Fishing Memories

yamalube 2m oilI can’t think of anything that reminds me more of summer than cruising around the lake on a fishing boat with my dad. He owned a beautiful Eagle 190, one of many G-3 boats in the Yamaha line. Before hitting the lake every year, we would set aside a day to do some basic tune-ups and maintenance, like flushing the engine and replacing the Yamalube 2M oil.

He would take as many people as could fit on the boat (and sometimes more), and we’d fish until it was pitch dark outside. Most days, we didn’t catch a single thing. I’d usually be so excited by the smallest nibble that I’d yank my pole too quickly and lose the fish altogether, which never ceased to make him laugh. He would swear up and down that he landed huge fish in the lake before, but I certainly never saw one!

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Buying a Boat? Here’s a Simple How-To Guide


1. Consider warranties. Investigate the warranties for every boat you are considering. Warranties are valuable, and should be an influencer in your decision. Some warranties are transferable, which may become a selling point if you decide to sell your boat. Find out what the warranty includes (engine, hull, components, accessories, service, etc.) and find out about the service that you will receive if something fails. A good way to do this is to ask for references. If you are considering buying a pre-owned boat, be sure to get a marine survey – hire this person yourself to ensure that the survey is done with your interests in mind.

2. Keep a log. At the boat show and as you visit local dealerships, document everything: Take pictures of the dashboard, the galley, the head. Take notes, or record your reactions on a recording device. Involve your family with the decision and listen to their likes and dislikes about each boat. No two boats are exactly the same – but there exists a perfect boat for you and yours. Use your short list of features and brands to quantify your observations… Make a chart, and use it to rank your top choices.

3. When are you ready? Reminder: There is no correct amount of time that it should take to shop for a boat. For some, one afternoon is all that they need. It takes others several years. The right time for you to buy a boat is when you are ready. Boat shows often offer “show specials” to entice you to purchase at the show. Ask the dealer if he/she would honor that price in a few weeks after doing some more shopping… Chances are the answer will be yes.

4. The Test Drive. Did you realize that you can test drive a boat? The way a boat handles, and the way it feels on the water is a very important consideration. Bring the family along for your test drives, and try to test the boat in the types of conditions where you will be using it.

5. The cost of ownership. For most, the cost of owning a boat is nothing compared to the benefits derived from owning and using your own boat. Nonetheless, be sure you understand that the cost of owning a boat includes more than just the fiberglass. You’ll have to spend money on maintenance essentials like outboard motor oil as well.

6. Learning to use your new boat. Boating is not difficult, but driving a boat, like anything else, is a skill. If you have not already, sign up for boaters education courses where you can learn the rules of the road. For on-the-water training, some dealers provide captains to train you on how to use your boats. Others leave it up to you to learn. Most marinas and dealerships have a network of captains or experienced boaters that you can hire to show you the ropes on your own boat. Most likely the only parts that will require practice will be docking, launching and retrieving your boat. The best tip here is just to take it slow and practice.

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What to Consider When Buying a Boat


Many people are unhappy boat owners because they buy the wrong boat. Before you dive head first into the world of boat ownership, ask yourself a few questions that will help you focus on the kind of boat you will need:

~ Who will use the boat? Just family or will you invite friends? This may have a bearing on the size.
~ How will you use the boat? Will you be fishing, water skiing, cruising, taking day trips, weekend trips or week long excursions?
~ When, and how often, will the boat be used? Do you boat year-round or only seasonally?
~ Where will you operate the boat: in lakes, rivers or on the ocean?
~ How much can you afford to spend? Don’t forget the initial cost of purchase is just the beginning. There will be insurance, registration fees, and instruction and safety course fees, as well as maintenance essentials, like Evinrude oil.
~ What type of boat suits your personality and temperament? Do you imagine getting from place to place with great speed or leisurely sailing to your destination?

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Easy Tips for Proper Boat Maintenance

Boat Maintenance

You could purchase the world’s toughest boats, but it doesn’t mean that you can get away without taking care of it. To keep your vessel sea worthy, you have to put a little bit of elbow grease and care into your boat. Here are some easy tips:

Cleaning & Care
Wash your boat regularly. Not only does routine cleaning facilitate a more pleasant and organized environment, but it also goes a long way towards counteracting the long-term effects of environmental wear and tear. Waxing and use of anti-fouling paint can also help protect your boat from the elements.

Keep a checklist that includes everything from boat motor maintenance and winterization to boat trailer maintenance. You also want to be sure to check your fluid levels on a regular basis, and be sure that you have a good amount of Yamaha 2W oil.

