Spring Checklist Item 4

Our last tip of the week is a doozy, and something no one should ever forget to do whenever heading out on the water. Safety is of primary importance, both for you and your friends and loved ones but also for other boaters. It goes without saying that you should be sure to have functional life jackets for all potential passengers. Make sure they’re in good condition and functioning properly.

You also need to make sure everyone has the correct size, as this can be critical to the proper functioning of a life jacket. And don’t forget to make sure all onboard fire extinguishers have been properly checked and serviced and stored in the proper places. You can also take advantage of free safety inspections offered by the US Coast Guard.

And don’t forget to try Evinrude XD100 oil for your 2-cycle engine.

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Spring Checklist Item 3

Our next item on the checklist is something we should probably be doing everytime wwe take the boat out, but sometimes we all forget. Fluids, props and hulls need to be checked thoroughly before heading out on the water this spring. It’s easy to check fluid levels like oil, steering, power trim reservoirs and coolant. And if you didn’t change your oil prior to winterizing you’ll want to change it before heading out. Many Yamaha 2 cycle engines run better and more efficiently with Yamalube 2W oil, for example.

Propellers and hulls should be checked for nicks and dings that may be unsafe or cause the motor to operate at less than optimum efficiency. You’ll also want to ensure the prop is seated securely. When inspecting the hull keep an eye out for any cracking or blistering that may indicate a larger problem. A little preparedness goes a long way when getting ready for the next boating season.

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Spring Checklist Item 2

One thing which is notorious for failing during the colder winter months is the electrical system. Whether it’s the battery or the wiring you can bet you will need to check this system thoroughly before heading out onto the water this coming spring. You can start by inspecting all electrical connections for corrosion or other debris. A good practice is to remove all terminals and clean them thoroughly with a wire brush to remove any remnants from the previous season.

When it comes to your battery, make sure you charge it completely and have it tested. You’ll want to have it tested so you can be sure it will hold a charge. There’s nothing like a dead battery to ruin a day on the water. Yamaha owners should also check into Yamalube 2M oil for top performance in the coming months.

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Spring Checklist Item 1

Belts, hoses and cables are important to check not just during routine maintenance but should also be checked regularly whenever your boat has been in storage or has sat unused for any length of time. This goes for all pulley systems and your fuel system as well. Anything that dry, britle and/or cracked should be replaced immediately. You should also check to make sure all fitting and clamps are securely fastened.

Belts should fit snugly against their pulley housings. A worn belt may have a thick, black substance near the pulley and will not fit snugly. On your control cables be sure to be on the lookout for swells or cracks as this could be an indicator that the boat is unsafe for use. This situation would require immediate action. And if you have an Evinrude 2 cycle engine make you’re stocked up on Evinrude XD50 oil.

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Springtime Boat Prep

This week we’re going to be talking about getting your boat ready for the spring season. I know it’s still winter so maybe you’ll want to print this up and save it for later. Springtime is an exciting time for every outdoor enthusiast but it’s especially so for those of us who just can’t get enough of being on the water. The problem is, so many of us are so excited to get out on the water we forget to take the necessary steps to make our boating experience as fun and safe as possible.

With a few simple steps and our guide you can get out on the water with confidence this year and enjoy the rewards of proper maintenance and good safety practices. So stay tuned this week and we’ll show you how to get the best boating experience as quickly as possible when spring comes around next year. For Evinrude owners you can start early with Evinrude XD100 oil.

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Tips for Trailering Part 4

One thing many boat owners don’t pay attention to is the weight of their boat. The weight we want, though, is not the weight of the boat in the water carrying all of your supplies and your friends and family. The weight you need to know about is called the “dry weight” of your boat. This refers to the weight of the boat without any fuel or gear of any kind. In some instances this may also be the weight of the boat without the engine.

So when determining your vehicle’s towing capacity make sure you’re considering the extra weight and strain on your vehicle when you go boating. You’ll want to consider fuel in the engine, your Evinrude XD100 oil, all of your gear and even your passengers. You don’t want to overtax your vehicle in order to enjoy a better boating experience so be sure to do the math and find out just how much you can tow.

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Tips for Trailering Part 3

For anyone who’s never trailered their boat there’s a whole list of things you need to consider before running out and buying that brand new, shiny trailer. Things like the towing capacity of your vehicle are absolutely critical to purchasing a trailer. You don’t want to buy your brand new trailer only to find out your vehicle doesn’t have the necessary power to tow your boat.

