TCW-2 Oil and Older Outboard Motors

TCW-2 Oil and Older Outboard Motors

Owner’s manuals for outboard motors made in 1992 or prior used to state that premium fuel was required for proper operation, because during that time, premium outboard motor fuel was manufactured containing additives that minimized the formation of deposits inside the engines. During those years, the best oil available was rated at TCW-2 and did not contain the detergents and carbon preservative ingredients that marine engine oil such as XD-30, XD-50, and XD-100 does today. The federal government ruled in the late 1990s that all grades of fuel were required to include identical additive ingredients, and the premium fuel requirement for outboard motors was discontinued.

If you still have some TC2-W outboard motor oil, it can still be used in a motor from 1992 or before. If you choose to use TC2-W oil in an older motor, Evinrude recommends addition of a product such as Carbon Guard to lessen carbon deposit formation. Be aware, however, that using TCW-2 oil in a motor that requires TCW-3 oil will void your warranty should any oil-related malfunction occur.

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Price of Oil Still Rising This Week

Prices of Oil Still Rising This Week

Crude oil prices increased by over $1 a barrel yesterday as a declining dollar encouraged investors to buy stocks as an inflation hedge, or investment intended to protect against risk of inflation. (Natural resources operations stocks are one of the most popular commodities used as an inflation hedge, as its value predictably rises with inflation.)

“At this stage, the gyrations of the dollar are the primary movers of the oil market,” said Nauman Barakat, senior vice president of global energy futures at Macquarie Futures USA, Inc. in New York. “The focus will remain on the value of the dollar against the euro.” The price of bulk oil is up about 59% from a year ago.

(Information Courtesy of Bloomberg News)

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A Good Question!

A Good Question!

In the last couple of blogs, we’ve covered some basic fuel and oil questions in regard to boating. One frequently asked question that was not previously addressed was, “I have some outboard motor oil that has been sitting on the shelf for a few years. Is it any good? Can I still use it?”

The answer is: shake it up a bit and it should be fine. It may need to be room temperature to perform at its best, so avoid extreme heat or cold.

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What Is Oxygenated Fuel?

What is Oxygenated Fuel?

What is oxygenated fuel? Oxygenated fuel contains oxygen as part of its chemical makeup. The purpose of fuel oxygenation is often to reduce carbon monoxide levels created while the fuel burns. Usually oxygenates come in the form of gasoline additives, such as alcohol.

Some boaters are concerned with the possibility than an oxygenated fuel can harm their motor and interfere with the performance of their outboard motor oil. Outboard motors can generally tolerate up to 10% alcohol content in fuels, which is the maximum amount allowed by the United States.

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Got Evinrude Oil?

Got Evinrude Oil?

If it is a new motor, and it is attached to a new Evinrude boat (or a new-to-you boat), congratulations! You may have a question or two about the best care and feeding for this fine machine. For instance, if you are dealing with a two-stroke Evinrude motor, you may be wondering what kind of oil to use. Their suggestions are XD30, XD50 and XD100 oil for two-stroke motors that are 1993 and newer. When it comes to the grade of Evinrude outboard oil to use, 87 octane is the current minimum, but 89 octane is actually preferred. Use of higher-octane fuels have not proven to provide any additional benefit, and may actually exacerbate hard starting conditions in hot weather.

If you are wondering about the proper ratio of fuel to oil for optimal performance in your Evinrude motor, a breakdown given on the company website is as follows: 1958 and prior used 20 parts fuel to 1 part oil; 1959-1963 used 24 parts fuel to 1 part oil; 1964 and newer use 50 parts fuel to 1 part oil. High performance racing usage requires a ratio of 25 parts fuel to 1 part oil. Finally, when it comes to gearcase oil type and capacity, refer to your owner’s manual for specifications.

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Mercury Builds on Success

Mercury Builds on Success

Expanding on the success of its 9.9 hp Pro Kicker Four Stroke outboard engine, Mercury Marine has launched its 15 hp Pro Kicker Four Stroke, which also comes in 15 Bigfoot and 15 Prokicker models. The specifications of the straight 15 hp include a maximum rpm of 4500-5500, a water-cooled system, manual or electric starters, tiller or remote steering, standard propellers, and a standing recommendation to use Mercury engine oil.

The 15 Bigfoot model has a larger gearcase designed to haul heavier loads, such as pontoons. This expanded gearcase has a better torque ratio, enabling the use of larger propellers. The 15 Prokicker model is meant to incorporate the best features of the 15 Prokicker Four Stroke, but its construction is purposely lightweight to allow for versatility and use in any number of boating applications.

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Happy 100th Anniversary, Evinrude!

Happy 100th Anniversary, Evinrude!

