Replacing and Repairing Your Propeller

Replacing and Repairing Your Propeller

Your boat propeller works by changing the engine’s power into a thrusting that moves your boat forward. Knowing how to do basic propeller repair and maintenance tasks can go a long way in helping you take proper care of your boat without spending excessive repair technicians’ costs. Ignoring the problem will cause more problems, not unlike not regularly changing your outboard motor oil. Here are some quick tips to maintain your propeller:

  • Check the blades on your propeller for nicks or bent parts. These are all signs of propeller wear that typically signal time for a propeller replacement. Any problems with your propeller blades can hinder the job they do for you and can hurt the engine. If your propeller has worn blades, your engine can be damaged further by improper acceleration.
  • Mold any dings out of your propeller. If your prop is just a bit dinged up after a tough sail or impact with an underwater obstruction, it is possible to simply reshape it a bit. It is best to make a mold of the original prop in new condition where the blades are still at their original angle, and then use this mold as a guide when reshaping your prop after impact.
  • Make sure your hub is not slipping. If the propeller hub is the problem, your boat won’t move at all even when you hit the gas. To fix this problem, remove the propeller, and mark the end of the propeller housing and the hub and keep the marks in line with one another. Install a new propeller to see if that fixes the problem. If the marks are out of line, your hub is slipping.
  • Balance your propeller. This can usually only be done by a certified technician, but making sure your propeller is properly balanced ensures that it runs free of any troublesome or even dangerous vibrations.
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History of Outboard Motors

History of Outboard MotorsThe creation of the first practical outboard motor is often credited to Norwegian-American inventor Ole Evinrude in 1909.

Historically, a majority of outboards have been two-stroke powerheads fitted with a carburetor due to the designs inherent simplicity, reliability, low cost and light weight.

In the 1990s, U.S. and European exhaust emissions regulations led to the proliferation of four-stroke outboards. Though fewer in number, four-stroke outboards have always been with us.

Outboard motors benefit from the ability to draw coolant from the water, obviating the need for radiators and cooling fans, thereby simplifying the design and lowering component weight. The motors also have several brands (i.e. Yamalube, Mercury and the creator’s namesake, Evinrude) of oil to choose from, giving the consumer a seemingly infinite amount of options based on their needs.

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Oil Prices Slide, Gas Prices Steady

Oil Prices Slide, Gas Prices SteadyOnce again, the prices of bulk oil have fallen, trading at $133.64 from nearly $140. Gas prices, however, remain around $4.11 per gallon. Though analysts suggest that the sporadic rise and fall of oil means that the previously mentioned breaking price of $150 per barrel will happen, the price jump has been a headache for many Americans, stifling traveling via plane or car; and even affecting the boating industry.

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Yamaha Shows off New Outboard

YamalubeYamaha Motor Corporation has unveiled a second generation four stroke 250hp outboard featuring digital electronic remote control for greatly improved operability and reliability.

The new F250B is based on the proven 3.3 litre V6 from the ground breaking F250A. The new release Yamaha F250B offers a suite of technological advantages for smooth throttle operation, responsive performance plus secure and reliable gear shifting.

At the heart of the new model F250B is Yamaha’s digital electronic remote control system. Governed and monitored by Yamaha’s sophisticated Engine Control Module (ECM), throttle control and gear shift is digitally controlled through a remote electronic box linked to the throttle lever.

These new features display the company’s commitment to product enhancement, which also includes their in-house oil brand, Yamalube.

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Winterizing Your Boat

Winterizing Your BoatIt may be sometime before the season ends, but you’ll want to read up on the precautions you need to take to ensure a long life for your boat. Prior to the step below, Drain the gear case and check for excessive moisture in the boat motor oil.

