Labor Day Weekend Plans

I am both looking forward to and dreading this coming weekend. Monday is Labor Day, which means the whole family will have off from work and school. Being able to spend a three-day weekend with my family is the aspect I’m looking forward to. What I’m not looking forward to is the fact that Labor Day weekend typically signals the end of the summer season.

I’m going to make the most of summer’s last hurrah. The whole family is going to take a trip to the lake for one last time this season. I’m actually checking the level of the Mercury outboard oil tonight to make sure everything is already for tomorrow’s trip. I hope all of our readers have a fantastic long weekend, too!

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Making Smart Business Purchases

A few years ago one of my friends opened up a boat rental business. He lives in a beach community in New Jersey that has a small year round population and a massive summertime crowd. His business is successful, but since most of his business is driven by summer tourists he has to be careful how he spends his money.

One of the ways he saves money is by buying in bulk. For instance, at the start of the summer season, he buys at least one Mercury oil 55 gallon drum. He saves a bundle by buying in bulk and he never has to worry about running out of oil to service his boats.

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Hurricane Irene

I do own a small beach home. Thankfully, Hurricane Irene did not do too much damage to my home; just some debris on the lawn and decks and some minor flooding. It could have been a lot worse, which is why I am glad that I took appropriate precautions.

Before Irene hit, I moved all of my outdoor furniture into the garage and weighted down anything that could not be moved. I brought all of my furniture and possessions from the bottom floor to the top floor. Of course, I made sure to bring my boat out of the water and into the garage, secured the Mercury oil and other flammable liquids in a safe container to avoid leakage. Now that the power is back I can get to cleaning up the yard, move the boat back out to the water, and get ready for Labor Day weekend.

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Changing Lower Unit Oil on Mercury Outboard, Part II

Yesterday we began describing how to change the oil on the lower unit of a Mercury outboard. Picking up from where we left off, remove the upper vent plug and set it aside. Oil should now be flowing out of the lower unit and into the drain pan. This can take one to two hours for the unit to fully drain.

Take your supply of Mercury engine oil and dispense it into the lower unit. Continue adding oil until it flows from the top vent plug opening. Once that happens, replace the top vent plug and the drain plug. Let the oil settle overnight, check the levels in the morning, and add more oil if need be.

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Changing Lower Unit Oil on Mercury Outboard, Part I

Changing the motor oil in the lower unit of a Mercury outboard is a fairly simple task. All responsible boat owners should, at the very least, know when to change the oil. After all, without the proper Mercury 2 stroke oil, the internal of components of the motor won’t work properly which can put you in a real bind if you’re out on the water when things go wrong.

To change the oil you will need an oil pan, screwdriver, rags, oil, and a utility knife. Once you have gathered your supplies lower the Mercury outboard to its vertical position. Place the drain pan under the lower unit and then turn the lowest plug counterclockwise with the screwdriver. Place the drain plug aside for the time being. Check back tomorrow for part II!

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Cleaning a Carburetor

Sludge and other debris can clog the carburetor of a 2-stroke motor, so maintenance is a top priority. To clean a carburetor, start by removing the part from the machine. Spray the carburetor with specially made cleaner that will remove rust, sludge, and debris. Be thorough; there are plenty of valves and crevices in a carburetor that need to be cleaned out.

Once the cleaner has been applied, wipe the carburetor down with a clean cloth. With an air compressor, blow out any remaining debris. Once again, wipe off the carburetor and then reattach it to the motor. While working on the motor, be sure to check the oil level and add Mercury 2 cycle oil if need be.

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Why Not Use Car Oil?

In the past, boat owners have used automobile oil to lubricate their outboard motors. If you really care about your boat, then it is best to use marine engine oil. Simply put, cars and boats have to operate in different environments and need oil that suits those environments.

To elaborate, boats, unlike cars, have a closed loop cooling system. Water causes corrosion, not to mention running a boat for an extensive amount of time can cause water and fuel build-up. That’s why marine engine oil, unlike automobile oil, has higher anti-corrosion properties

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Starting a Flooded Johnson Outboard

What do you do when your two or four stroke engine is flooded? First off, don’t panic. A flooded outboard motor is relatively easy to fix. It just takes a little patience and know-how to get your to turn over.

Begin by pushing the choke to on and then turn the ignition switch. Next, bring the throttle to neutral then gradually to full and open. Pull the choke off, turn the ignition, and then crank the engine. Pull the throttle back to neutral and repeat the cycle until the engine is drained. When you get the chance, take a look at your engine on dry land, and add Johnson outboard oil if necessary.

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Hampton Vacation

When people think of “The Hamptons” they think of wealthy New Yorkers with massive beach front mansions. While there are a number of wealthy New Yorkers who reside in the Hamptons during the summer, there are plenty of folks who call the Hamptons home year round. There are even more Americans who simply like to vacation there in the summer.

Personally, I like to spend a week with my family in Montauk in East Hampton. We get to enjoy the beach, Montauk sound, and great local flavor. If we can swing it, we’ll rent a boat for a day or two for cruising about and fishing. I’ve noticed that the rental shop uses Evinrude XD50 oil, which is what I would use, too, if I spent a lot of time out on the water.

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The Environment and Evinrude

At the turn of the 21st century the Outboard Motor Corporation was not doing too well. As a result, the company was taken over by BRP. As part of the rebuilding effort, there was a re-focusing on making Evinrude motors more environmentally friendly, in accordance with the guidelines set forth by the .

The company did so well, in fact, that in 2005 the EPA awarded them the Clean Air Excellence Award for the advancements in Evinrude E-Tec technology. Evinrude has continued on the path of excellence. To maintain your Evinrude motor, be sure to use Evinrude XD100 oil.

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Changing a Johnson Lower Unit Seal

The lower level of a Johnson outboard houses the water pump and propeller, among other important parts. Two seals keep the water out of the gears and keeps packed grease in, so if the seals become damaged in any way this can cause lots of problems. Therefore, when a seal is damaged it must be replaced.

Start by removing the cotter pin and then the propeller nut. Place the steering wheel puller over the propeller shaft, then lock the arms of the steering wheel puller and depress the bearing carrier off the gear case. Remove the damaged seal and pull out the old O-ring. Place the new seal into the bearing carrier and tap it into place with a mallet. Finally, spread grease on the seal. Don’t forget to replace the motor oil with Evinrude XD 50 oil!

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1999 115 Evinrude Boat Specifications

In the early 1990s, Evinrude introduced the 115 horsepower engine. The Ficht-Ram model, introduced in 1999, featured an outboard design. The new design had better fuel efficiency, and therefore increased performance, when compared to other four-stroke engines.

The Ficht-Ram model uses 87 octane gasoline and is lubricated with Evinrude XD 100 oil. The recommended ration between the two is 60:1 or 300:1 depending on desired performance level. Once a year, the engine needs to be serviced to ensure continued high quality performance.

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