Yamalube Highlights High Performance Oils

Yamalube Highlights High Performance Oils

In 2008, Yamaha introduced new packaging for their entire line of high performance motor oils. The Yamalube line of oil has represented the pinnacle of performance motor oil for more than a decade, and with their new packaging, Yamaha seeks to put the spotlight on their new oil. While Yamaha still manufactures two stroke motor oil, their new line of four stroke Yamalube motor oil is drawing the most attention. This new line of Yamalube oil offers conventional, hybrid, and synthetic oil for a full range of vehicles. Yamalube is the ideal oil for outboard engines, sportbikes, personal watercraft, snowmobiles, and much more. The new Yamalube oil is designed to meet stricter standards for the prevention of damage to the environment, and in addition, offer better performance. Newer Yamalube oils will now be contained in a bold new bottle with distinctive diamond plate and a custom 3-D mold.

The new Yamalube oils are available at dealerships across the country at the affordable prices expected from Yamaha. Because Yamalube oil is designed by the same engineers who create Yamaha’s engines, the oil features increased performance and will help the engine last longer.

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Preventive Maintenance for Outboard Engines

Preventive Maintenance for Outboard Engines

It’s important to keep an outboard engine in the best condition for superior performance, and with this goal comes a number of annual checks that will ensure clean and efficient operation. Take these annual steps to keep the outboard running at its best:

_Lower Unit: change the gear lubricant in the lower unit on an annual basis, and inspect the old outboard motor oil for metal fragments (if found disassemble the gearbox and for maintenance) and evidence of water intrusion (if water is found replace the seals).

_Water Pump Impeller: it’s best to replace the water pump impeller at least once every two years, or each year if the engine is exposed to salt water. Inspect the pump housing, and replace it if damaged, and also inspect the old impeller for missing pieces, and remove from engine as necessary.

_Powerhead: do a full inspection of the powerhead on an annual basis. Make sure to check the engine wiring for corrosion, inspect the fuel lines, replace the spark plugs, check all the fasteners, and lubricate the essential engine components as needed.

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Evinrude E-TEC 2009 Centennial Model Engines

Evinrude oil

With their celebration of 100 years on the water, Evinrude pulled out all the stops and designed their 2009 E-TEC engines. These new centennial model year engines offer new features paired with Evinrude’s lasting reliability. Here are a few of the benefits found throughout the line of Evinrude’s centennial model year engines:_No dealer scheduled maintenance for three years or 300 hours of use, including a three year warranty, and no oil filters, oil changes, belt or chain adjustments, or throttle linkage adjustments required.

_Cleaner and quieter performance reduces impact on the environment; low carbon emissions while idle, EPA and EU compliant, low particulate emissions.

_Best-in-class power and performance with up to 40% more torque, faster top speed, and superior fuel economy.

Pair these new E-TEC engines with Evinrude oil and owners will have an engine guaranteed to last for decades to come. E-TEC engines are low maintenance and high performance, making them ideal for all boat owners!

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Outboard Engines More Popular in Foreign Countries

fishing boat

While we often like to think of North America as the native market for outboard motors, in truth, outboards are much more popular in foreign countries. Sales of outboard motors in North America account for around 35% of the annual world outboard motor sales, or about 300,000 of the 850,000 units produced. The markets where outboard motors are the most popular include European nations where pleasure boating is a common pastime, and developing nations where outboard motors are used for work including fishing, transportation, and diving. In Europe, most of the outboards used for pleasure boating are attached to inflatable watercraft and have just a fraction of the horsepower of the average outboard sold in North America. In developing nations, it’s important for outboards to be reliable and low cost, which includes upkeep costs like fuel, marine engine oil, and occasional maintenance.

While there are a number of popular outboard motor brands, Yamaha, Mercury, and Evinrude tend to stand out with the highest numbers in customer satisfaction, sales, and units produced on an annual basis.

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The Future of Outboards: Ethanol Blended Fuel

The Future of Outboards: Ethanol Blended Fuel

The EPA has mandated that the use of increased renewable resources must be used in motor oils. Throughout the U.S., ethanol is the most widely available renewable fuel that can be added to conventional gasoline without significant changes. But unfortunately, in a marine environment, ethanol-blended fuels can cause potential damage to outboard engines. Throughout the marine industry, many companies are working towards ways to mitigate the negative effects of ethanol-blended fuel. The EPA wants to increase the ethanol blend wall in gasoline from 10% to 15%, but most older outboard motors cannot function with a ratio higher than 10%. Building compatible outboards for fuel containing 15% ethanol is possible, but there are a lot of older outboards that won’t be able to accommodate the new fuel blend without ill effects. The EPA hasn’t put a formal law in place that would require an E15 fuel blend, but it seems to be on the horizon.

One possible solution is for companies to create outboard oil that would counter the effects of using an E15 fuel on older engines. This outboard oil could prevent damage caused to the engine, and allow older boat engines to continue functioning.

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Benefits of Yamalube 2M Oil

Benefits of Yamalube 2M Oil

There are several popular brands of motor oil for use in sport boats, but Yamalube oil stands out amongst the competition for several reasons. Yamalube 2M oil, Yamaha’s motor oil formulated for sport boats, is well renowned for providing engines with superior performance. Yamalube 2M oil is TCW-3 certified, while other popular motor oils used for sport boats are often not. The 2M oil is formulated to perform under intense conditions of heat, and to provide the engine with better lubrication which results in increased speed, lower exhaust, and less engine wear. Yamalube 2M oil is the choice of numerous professional sport boaters, and is even used in some models of personal watercraft because it is formulated to perform under extreme conditions.

When switching from another brand of motor oil to Yamalube 2M oil, it’s important to remember to drain the engine of the other oil beforehand. It’s not a good idea to mix various brands of motor oil because the engine can suffer damage and decreased performance on the water.

