Two-Stroke Engine Basics: Part One


There are three basic types of engines that are used in motor vehicles: gasoline; diesel and two-stroke. While the first two types are typically found in automobiles and other high-power vehicles, two-stroke engine are ideal for smaller crafts such as outboard motor boats, ATVs and snowmobiles. Gasoline and diesel engines use several of the same principles in their design and operation, but the two-stroke engine has some discernable differences:

~Two-stroke engines have no valves, which makes their construction more simple and lightweight

~Four-stroke engines fire every other cycle while two-strokes fire every revolution, giving them more power

~Since the outboard motor oil is mixed with the fuel, two-stroke engines will work in any orientation, which is important for handheld equipment

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Evinrude Company Overview


For over a century, the Evinrude name has been synonymous with quality in the outboard motor world. Originally founded by Ole Evinrude in Wisconsin, the company has vastly expanded and is now owned by Bombardier Recreational products, one of the premier motor vehicle producers. Bombardier is a leading manufacturer of ATVs, snowmobiles, and, of course, motorboats.

Today Evinrude is focused on producing top-of-the-line two-stork engines in their boats. J.D. Power and Associates even rated Evinrude as the “highest in customer satisfaction with two-stroke outboard engines in the US.” There is even a line of Evinrude outboard motor oil that is specifically designed for two-stroke engines, including Evinrude XD100.

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TC-WC Outboard Motor Oil Certification

old-johnson-outboard-motor-logoThe benchmark for two cycle oil is TC-W3 certification. Two stroke engines require users to mix the fuel with outboard motor oil to lubricate the various components. During this process oil is both burned, and unburned, creating various emissions and leakage concerns. The goal of TC-W3 is to ensure that the oil meets proper lubrication standards while still holding up to EPA regulations.

There are various tests the NMMA, the organization that manages TC-W3, employs to rate oil. Some of these tests include: liquidity, fluidity, viscosity, and standards for ring sticking and carbon build up. NMMA uses various motors and performs 100 hour tests to determine the specs for the oil. While there are no specifications for the oil formula, it must meet the minimum standard in the testing to be certified.

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Yamalube Oil Overview


As you can probably ascertain from its name, Yamalube oil is a product of the Yamaha Company. Aside from their extensive line of motor vehicles, Yamaha’s selection of Yamalube products is one of their most lucrative endeavors. In order to reach the widest market possible, there are several varieties of Yamalube available that are specifically catered to certain vehicles.

The full synthetic blend is for high-performance use, such as racing and low-temperature snowmobiling. Semi-synthetic Yamalube oil, such as 10W-50 and 0W-30, is created from a proprietary blend of synthetic and mineral oils. Their mineral oil is produced from the highest quality base stocks and can be used in a wide range of small motor vehicles.

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Quieter Engines More Fuel Efficient?

evinrudeA recent study of outboard motors yielded evidence that quieter motors are also more fuel efficient as well as better for the environment. The test was run on a 1988 Evinrude outboard motor versus a 2008 Evinrude outboard motor.  The results of the test were as follows:

~The 2008 motor was 38% more fuel efficient than the 20-year old version

~Based on Friday’s fuel prices at the dock, this equates to a savings of $16 per hour

The most startling difference between the two motors was when both were started,  the 2008 hummed quietly as it warmed up, while the 1988 motor gargled and spewed smoke and fumes for several minutes. Although you can use the same Evinrude XD 100 on both engines, the recent advancements in engine technology is palpable.

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Don’t Let Friction Get The Best Of Your Engine

Engine_Oil_Sludge_3What exactly does engine oil do for your car?  Engine oil prevents all the metal surfaces in your engine from grinding together due to friction.  It also keeps your engine free from all the foul by-products that build up inside an engine because of combustion.  In addition, engine oil protects all the moving parts of an engine. 

Recently, more and more people have started using synthetic engine oil in their vehicles. They’ve found that there are numerous advantages in switching to synthetic. First of which is the cost. When using synthetic engine oil, the need to change oil is minimized. Not to mention the fact that it is an all around better engine oil, content and make-up wise. It is important to check the owner’s manual of your vehicle before making a purchase to ensure that you get the correct outboard motor oil.

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Shopping For Oil?

oil_barrelsAll oils are not created equal. When you’re shopping for new outboard motor oil, you’ll want to make sure it has extended drain capabilities in order to reduce your motor oil expenses. Other beneficial aspects of motor oil may be that it controls soot thickening and oxidation or that it is specifically designed for high-mileage motors.

