Making a clean ATV out of a muddy one takes more then 2 steps. It takes more then hosing it off and taking it for a drive. That is, if you care about your bike. Because if you clean your ATV properly you’re expanding its lifespan.
Before hosing off the ATV, close off the exhaust and air box. Either close off the exhaust with some duct tape or put a cloth into the back of the exhaust. Or use a silencer plug (Pro Grip Silencer Plug or MSR Racing Silencer Plug) and never hassle with cloths or tape again; this to prevent water from filtering through to the cylinder. Next, close of you air box as well, again using a large cloth to prevent water from filtering through to the carburetor.
BEFORE hosing off the bike, make sure your engine is cooled off. DO NOT & NEVER cool off your engine by spraying water on it! Because, if you do so, you’re increasing the chance you’ll pull your engine. Don’t force metal to contract faster then it naturally does when it naturally cools off. The same counts next time you want to take your ATV for a ride. Don’t take off immediately after you’ve started the engine. Give it some time to warm up first… Grant the metal some slack.
If you want to extend the life of your ATV, these are the most crucial points.
Just give your engine the time to cool off & warm up!
To best way to hose off the ATV is by making use of a high-pressure cleaner, preferably connected to a warm water tap. Make sure, if you buy a high-pressure cleaner, it has a minimal pressure of 60BAR. More pressure isn’t actually necessary, since the chance you’ll find yourself hosing off decals and graphics increases. If you do have more pressure then 60BAR, cleaning will go faster, but watch out for your decals and exposed holes. Of course you can also finish the job using a simple garden hose or bucket filled with water and soap. No problem!
There are two ways you can soap in your ATV.
– using a high compression cleaner that has a function to soap in,
– using ATV wash products, which is affective.
Either way, let the soap set for 5 minutes before you wash off.
TIP: Afterwards, check your the level of your Yamalube 2M and start your engine; let it run for a minute or two to ensure your engine will definitely start up next time you take it out.
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