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Maintenance for Yamaha WaveRunners

Maintenance for Yamaha WaveRunners

It’s important to be aware of the regular maintenance intervals for Yamaha WaveRunners. Because WaveRunners are such powerful machines with sensitive engines, owners who ignore the regular maintenance intervals often find themselves with a busted engine. The current service intervals are as follows:

First Service – 10 hours of use (this will often occur after two to three outings)

Initial Maintenance – 50 hours of use or 6 months (whichever comes first)

Follow Up Maintenance – 100 hours of use or 12 months (whichever comes first)

Extended Maintenance – every 200 hours of use or 25 months (whichever comes first)

It’s important to note that the frequency of maintenance can be altered according to the operating conditions. For example, when operating in salt water or muddy water, the engine needs to be flushed with clean water after use. In addition to the scheduled maintenance, it’s important to use the right fuel and oil to keep the engine in top condition. Yamaha WaverRunners are designed to operate on regular unleaded petrol and to use Yamaha 2W oil.

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Improving Outboard Fuel Economy 3.0

Improving Outboard Fuel Economy 3.0

With costs of fuel and oil liable to rise during the summer months, it’s important to implement practices to improve the fuel economy of your outboard motor. One essential practice that keeps all engines in the best condition is performing regular tune ups. Make sure to replace the spark plugs, use the proper mix ratio of fuel to 2 stroke oil, and check other components that can affect fuel efficiency. Be sure to consult the owner’s manual for the recommended service schedule. The trim angle of the engine can also influence the fuel economy, for example, if the engine is trimmed in too much forcing the bow down, it can be harder on the engine. The proper trim angle can also be found in the owner’s manual.

In addition to the above practices, it’s important to drive the boat in a safe manner. Don’t slam the fuel lever, don’t drive at excessive speeds, and cruise at a safe speed. Reckless drivers tend to have engines that won’t last as long. It’s essential to practice safety when operating a boat.

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Improving Outboard Fuel Economy 2.0

Improving Outboard Fuel Economy 2.0

Improving outboard motor fuel economy involves more than using the right propeller and the highest quality gasoline and oil, there are numerous more rudimentary practices that can have a dramatic effect. For example, it’s important to make sure the hull of the boat is as clean as possible. Plant growth like algae and barnacles can increase drag and reduce fuel efficiency. For people who keep their boat in the water all the time, it’s best to clean the hull at least twice throughout the year. It’s also a good idea to eliminate extra weight when possible. Having a lot of unnecessary items and equipment inside the boat will weight it down and cause a reduction in performance. While it’s a good idea to keep a bit of extra motor oil and fuel inside the boat, bulk oil and fuel isn’t needed unless the boat is being used for extended travel. In addition, it’s important to check the bilge for water that may have accumulated, as this can also weigh the boat down.

These reasons for decreased performance might sound insignificant, but all the various factors add up over time. With these simple steps a marine engine will perform better and the owner will save on oil and fuel.

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Improving Outboard Fuel Economy

Improving Outboard Fuel Economy

It’s important to conserve fuel to save on cost and to help the environment, and no matter what the outboard model, there are a number of simple practices that can have a dramatic effect improving fuel economy. For example, using the propeller that best suits the boat and the owner’s style of boating will increase the overall performance of the outboard motor. Propeller size and pitch varies quite a lot; too little pitch can result in over revving and engine damage, while too much pitch can overload the motor. This is the reason there are different sizes of propellers available. It’s also a good idea to use the highest quality gasoline and outboard motor oil available. Low octane gasoline can hurt fuel economy; it just doesn’t burn as efficiently as high grade gasoline. The same is true with outboard motor oil; low quality oil can foul spark plugs and create deposits in the engine. Purchasing high quality bulk outboard motor oil can help to save a lot on cost and improve fuel economy.

These simple practices will do much to increase the performance of your boat and allow you to reap the benefits of owning a high performance watercraft.

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The Best All Around Oil

The Best All Around Oil

Yamaha provides an entire line of motor oil for various different engines including two stroke and four stroke engines, and those designed for specific conditions on land, in the water, and in colder temperatures. When it comes to two stroke engines, the Yamaha 2S oil is the superior choice for a number of different purposes. Whether it’s a chainsaw, an outboard motor, or a snowmobile, Yamaha 2S oil is dependable motor oil that is formulated to accommodate the lubrication demands of a wide range of engines. While Yamaha 2S oil doesn’t contain a lot of the specific additives that some other motor oils contain, it works well in most two stroke engines.

There are several other brands of two stroke motor oil that bear the Yamaha label including Yamaha 2M oil and Yamaha 2W oil. These oils are formulated for the specific engine conditions in sport boats and WaveRunners, but Yamaha 2S oil is also usable for both these engines though the performance will not be as great.

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Two Stroke Engines Alive and Well

Two Stroke Engines Alive and Well

While two stroke engines have received a lot of criticism due to their excessive pollution, the two stroke engine is still alive and well and newer models designed to have lower emissions are in development. The two leading manufacturers of two stroke engines are Mercury and Yamaha. Mercury quit building traditional two stroke engines for a short period after 2005, but then brought back its models over time. Yamaha offers more than a dozen different two stroke engines that boast the latest in low emissions innovation.

While two stroke engines are still available at large, not all people swoon over the older engines. Two stroke engines burn about 30% more fuel than a low emissions four stroke engine, and can also be harder to start, won’t troll or idle at a smooth rate, and make more noise. Most two stroke engines also require pre-mixed fuel, and there’s always the chance of needing to replace a fouled spark plug. For two stroke owners, it’s a good idea to purchase bulk motor oil for these engines that can be guzzlers.

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