You should also consider buying your motor oil in bulk. As with anything in life, buying in bulk can reduce the time and money you spend in shopping for motor oil. Especially if you’re a mechanic or own several vehicles with outboard motors, you’ll love the convenience that buying oil in bulk offers.

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Raising Public Awareness

oil-spillThe majority of human-induced oil pollution occurs on dry land, although maritime spills gain most of the notoriety. For instance, many people are familiar with the Exxon Valdez crude oil spill of 1989. This occurred when an oil tanker made contact with a coral reef in the Gulf of Alaska and unloaded about 11 million gallons of oil into the water. The environmental effects of the oil spill were disastrous, and many species of wildlife were adversely affected.

Despite the overwhelmingly negative impact of this disaster, it at least brought public awareness to the dangers inherent to petrol spills. Back on land, many large industrial operations have created contingency plans for what to do when an oil spill occurs. Many such businesses rely on the Spillpro as a trusted tool in the fight to clean up harmful contaminants. While changing your Evinrude XD100 oil doesn’t pose a threat of this magnitude, it is still important to make sure that you dispose of your used motor oil properly.

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Tips for Cleaning a Boat


Here are some easy tips to consider when you’re cleaning your boat:

Wash frequently with a sponge or nonabrasive pad and plain water; this approach is very effective at removing salt. Additional “elbow-grease” is required to remove stains.

When using detergents, only use soaps that are phosphate-free, biodegradable and non-toxic. Any soap should be used sparingly, because even non-toxic products can be harmful to wildlife. For example, detergents will destroy the natural oils on fish gills, limiting their ability to breathe.

Wax your boat, if appropriate. A good coat of wax prevents surface dirt from becoming ingrained. Clean teak with a mild soap and abrasive pads or bronze wool. This method is safe for the environment and better for the boat than the solvents in standard teak cleaners which tend to eat away at the wood and to damage seam compounds.

Avoid detergents that contain ammonia, sodium hypochlorite, chlorinated solvents (bleach), petroleum distillates, and lye. Once you’ve thoroughly cleaned the outside of your craft, ensure that you have appropriate levels of outboard motor oil and other essential fluids.

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How to Tune an Outboard Motor: Part Four

fuel_filter_autopsy_smallIf you only tune your motor once a year, you should replace the fuel filter each time to ensure optimal performance. The filter is usually at the motor cover end of the fuel pump; the location of the filter can be found in your owner’s manual. When replacing the filter, clean out any water or sediment that may have accumulated in the area.

Next, replace the engine’s cowling and apply a coat of car wax to prevent rusting and corrosion. Now mix some fuel for the motor, combining the proportions of fuel and Evinrude XD100 oil that are specified in your owner’s manual. Once the motor is mounted, start up the engine and check for water flowing from the rear of the engine; this is an indication that the water pump is working. Let the engine warm up, and then adjust the low-speed carburetor jet and take you craft out for a test run. Performing this routine maintenance will keep your boat running smoothly and save you money on costly repairs in the future.

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How to Tune an Outboard Motor: Part Three

outboard motor oilNow that we have done a thorough inspection of all of the fastenings on the lower unit, it is time to lubricate the grease fittings. The two primary parts to apply the grease to are the swivel bracket, which is the bearing the motor turns on, and the transom clamp screw. Once this is completed, work the throttle, forward-reverse shift lever and starter cord to identify the moving parts inside the power head; apply grease to all of these components.

After completing the lubrication of the moving parts, disconnect the wires from the spark plugs. It is especially important to take note of where these connections are so that you replace them correctly. Next, remove each spark plug using your adjustable wrench and replace it with one of the appropriate model. When installing the spark plugs, be sure to not over-tighten, as too much pressure can damage the cylinder head. Tomorrow we will finish the tune-up and review how to refill the outboard motor oil.

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How to Tune an Outboard Motor: Part Two

boat motor oilYesterday we went over the necessary parts and materials that you will need to tune your outboard motor. Before you begin dissembling your motor, refer to your owner’s manual for specific procedures and recommended parts or boat motor oil. As with most repairs, we are going to start with a visual inspection; ensure that the motor is off, then remove the cowling to expose the power head.

Start the propeller and examine the unit for leaks, cracks and other damage. Refer to your owner’s manual to see if it advises periodic lubricant changes; if so, remove the lower unit’s plugs and drain the fluid into your empty container. Refill the drained lubricant until it begins to seep out the top fill hole, and replace the plug. Follow this with a thorough inspection of the lower unit, checking for missing nuts or bolts and replacing worn fastenings. Tomorrow we will continue our series on outboard motor maintenance.

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