Bombardier Recreational Products (BRP), the private company that owns the Evinrude brand, kicked off a year-long celebration of Evinrude’s 100th anniversary on February 14, 2008 at the Miami Boat Show. Always on the cutting edge of boating innovation, Evinrude moves into the future with its line of E-Tec outboard motors, the most environmentally friendly outboard motor in the world. Evinrude also has a popular line of boat motor oil.

“By letting people throw away the oars, Evinrude outboard engines have introduced scores of people to the joys of boating and turned these people into lifelong boating enthusiasts,” Roch Lambert, vice president and general manager of the outboard motor division at BRP, said at the time. “Indeed, in its proud history, Evinrude has sold more engines worldwide than any other outboard manufacturer. People know that buying an Evinrude means buying a trusted brand name that delivers everything they want in an outboard engine,” Mr. Lambert continued.

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A Fishing Club Can Save You Money On Oil!

A Fishing Club Can Save You Money On Oil!

One of the possible benefits of joining a fishing club is that members can get together and buy boat motor oil in bulk. Many people join a club initially to try tournament fishing without putting out a lot of money-some clubs even have openings for no-boat fishermen, so you don’t have to get a boat right away.

Different clubs have different formats. Some encourage fishing in teams, while others have individuals fishing alone in tournaments. Many clubs have a theme, such as bass or smallmouth fishing. It is common for fishing clubs to be active in conservation efforts. Some of them promote youth fishing by holding an event for children occasionally. Military bases and colleges often have nearby fishing clubs; there are also women’s fishing clubs, co-ed fishing clubs, and one national association for hearing-impaired bass fishermen with chapters in several states. Many fishing club websites include educational articles and archived newsletters for your information.

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Conflict Halts Last Week’s Decline in Oil Prices

Conflict Halts Last Week's Decline in Oil Prices

Recent conflict between Russia and Georgia prevented the market from continuing last week’s 8% declines, and crude oil futures traded flat today. The accelerating conflict is over the Georgian province of South Ossetia and could threaten an oil pipeline in that region that produces 1 million gallons of oil each day.

The bulk oil market is also dependent on the value of the dollar. On Friday, the U. S. dollar was at its highest value against the euro in the last several months. However, some analysts see the weak economy as prevention from raised interest rates by the Federal Reserve, which would be essential to the dollar gaining positive momentum. It is feared that the price of oil could fall as low as $113.15 per barrel on Monday and eventually lead to further declines.


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The Debate Rages On

The Debate Rages On
A few days ago in this blog, I compared 2-stroke and 4-stroke outboard motors. In the news this week, another question arose. The year 2006 was the original deadline the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) gave for all outboard motors in use to meet new, more stringent emission requirements-levels so low that many consumers believed that 2-stroke motors would have to be done away with altogether, simply because they did not have the technology the EPA guidelines would require. However, almost three years later, two-stroke outboard motors are still being sold, even though statistics have shown that up to 40% of the gas and oil in a two-stroke motor’s gas tank enter the water unburned. One study suggests that a 70-horsepower outboard motor emits as many hydrocarbons per hour as the average automobile driven about 5,000 miles.

There are currently no regulations demanding the disposal of two-stroke outboard motors, which are still acceptable in all but a very few situations. Some of these motors are over 25 years old and still running smoothly, but their overall fan base is dwindling due to environmental concerns. The real issue is not with all two-stroke motors, but with the older models that are not directly oil- or fuel-injected, where the outboard motor oil and fuel are mixed in a can prior to use.


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Using Fishing Tackle Safely

Using Fishing Tackle Safely

Once you have stocked your boat with plenty of outboard motor oil and you are out on the water, be sure to handle your fishing tackle responsibly. Make sure to look behind you before casting so that your hook won’t catch a tree, power line, or another person, and don’t leave fishing tackle lying in the ground, as it is a tripping hazard and could result in broken tackle.

If a hook is deep inside a fish’s mouth, don’t put your hand inside to retrieve it. The safer option is to use some kind of a hook remover. If this doesn’t work, cut the line as far back as you can to safely release the fish. Always remove hooks and lures from your fishing lines, securing them in the tackle box when moving your supplies.

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Worldwide Oil Prices Holding Near $119 A Barrel

Worldwide Oil Prices Holding Near $119 A Barrel

Oil prices held near $119 a barrel Wednesday as weekly data was being collected to further confirm declining crude oil demand in the United States. In Europe, New York and London, crude oil prices went down by margins from 53 cents per barrel to around $2.25 per barrel. Commodity market insiders speculated that oil prices would probably continue to drop unless the U. S. Energy Department’s Energy Information Administration’s weekly oil inventory report shows that gasoline stocks fell significantly as well.

The worldwide market appeared to be reacting to uncertain demand outlook in several countries. The U.S. Federal Reserve issued a statement Tuesday that its key interest rate would remain at 2 percent for the time being. In summation, the Fed statement said that higher energy prices were bound to affect the economy over the next few fiscal quarters, possibly lead to a marked reduction in the demand for bulk oil.

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