How to Choose Your Outboard Motor Oil: Other Factors

In addition to viscosity, flash point and pour point, there are a few other specifications that will help you decide whether Evinrude XD100, Yamalube or some other oil is right for you. When oil reacts with sulfuric acid and burned, there is always some amount of solid residue.  The amount of this solid material that is leftover is referred to as the percentage of sulfated ash.

In oils, zinc is used to prevent damage that would be incurred when two metal parts come in contact with one another. The amount of zinc that is used is reported as the percentage of zinc, which is typically about 0.1%. While these specs will give you a good idea of how the oil will perform, you should also consider the base stock and additives that the manufacturer uses in production.

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How to Choose Your Outboard Motor Oil: Flash and Pour Point

Now that we’ve covered the basics of oil viscosity, it is time to look at some of the other main specifications for your outboard motor oil. The flash point represents the temperature that the oil will be ignited at if exposed to an open flame. At this temperature, the oil will emit flammable vapors. Generally, the higher the flash point, the better the quality of the oil.

Like all liquids, oil can be chilled to a temperature where it is stagnate. The pour point is five degrees above this point and is particularly important for vehicles that are used in the winter. As you can probably ascertain, the lower the pour point is, the better. The flash point and the pour point represent the two extreme temperature limits of the oil, and aside from the viscosity, are the most important specs to consider.

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How to Choose Your Outboard Motor Oil: Multi-Viscosity Oils

Yesterday we provided a brief overview viscosity and discussed why you it is important to consider it when purchasing Evinrude XD100, or any other oil, for your vehicle. Over the years, oil technology has advanced greatly, and one of the most important innovations is multi-viscosity oil. In order to allow the oil to maintain a higher viscosity in high temperatures, manufacturers add polymers to light base oils.

This means that the oil now has a range of viscosities. 20W-50, for example, will typically have a viscosity of 20, but it will not exceed 50 in excessive heat. When choosing multi-viscosity oils, you want the range to be as small as possible. As the range grows, more polymers need to be added to the oil, which jeopardizes the quality of the product.

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How to Choose Your Outboard Motor Oil: Viscosity

The viscosity is the most important spec to consider when purchasing outboard motor oil. Essentially, the viscosity is a measurement of how well the oil flows. As a rule of thumb, thick oils have a high viscosity, and vice-versa. If your oil’s viscosity is too low, it will lose strength at high temperatures, while if it is too high, the oil will not be able to pump to all of the necessary components of the engine.

The weight of the oil corresponds to the oil’s viscosity. Higher weights indicate greater viscosity in the oil. If there is a “W” next to the number, this signifies that the oil has been tested in cold temperatures and is approved for winter use. Tomorrow we will wrap up our discussion on viscosity and highlight multi-viscosity oils.

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How to Choose Your Outboard Motor Oil: Part One

For many people, their choice in boat motor oil hinges on what option is the cheapest. While this may be suitable for the casual motorist, those of us who put a lot of wear and tear on our vehicles need premium grade oil. Even if you know that you want the best, it can be difficult to distinguish between all of the options that are available.

There are several specifications to take into consideration when choosing your oil, and over the next few days, we will be providing information on viscosity, flash point and other measurements to take into consideration. Most oil companies provide products in several grades, and your specific oil needs will be dependent on your vehicle and how your use it. Tomorrow we will begin our series with an in-depth explanation of viscosity and the viscosity index.

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Springtime ATV Riding

In this intermittent period between snowmobile and boat season—also known as spring—I often find myself searching for activities during the weekend. A few years ago, my son and I invested in some ATVs, and they are ideal for weekend jaunts. Usually we don’t just go ATVing, however, and they are merely a component of a bigger expedition.

Last weekend, for example, we took the ATVs up to a remote camping ground we know if and spent a few days submersed in Mother Nature. We like to pack as light as possible, and aside from some essential camping supplies, the only thing we brought was some extra fuel and Evinrude XD 100 oil. Don’t get me wrong, I love camping and riding the ATVs, but I still can’t wait for boat season to arrive.

