Yamaha Racing Teams Prefer Yamalube

Yamalube boat racing

Yamaha sponsors a variety of racing teams including the Yamaha World Supersport Team and the Yamaha Motocross Team, all of which use Yamalube oil in their engines. The family of Yamaha racing teams has earned two world championships since 2005, and has a long-standing racing tradition in several countries. Yamalube oils consist of both mineral, hybrid synthetic, and full synthetic two stroke and four stroke oils. Some of the more common varieties include Yamalube 2S, Yamalube 2W, and Yamalube 2M oil.

There are also several other Yamaha made products that are used for care and cleaning of the racers’ equipment such as paint, polish, silicon sprays and platinum gels. Good luck to team Yamaha in their upcoming races!

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Reducing Outboard Engine Smoke


If you happen to own an outboard motor that suffers from excessive engine smoke, switching to a synthetic oil can help to make a significant reduction in the appearance and production of smoke. Synthetic oils like the evinrude XD100, and the evinrude XD50 oil run cleaner than mineral oil. XD100 oil is a full synthetic that will cause the most dramatic reduction in smoke, however the downfall is that it is more expensive. XD50 is a hybrid synthetic that combines mineral and synthetic oil, it costs less than XD100, and will still help to reduce smoke.

Once you’ve switched to a synthetic oil be mindful that you cannot switch back to a mineral oil. Synthetics seal the engine with their own particles, and should those particles dry out, the engine can crack.

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Synthetic Oil versus Mineral Oil

fast boat

Despite the rampant promotion of mineral oil in the mainstream market, synthetic oil offers several benefits that mineral oil does not. First of all, synthetic oil has a higher resistance to heat than mineral based oil. Synthetic oil doesn’t evaporate nearly as quickly as conventional oil, and thus creates fewer sludge deposits in the engine. Synthetic oils also have an increased amount of lubricity; with the reduced friction, the engine receives more horsepower. Engines using synthetic oil also wear down less quickly because the oil molecules have a greater film and shear strength.

If using an outboard motor, Evinrude synthetic oils, like the hybrid synthetic Evinrude XD 50, or the full synthetic Evinrude XD 100 oil, can increase the torque of your outboard motor, and also reduce internal engine wear.

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Denim as an Oil Filter


Though it might seem like a wacky concept, it is possible to filter used oil through layers of denim to purify it. The easiest way to create a denim filter is to take your used oil and put it in a container with drain nozzle. Then cover the drain nozzle with two to three layers of denim, and drain it into another container through a funnel. The process takes quite a while to filter the used oil.

The filtered oil can be recycled for use in the same engine after being filtered through the denim, though this isn’t recommended for certain engines. I tried it out on my outboard motor using recycled Yamalube 2S oil, and it seemed to work. The quality of the filtered oil was quite good for being filtered through a household item.

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Oil Leaks in Outboard Motors


When you turn on your outboard motor in or out of the water, you might notice a small amount of oil dripping out. Despite the implications of a busted engine, this doesn’t often spell disaster. When you haven’t used your outboard motor for a few months, or throughout an entire season like winter, there will often be a few drips of Evinrude outboard oil, or whatever brand you happen to use. It should stop dripping after running your outboard motor a couple times. If the problem persists, it could be an indication of a real problem.

Though the diagnosis can differ, your problem could be a leaking gearcase, or it’s possible that another essential component has a leak. Unless you’re comfortable with maintenance, it’s best to take the outboard motor to a professional at that point.

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Automobile Oil Filters for Outboard Motors


Though it’s not a widely known fact, it is possible to use an automobile oil filter in your outboard engine. Marinas and outboard motor manufacturers will suggest the use specialized outboard oil filters, however these are often more expensive, and unnecessary. If your engine uses standard two cycle outboard oil, just find an automotive filter that has the same thread and diameter. Installing it is the same as you would expect from a filter, but remember to rub a small amount of oil on the bottom of the filter before installation, as this will help to lubricate it and prevent it from sticking.

It’s also best to avoid filters with Teflon built in, or a Teflon additive. Oil filters also have an expiration date, so ensure you don’t go beyond the date or you will risk having a broken filter and engine problems.

