Johnson XD50™ is a synthetic blend oil that delivers dependable performance under heavy-use conditions. XD50 meets the specific demands of direct injection outboards and water-cooled 2-cycle outboard engines. XD50 – more reliable, less maintenance.

  • Reduces smoke for cleaner operation
  • Protects against wear with superior lubricity
  • Contains CarbX™ Combustion Cleaner

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Motor Oil Facts, Not Friction

High Performance Evinrude E-Tec Outboard Motor Using Evinrude XD 50

Evinrude XD 50 Continues to Lead the Industry in Cost-effective Innovation

NEW YORK, Feb 05, 2008 /PRNewswire via COMTEX/ — MS — There are meaningful differences in motor oils and choosing the right one can have a major impact on how well your car runs. Selecting the right oil is the quickest and cheapest way to improve your car’s performance and reliability.

Base oils

The two primary types of base oils used are mineral and synthetic. Mineral oils are by-products of refined crude oil. Refining helps reduce the impurities but leaves molecules of all shapes and sizes. Synthetic oils are manmade compounds where molecules are all the same size and shape; consequently, synthetic oil has less friction and performs significantly better than mineral oils.


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