Then, flush engine with fresh water using flush muffs or similar device attached to the raw water pickup. Let all water drain from the engine. Wash engine down with soap and water and rinse thoroughly. Disconnect fuel hose and run engine until it stops. It is important to follow a step by step process to make sure that all fuel is drained from the carburetor to prevent build-up of deposits from evaporated fuel. Use fogging oil in the cylinders to lubricate the cylinder walls and pistons. Apply water resistant grease to propeller shaft and threads. Change the gear oil in the lower unit. Lightly lubricate the exterior of the engine or polish with a good wax.

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New Outboard for Duck Hunters

New Outboard for Duck HuntersJust in time for duck season comes the Mercury Flyway 25 EFI FourStroke outboard with Advantage MAX-4 HD camouflage and matching low-gloss paint, so hunters seeking total stealth no longer need hide an outboard under spray paint, stickers or a bag.

Mercury says if you look carefully, you’ll see that the pattern incorporates cattails, millet, milo, corn stalks, sunflowers, oak and maple leaves, cedar and oak limbs, plus a variety of other plant life. The Flyway 25, available at participating dealers, features battery-free electronic fuel injection system and is available in both electric and manual start models; and, of course, it’s suggested that you use Mercury engine oil with the boat.

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How to Find your Local Oil Recycling Center

How to Find your Local Oil Recycling CenterThrough several posts on this blog, we’ve stressed the importance of recycling your outboard motor oil. One of the biggest concerns is where to find your local recycling station. There are several ways to do this.

The easiest way to do it is to check your local phone book. You can also check your county or city’s website to find locations. If none of those resources work out, you could also consult an auto mechanic, as they would know where to recycle your oil.

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An Evinrude Testimonial

Evinrude oilIf this is your first season as a boat owner, you may be overwhelmed by the numerous brands and products out there to outfit your boat with. You’ll also no doubt be familiar with how to do basic maintenance on your boat. When it comes to engine oil, you’ll find that you have several choices, yet I would recommend Evinrude.

Evinrude oil will allow your boat to run well and will not cause any type of engine problems. It’s easily one of the top brands out there. Check it out for yourself and see how it fares this season.

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Oil Declines Nearing Summer’s Halfway Point

Oil Declines Nearing Summer's Halfway PointThe price of bulk oil dropped today, even at the reports of Hurricane Bertha. The strengthening of the American dollar and the ease of a storm on the Gulf coast has caused oil to tumble down below $136.

Despite this, gas prices are remaining at $4.10 a gallon. Because of these prices there have been a lack of demand for gas, as many Americans have opted to stay home or limit their vacations this year.

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Picking the Proper Two-Cycle Oil

Two-Cycle OilTo understand how two cycle oil works in your engine, we need to cover some basic information on engine operating conditions and oil formulation. Outboard engines are characterized by their constant speed, high output operation. They are usually set at a desired high speed and continue at that speed until the destination is reached and then throttled down. Also, they are constantly cooled with fresh, cool, non re-circulated water.

Chainsaws, on the other hand, are a high action operation. They are constantly started and stopped, used for short periods, and frequent overloads are its hard place in life. Additionally, they have smaller displacements than outboards and are air cooled. By understanding how the operation of an engine can affect the oil used and how oil can affect the engine, we can better appreciate the difference between a water cooled two-cycle oil and one formulated for an air cooled two-cycle engine.

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A Simple Task

A Simple TaskBefore taking your boat out on the water, you may want to go over the following checklist just to make sure that she will run as well as she should. These are relatively easy things to look over that should take no more than half-an-hour.

  • Sniff engine compartment for gasoline fumes
  • Check marine engine oil level
  • Check electrolyte level in batteries
  • Check power steering fluid
  • Check belts
  • Check hoses
  • Check trim/tilt fluid
  • Check propeller
  • Once started-check all gauges
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4th of July Woes

4th of July WoesAs we inch closer to the 4th of July weekend, bulk oil prices are still increasing as supply and demand in the U.S. dwindle. With a weak economy and threat of war in the Middle East, oil and gas prices have been fluctuating for months.

Despite all of these issues, analysts are still claiming that gas and oil prices will slide once a peak (which at press time has been around $143 a barrel) has hit.

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