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Fun Outdoor Snow Activities


With the winter season comes frigid weather and snow, as well as all the fun snow activities. Here are a few ideas for enjoying the colder weather:

~Skiing/Snowboarding – you can either rent ski and snowboard equipment or purchase it from a sporting goods store. These activities are most fun on the mountain slopes, but an area with a bit of a downhill slope will work well too.

~Snowmobiling – most people would rather rent a snowmobile than purchase one, but you will want to ensure to check all the engine fluids just like a car. Snowmobiles use different kinds of gasoline and oil, for example, older models will use Yamaha 2S oil, but this won’t work in newer models that have 4 stroke engines.

~Inner tubing – those same old rubber inner tubes you use in the water are great for sliding down a downhill slope; excellent for kids!

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Switching from Conventional to Synthetic

Evinrude-Johnson-oilWhen switching from conventional to synthetic oil in your outboard motor, there are a few potential issues of which you should be aware. First, recognize that once you start to use a synthetic oil, it’s near impossible to go back to a conventional oil. This is because synthetic oils swap themselves with the plasticizers in the seals; should the synthetic oil come out, the seals will shrink and crack because the plasticizers are gone. Depending on the type of outboard motor you own, using a full synthetic, like evinrude XD-100, can be better than a partial synthetic like evinrude XD-50. You should always be mindful to check with the manufacturer or consult an expert before switching.

Amongst synthetic oils, evinrude oil is one of the most renowned brands, with a proven track record of successes, and much preferred by outboard motor owners.

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Lawn Mower Carburetor Oil Problems


Every so often, I will hear about a problem with a person having oil in their lawn mower engine carburetor. This is a sign that something is amiss; however, it may or may not be serious. The most common reason oil finds its way into the carburetor is if the lawnmower has been tipped over, whether by accident, through storage, or to sharpen the blades. If this has happened, try taking the carburetor off the engine and cleaning it extensively. Replace the carburetor, but do not start the engine. First replace the air filter, and then it’s also a good idea to replace the sparkplug. Drain the oil out of the engine, and then replace the oil with your standard 2 cycle oil or whatever your lawn mower uses.

This is the most common issue and the most common fix, however it could be an incorrect diagnosis, and should this situation happen again, consult a mechanic.

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Premixing Oil for Garden Power Tools

Premixing Oil for Garden Power Tools

Though several garden tools such as chainsaws and weed eaters will have oil injectors, sometimes premixed gas and oil is necessary. Newer garden tool models will often not require premixed gasoline, however older models, and sometimes due to size, weight, or cost it is better to use a gasoline/oil mixture. In general there will be a recommended ratio of gasoline to two cycle oil, and it differs depending on the machine you are using. Check online before you mix gasoline and oil to ensure there will be no permanent damage to your equipment.

Once you have discovered the recommended ratio, simply apply the ratio to the total amount of gasoline, and determine the amount of two cycle oil needed. For example, if your chainsaw has a 16:1 recommended ratio, and a one gallon tank, you will want to use a half pint of two cycle oil.

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What Happens to Used Motor Oil?


Most outboard motor users know the benefits of recycling their used 2 stroke oil, but not everyone knows where that recycled oil goes afterwards. The primary use for used oil is to re-refine it into a base stock for lubricating oil. The process is similar to refining crude oil, and the result is a re-refined oil the same quality of a refined oil. Used oil is also utilized for energy. Some industrial plants will have boilers which can burn used oil with minimum pollution. In addition, some used oil is burned in heaters designed to provide space heating for small offices.

It’s important to recycle oil to help keep harmful toxins out of the environment, and to do your part to fund renewable energy sources.

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Benefits of Purchasing Bulk Oil


When you own an outboard motor, or any kind of engine, your motor will require regular oil changes to keep it in top condition. Most outboard motor owners will change the oil themselves, and instead of purchasing new oil in individual containers before each change, it is wise to stock up on bulk outboard motor oil when it is available at a much lower cost. This will save time and money, and often you will find bulk oil for sale at a bargain price; allowing for several future oil changes. If you intend to use your outboard for a long time, there is no reason not to purchase in bulk.

Bulk outboard motor oil is available for purchase online, and the internet can also be used as a tool to locate local dealers that sell oil in bulk at their physical store.

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