Proper Mooring
One of the most common ways a boat can start to show scratches and damage is not only from when it’s in use, but from when it’s being docked. Make sure lines are securely fastened in place, neatly coiled and do not show signs of breakage.

Battery Care
Depending on the type of battery your boat uses, check to ensure that it is properly charged and that it has the correct fluid levels. Also be sure to keep your battery clean, as dampness and dirt can also drain your battery.

Electrical Components
Many boating failures occur as a result of corroded electrical systems, so keeping electrical components dry should be a regular part of your boat maintenance routine.

Consider a Boat Cover
Making an investment in a boat cover can help keep your boat clean and free of a variety of contaminants that aren’t just related to dirt or water, falling leaves and bird droppings can also cause a lot of damage if left unchecked.

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Routine Engine Upkeep

yamalube 2w oilWhether you are an avid boater or just occasionally go out for recreation, it is important to understand the basics of boat maintenance. While the task of performing repairs on your craft may seem daunting, most preventative measures and basic maintenance is easy for anyone with a set of tools. By taking a little time to inspect your boat after every outing, you can avoid having to dole out big bucks later.

Flushing the engine is a good idea after every boat trip, whether it’s in fresh or salt water. If the water is hot during this process, it is usually an indication that you have some debris in your system. When this happens, simply insert a piece of wire into the flow tube and dislodge the clog.

It is important to make sure that all of the moving components of your engine are well-lubed at all times. On a regular basis you should check for cracks and excessive wear on the engine. Of course, you always want to have a good level of quality oil; I use Yamalube 2w oil in my boat.

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Proper Boat Care for Performance and Longevity

outboardAs most people can deduce, the most important aspect of achieving longevity from your watercraft is proper maintenance. Not only will this add years to the life of your boat, but it will also improve the performance when it’s in use. How you care for your boat will largely depend on where you keep it, whether that is tied to the dock or safely ashore.

Boats that are constantly docked will naturally incur more mildew and will be prone to rusting. When mooring, be sure that all of the ties are securely fastened, the bumpers are out and that the hull is not scraping. Obviously these dangers are not imminent if you keep your boat on land, but it is still important to keep it covered and protected from the elements.

The motor is the heart of your boat, and as such, it requires special attention. To achieve optimal performance, you should flush the motor after every use, and check it for damage and corrosion. Also be sure to inspect all of boat’s systems, such as the cooling, and be sure that there is a good level of Evinrude XD50 oil.

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Guide for Selecting a Used Outboard Motor

outboard motor oilIn a perfect world, we would all be able to afford precisely what our hearts desire. There wouldn’t be much diversity in the boating world, as we’d all be cruising past each other in top-of-the line boats with high-end outboard motors attached to the transom. Just think of all the luxury and convenience we would experience on a daily basis. Unfortunately, we would also miss out on many of the great stories that make boating so much fun. Old, well-worn boats have a certain character that their new counterparts lack. To an extent, the same could be said for outboards themselves.

There are several considerations to make upfront when selecting a used outboard motor for your vessel. They fall into three main categories: age, accessories and brand reliability. First, be sure you understand the difference between age and use. An eight-year-old outboard that has lain dormant inside a garage will be in much better shape than a four-year-old engine that has been run hard and denied basic maintenance. Check to ensure that the motor in question operates with a TC-W3 formulation of outboard motor oil.

Choose the accessories that best complement your pre-existing boat. For instance, find a motor that features cable steering, an electric start and other features that make boating more simple if you have a boat that allows for it logistically. As a final consideration, do some research about the specific brand of motor in which you want to invest. The big names in outboards have remained the same for decades: Yamaha, Evinrude, Mercury.

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Preventive Care for Outboard Motors

bulk-outboard-motor-oil1For most fishermen and fans of recreational water sports, a boat represents one of the most serious investments in one’s life. It generally comes down to a house, a car, and then a boat – in that order. So, assuming your boat is the third biggest financial investment in your life, doesn’t it deserve the sort of time and energy you put into your other prized possessions? After all, your home might be remodeled, repainted or at least cleaned each spring. And you wouldn’t think of driving your car much more than 3,000 miles without an oil change, would you?

While there aren’t universal rules about adding bulk outboard motor oil to the boat engine, it’s up to you to consult your owner’s manual for guidelines. When boating season begins, it’s best to take your winterized boat to a professional mechanic. After that, you should be able to handle post-trip routine maintenance. It’s important to always flush out the engine – whether you’re boating in salt water or fresh.

