Common Myths about Synthetic Oil

There are a lot of common myths out there about synthetic oil, and most of the myths are perpetuated by rival manufacturers of conventional mineral oil. The truth is synthetic can be used for all the same purposes as conventional mineral oil with better results. Here are a few common myths about synthetic oil and the reasons these myths are untrue:
Myth #1 – Synthetic oil voids warranties.
This claim is bogus because most major engine manufacturers recommend the use of synthetic lubricants. Most warranties are based upon using oils that meet certain standards for certification, and synthetic lubricants that meet these standards have no effect on engine or vehicle warranties.
Myth #2 – Synthetic oil isn’t widely distributed.
This claim is false because most manufacturers of conventional mineral oil have created formulations of synthetic oil in the past decade. Evinrude, for example, manufactures both hybrid-synthetic oil (Evinrude XD50 oil) and full synthetic oil (Evinrude XD100 oil), in addition to conventional mineral oil. Synthetic oil is widely available, and provides several benefits over conventional mineral oil.
Myth #3 – Synthetic oil causes engines to use more oil.
This claim is untrue; synthetic oil is intended for use in all engines, and the only reason an engine would use excess synthetic oil would be because of a leak. Engines that are mechanically sound use less synthetic oil than they would conventional mineral oil.