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Gauging Your Spark Plugs: Part Two

Knowing how to evaluate your spark plugs is a useful skill for adjusting the flow of gasoline and outboard motor oil your vehicle’s engine burns and identifying other potential engine problems. Last time we went over what a normal and dry spark plug will look like, and today we will finish reviewing the various problems that the spark plug can indicate.

If the insulator is wet and black, it is a likely signal of wet fouling, which is caused by too rich of a fuel to oil ratio or unwarranted use of the choke. Chalky buildup or bumps on the insulator are caused from excess deposits, which are created due to poor fuel quality or bad oil. Lastly, a white and melted insulator shows that the engine is overheating. This is caused by too lean of a fuel mixture or problems with your spark plug placement and heat range.

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Gauging Your Spark Plugs: Part One

Routinely changing your vehicle’s filters, Evinrude XD 100 oil and other essential lubricants is essential to maintaining peak performance and ensuring longevity. Another crucial component to keep tabs on is the spark plugs, but few people know how to change them or tell when the old ones are shot. Here is a quick guide for evaluating the condition of your spark plugs.

When examining spark plugs, you will want to look at the insulator color, which is an indication of how much wear and tear has been inflicted. The insulator will be grey or light brown if the spark plug is operating properly. If the insulator has buildup, it is a sign that it is dry, which can be caused by an improper air to fuel ratio and problems with the ignition system. Next week we will overview some of the other problems that could be plaguing your spark plugs.

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Wheel Offset Basics

Outside of replacing the outboard motor oil and filling up their ATV with gasoline, many people have little knowledge about the specifications and proper maintenance procedures for their off-road vehicle. One of the most common measurements on an ATV is the wheel offset. There are three common offsets for off-roading vehicles: 2:3, 3:2 and 4:1.

Essentially, the offset is a measurement of the vehicles rims. When the numbers are expressed as they are above, the first number is the inside measurement and the second number is the outside, both of which are shown in inches. The offset that you choose for your ATV will affect the stability and height of your bike, so be sure to take it into consideration.

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Outboard Motor Anatomy: Part Three

Now that we have gone over the two cycle oil and gasoline specifications, as well as the benefits of the outboard motor, it is time to determine which model is right for you. The motor that you choose will be largely dependent on the hull of the craft that you plan to attach it to. Every boat built in the US has a “Guard Rating Plate”; this shows the maximum horsepower for the motor, but you should also be sure never to go below 75 percent of this number.

The other main spec to take into consideration is the shaft length. On outboard motors, this measurement is customized to fit 15, 20 or 25-inch transoms (the stern of the watercraft). When the shaft length is too long, there will be drag, while if the shaft is too short, it could lead to ventilation or potentially the overheating of the engine.

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Outboard Motor Anatomy: Part Two

Yesterday, we highlighted the main difference between two and four stroke motors—the fact that you have to mix your Evinrude XD100 oil and gasoline—and today we will go into more detail on the anatomy of the outboard engine itself. The motor contains all of the essential components: the engine, gearbox and propeller. Not only does the motor give the boat its power, but it is also used for steering and handling.

While both inboard and outboard motor can be raised, outboard motors also tilt forward, making them ideal for navigating shallow waters. Outboard motors can also be removed more easily, which is convenient when it comes time for storage. This capacity for removal and their lightweight design also makes out outboard motors easy to repair.

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Outboard Motor Anatomy: Part One

The two-stroke v. four-stroke debate is an ongoing point of contention between boat owners around the globe. While four-stroke engines certainly have their advantages, two-strokes are ideal for small watercrafts. In the next couple of days, we will be going over the various elements of the two-stroke engine and in what ways it is superior to the four-stroke.

When comparing the two, the most discernable difference for most people is how you mix the gasoline and outboard motor oil. In a two-stroke engine, the oil and the gasoline are mixed together, whereas they are held in separate compartments in a four-stroke. This design makes the two-stroke simpler but provides better lubrication to the four-stroke.

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