The Merits of the Outboard Motor

Our focus in this blog is obviously on oil, and, to a certain extent, outboard motors. When purchasing a new boat, one of the most crucial decisions is whether to go with an outboard, inboard or inboard/outboard motor. While the other two certainly have their merits, outboard motors are my weapons of choice for a variety of reasons.

First of all, and probably most importantly, they are the cheapest option. They also tend to be lighter, and you can easily remove them when not being used, making them simple to replace as well. Traditionally, outboard motors were two-stroke, which meant that you had to mix the outboard motor oil and the gasoline; however, today there are several four-stroke options.

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Snowmobile Storage: Part Three

After you have allowed the Evinrude XD 100 to flow through the system and topped off your fuel, it’s time to drain the carburetor. Doing this prevents the buildup of residue that could potentially cause blockage next season. After this is done, you’re going to want to remove the drive belt and stow it by itself; this keeps it from forming to the shape of the sled.

Remove the battery and store it in a dark area, charging periodically throughout the offseason. Loosening the track tension will prevent it from stretching or cracking will in storage. Finally, you are going to want to apply oil to all of the metal surfaces to inhibit rusting. Once all of these steps are complete, put the sled in a safe, dry place and brace yourself for a long offseason.

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Snowmobile Storage: Part Two

The first thing to do when storing your sled is to wash and wax every inch. While this may seem like an unnecessary and purely aesthetic routine, this will help protect the paint job and the body of the vehicle. Once this is done, give the sled a quick onceover to find any chips or cracks, and it is advisable to paint the ski bottoms as well.

Now that the body is done, it is time to move on to the engine. Start up your snowmobile and pull on the oil pump cable to allow your 2 cycle oil to circulate through the entire system. Next, you want to fill the fuel tank completely, which will eliminate air space in the tank and ensure that condensation can’t form.

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Snowmobile Storage: Part One

Even though it is only March, I’m afraid that I already have no choice but to throw in the towel on this snowmobiling season. The extreme lack of powder has been disappointing to say the least, but at least the weather is nice enough that I can start taking out my ATVs. I always take precautions when storing my sled, but I will be particularly careful this year, as there will be an unusually long offseason.

The next couple of days we will outline the proper steps to take when storing your snowmobile. Handling the gasoline, Evinrude XD100 and other fluids appropriately is essential to prolong the life of your sled. It’s undoubtedly the last thing you want to do at the end of the season, but when you take your snowmobile out of storage next year, you’ll be glad you did.

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Pre-Season Boat Checks

I know that it is only March, but I am already beginning to prepare for the upcoming boating season. The weather here is already beginning to reach temperatures that make a weekend boating excursion look attractive. Of course, before I launch my watercraft for the first time, some routine maintenance and checks need to be done.

Before embarking on the first boating trip of the year, I always check the fuel line for cracks, wear and loose attachments. I also check the tanks for any damage and ensure that there isn’t any water in the fuel. And, of course, I always double-check the levels of fuel and outboard motor oil.

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Backcountry Snowmobiling

The Northeast may be experiencing their worst snowfall in decades but here in the Pacific Northwest, the mountains are bare. This season, the opportunities for prime snowmobiling have been few and far between, so I have periodically been taking weekend trips inland, towards Idaho, Montana and whiter pastures. Tonight I’ll be doing some quick maintenance on my sled and topping off the Evinrude XD100 oil before heading out to Eastern Idaho.

My brother in-law has a cabin out in the woods, and he invited my son and me to join him for a weekend of snowmobiling. Now that the NFL season is over, I don’t mind being without TV and the internet for a few days. It will probably even turnout to be a nice change of pace from my hectic work schedule.

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Marine Engine Wear and Tear

Every engine needs oil to maintain proper lubrication and preserve the integrity of the various moving components. This is particularly important for marine engines because of two factors that cause an unusual amount of wear and tear. First of all, outboard motor motors constantly run at a high RPM, and, on top of that, have to maintain their torque through waves and adverse conditions.

The fact that boats often go weeks, months or, in some cases, even years between uses doesn’t bode well for them either. Because of these constant strains on the engine, it is crucial to perform routine maintenance and change your outboard motor oil frequently. This will not only improve your boat’s performance, but will also prolong its life.

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Mercury Marine Company Overview

While Evinrude may get a lot of publicity, Mercury Marine is actually the world’s leading manufacturer of marine propulsion engines. Unlike other companies that produce complete watercrafts, Mercury focuses exclusively on engines, providing units for recreational, commercial and government usage. The company creates both Mercury and Mariner engines.

You won’t see Mercury Marine on the NYSE, but that’s because they are a division of Brunswick Corporation, who also owns Bayliner, Sea Ray and other leading marine manufactures. In addition to their award-winning engines, Mercury also produces a wide line of accessories and Mercury oil. The Mercury Marines mission statement outlines their commitment to excellence and their customers.

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Engine Oil Specs: Part Two

Yesterday we outlined some of the main organizations that are responsible for ensuring that our motor oil is adequate. Now we are going to take a closer look at how these organizations work and what they actually tell us. The ACEA, Europe’s oil association, creates baseline specifications, meaning that many manufacturers add their own criteria to ensure that their products are meeting all of their consumers’ needs.

In the US, all of the meetings of the ASTM are open to the public, and the various companies vote to determine what the test limits are going to be. According to some experts, the complex system employed in the US creates a lower standard for passable oil. In Europe, several classes of oil are created, whereas in the US, a minimum standard is set. When you buy your motor oil, each company will have different grades of oil, Evinrude XD 100, for example, is a premium blend.

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Engine Oil Specs: Part One

For those of us who aren’t certified mechanics or spend every waking moment doing research on our vehicles, choosing the proper parts and products can often be a guessing game. When it comes to your outboard motor oil, however, there is no need to make guesses. There are testing associations in both the US and overseas that work to ensure oils meet certain standards and specifications.

In Europe, this group is comprised of 13 major manufacturers and known as the European Automobile Manufacturers Association, or the ACEA. Their US counterpart, the American Petroleum Institute (API), includes over 400 corporations and is responsible for producing service categories. In additions to the API, the US also has the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), which set limits on oil quality. Tomorrow we will go into more specifics about each organization and take a closer look at the information they provide.

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Changing Your Outboard Motor Oil

Most manufacturers recommend changing your outboard motor oil and filter after every 100 hours of use or every season, which ever comes first. Some people may postpone this task, but it is essential if you want to prolong the life of your boat and achieve optimal performance. Changing your oil may seem daunting, but with a few wrenches and some knowhow, you can get the job done in no time.

Always remember to drain all of the old oil before refilling the crankcase. Mixing old and new oils will leave deposits in the system and limit the effectiveness of the new oil. Also, be sure to add a quart of oil for the new filter and run the engine when you are done to ensure that the oil pressure is correct and there are no leaky areas.

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Evinrude Stays In Front of the Competition

The key to success in any industry is innovation, and when it comes to outboard motors, nobody knows this better than Evinrude. There are usually a myriad of maintenance costs innate in boat ownership, but Evinrude has worked to eliminate these. Evinrude E-Tec motors do not need maintenance for the first three years or 300 miles of normal recreational use, including Evinrude XD 100 oil, oil filter, and gear case lube changes.

The new product line of Evinrude E-Tec outboard engines are more lightweight than previous Evinrude models, start more easily, run more quietly, provide better fuel economy and lower emissions. They also use their own patented low-friction design, resulting in smooth power and performance. Once again, Evinrude has proven that innovation and technology development are paramount to staying ahead of the curve.

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