A great way to get this information is to check your owner’s manual or find out if other boaters are using the same vehicle to tow their boats. Almost all family sedans are automatically disqualified because they simply aren’t designed to tow much of anything, much less a hulking mass of water-going equipment. Your best bet is a truck or SUV as these almost always have the power to tow a boat up to 25 feet in length. But you always want to check your owner’s manual to be absolutely certain. And if you own a Yaamaha engine check out Yamalube 2W oil and maximize your boat’s efficiency for saving gas on the water.

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Tips for Trailering Part 2

When you decide to trailer your boat take the time and do your research to find only certified trailers. The National Marine Manufacturer’s Association maintains a trailer manufacturer’s certification program to help ensure clean, safe transportation for your boat. This group helps maintain industry standards and certifies that all trailers bearing their marker meet all federal and most state safety regulations.

The areas certified by the NMMA are as follows:
• identification plates
• capacity ratings
• couplings, safety chains
• lighting, winches
• brakes
• registration procedures
• conspicuity systems

For Yamaha owners you can help ensure the best mobile boating experience by keeping a supply of Yamalube 2M oil on hand.

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Tips for Trailering Part 1

This week we’ll focus on a great way to give yourself a great deal of freedom and enhance your boating experience. With its increasing popularity we’re seeing more and more trailered boats on the nation’s roadways. Trailering is an excellent way to explore and discover new waterways in your area. Without the confinement inherent at a marina you’re free to move your boat wherever you want for a whole new set of boating experiences.

Because of its increasing popularity we’re going to take some time this week to give you some tips on the best way you can trailer your boat. We’ll talk about how to get the most out of your experience and take your boating experience to the next level with increased mobility and versatility. And if you have a 2-cycle Evinrude engine, check out Evinrude XD50 oil for an even better boating experience.

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Environmentally Friendly Boating Tip 7

Last week’s recycling tip can also be extrapolated to include, and even emphasize, monofilament fishing line. You can help protect and preserve our valuable marine life by ensuring you, and non one else on your boat, disposes of monofilament fishing line into the water. This type of line is also something you don’t want to just send off to the landfills either. Make sure you make the effort and take the time to recycle your line.

You can also help do your part by researching The Monofilament Recovery & Recycling Program (MRRP) to get educated about the impact improperly disposed monofilament fishing line has on our marine life and our environment as a whole. If you don’t know of a recycling station near you then check your local shop or look online.

Also, to maintain the proper functioning of your 2-cycle Evinrude engine try Evinrude XD100 oil to maximize efficiency and get the most boating for your buck.

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Environmentally Friendly Boating Tip 6

One thing that can’t be stressed enough is recycling. Recycle, recycle, recycle. This is one of the biggest, easiest ways everyone can contribute to environmental conservation. What does recycling mean to boaters? Well, in addition to keeping your trash out of waterways and off of coastlines, it means the proper disposal of batteries, paints and other chemicals. 12V batteries are one of the most recycled products on the planet. Any hazardous wastes must be disposed of properly and in accordance with local laws and regulations.

Many marinas and shops will offer a credit for an old battery when purchasing a new one. This is a nice incentive to anyone replacing a battery and also helps keep batteries out of landfills. In addition, never pump sewage out when you are near the shore. Check local regulations for specifics, but most marinas offer pump-out stations for proper waste disposal. And don’t forget to buy bulk oil for maximum savings this season.

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Environmentally Friendly Boating Tip 5

Our fourth installment of eco-friendly boating tips ties closely into one of last week’s tips for saving money at the pump. A lot of people are so excited to get out on the water that they forget to take the time to get to know their waterways. This year, take the extra time and experience the satisfaction of responsible navigation. Know where you’re going, how to get there and even the best time to head out. Proper navigation saves you time on the water and ultimately money in the bank.

You can avoid excess fuel consumption by being patient and planning your trip well in advance. Avoid this common mistake. Everyone can’t wait to get out on the water every year so don’t fall victim to impatience. Save yourself time, money and wear and tear on your boat by thinking ahead and having a solid route planned out. The best part is you can help the environment at the same time! Also, try buying bulk motor oil to save money on all of your boat trips.

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