The only tools necessary for this task are a garden hose and a set of rabbit ears, or seals that slip into the lower unit of the engine. Take this opportunity to check the stream of water as it flows out of the pump. If it’s hot, there could be some debris jammed inside. This will end up taxing the engine too much, so it’s best to shut things down and root around inside the tubing for the source of blockage. After that, disconnect the fuel line and burn all the fuel in the carburetor.

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Browsing for Used Boats in the Offseason

mercury-oilNow that winter is on the way and likely to stay in parts of America for the next several months, many boaters enter a planning stage. Since they cannot get out on the lake to go fishing or just to cruise around aimlessly, a number of thoughts begin to enter their heads. Foremost among these is the question of whether to buy a new boat. Every spring like clockwork, thousands of people show up at marinas and dealerships ready to make such a purchase.

From an economic standpoint, these last few years have been slightly different. The uncertainty of the job market has made some people wary about investing too much in luxury items. These concerns have led to a resurgence in the used boat market, convincing consumers to look at the bright side of an aging vessel. The key is to think about the purposes for which one plans to use the boat.

Fishing boats and those intended for recreational water sports feature a completely disparate construction. After you’ve narrowed down your selection to the type of boat, take a gander at the hull to check for structural damage. Then study the inner workings such as the outboard motor. Does it look like it’s been given plenty of mercury oil over the years? Signs of corrosion and leakage might be enough to keep you away from making the investment.

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How Does an Outboard Motor Work?

yamaha_2_stroke_9_9Since their introduction in the early 1900s, outboard motors have revolutionized the way in which we think about boating. Prior to that, boaters and fishermen were largely dependent on the direction of wind or – for those who felt like using oars – brute force. Outboards have taken the focus of our attentions of locomotion, allowing us to think about catching fish or just enjoy the scenery.

Marine motors work in a deceptively simple way. Much like car engines, they generate power by burning gasoline and oxygen inside a cylinder. In the case of a boat, only one cylinder is generally used. The end result is that the engine powers a propeller submerged below the water’s surface and behind the boat. Two cycle outboard oil is applied to keep the motor properly lubricated and running smoothly.

So, it all starts in the cylinder where gasoline mixes with air, burns and creates power to move the piston back and forth. The piston rod connects to a crankshaft, which turns and causes the main driveshaft to turn as well. This long driveshaft is attached to a gearbox that converts the spinning motion into kinetic energy to move the propeller. Finally, the propeller pushes the boat through the water.

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Fuel Tanks Beware: The Ethanol Issue

ethanolAs many boaters know, the Environmental Protection Agency has been cracking down of production of inefficient vehicles in recent years – whether they are designed to drive along roads or motor through a waterway. In some respects, the influx of restrictions and guidelines has been a good thing. After all, most boaters want to make as little lasting environmental impact as possible as they go about their hobby.

Unfortunately, all this eco-awareness has led the EPA and many government lobbyists to embrace the ethanol industry. Ethanol is drawn from corn and acts as an excellent solvent when added to regular fuel. It absorbs water, which can be a serious problem in automotive and marine fuel tanks alike. When much more than 10 percent ethanol is present in fuel, a layering effect occurs.

Most outboard motors are not capable of handling the lumpy layer of sediment that seeps to the bottom of a fuel tank when ethanol and water combine. For those with older, fiberglass fuel tanks, it’s best to avoid ethanol whenever possible and to use good water-separating fuel filters the rest of the time. Make sure to replenish your supply with fresh Evinrude outboard oil, and do your research before switching fuel types.

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The Steady Evolution of Snowmobiles

yamaha-2s-oilThe first snowmobile-esque vehicle to be manufactured was intended for military and police transportation. In the mid to late ’50s, Bombardier created a rudimentary snow track machine capable of holding up to a dozen people. Needless to say, this machine bore little resemblance to the sleek, sporty recreational sleds of today. Bombardier released a more compact snowmobile in 1959; for the first time, such a machine was meant for public use.

It didn’t take long for Bombardier’s rivals to begin introducing rival sleds, and this influx of competition brought about plenty of technological innovation. The designs of early snowmobiles left plenty to be desired. They were underpowered to begin with, and their frames were the opposite of aerodynamic. High-performance 2 stroke engines were released as snowmobiles gained widespread popularity.

These 2 strokes, both then and now, were kept performing at peak condition with the help of Yamaha 2s oil. In recent years, the Environmental Protection Agency has cracked down on high-emissions vehicles. Rigid environmental guidelines forced some companies to make a switch to 4 stroke engines while other manufacturers found ways to improve efficiency of their existing 2 stroke formula.

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