How to Disconnect a Mercury Outboard Motor Oil Pump

To , you will need pre-wired paper tags, an oil storage container, and duct tape. Start by locating the oil inlet line that runs from the oil tank to the oil pump. Tag the line.

Pull out the oil inlet line by hand from the pump and cap it with your thumb. Drain the mercury outboard oil into a storage container. Use duct tape to cap the line. Tag the oil outlet line which runs from the pump to the fuel system. Pull the line from the pump, and then cap the line with duct tape to prevent contamination.

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Oil Storage Drums

If you’re like me, then you try to save money by ordering your outboard motor oil in bulk. While this is a great money saver, you need to be careful with how you store oil. Drums can be made of several materials, including polyethylene and steel. You need to check with the manufacturer to make sure that the container you use for storage is appropriate for the oil it contains.

An incorrect storage drum can cause damage to the oil itself. The wrong storage drum can also become corroded and leak oil everywhere, thus hurting the environment and your wallet. The moral of this story is, give your mercury oil 55 gallon drum guy a call when you place your order to make sure everything is kosher.

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Shrink Wrapping Your Boat

Shrink wrapping your boat helps protect it during the cold winter months. All you need is a boat shrink wrap kit, a heat gun, and a ladder (depending on the size of your boat). Most of these items can be ordered online or purchased at a boating supplies store.

Take care of the engine, mercury oil, and other necessities on the boat and position the vehicle where you want it to stay for the season. Pad sharp corners that could potentially puncture the shrink wrap. Put up support poles for the shrink wrap to adhere to, and then unroll the shrink wrap over the boat. Use the heat gun to tighten and seal the shrink wrap. Check your work for any holes, patch up those holes you find, and finally install self adhesive vents to keep mold from forming under the wrap.

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Biofuels Debate Rages On

Coming to market soon is a 15 percent blend of ethanol fuel mix. The new blend has outboard marine engine producers up in arms. An engineer from Mercury Marine Corp. was scheduled to testify before a congressional committee last week regarding the damage the new biofuel blend has on outboard engines.

In one of the Department of Energy approved tests, a 200-horsepower outboard engine’s bearings on a piston disintegrated after 300 hours of operation. Meanwhile, the outboard engine using mercury engine oil and fuel mixture did not experience any damage. Supporters of the new blend counter that the tests are statistically irrelevant because so few engines were used. Supporters also claim that the engines tested were not calibrated properly for the new 15 percent ethanol blend.

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Cleaning Mercury Marine Carburetor, Part III

In continuing from yesterday… Now that the carburetor is completely clean it’s time to reinstall all the parts that were removed. Start with the jets, then the fuel bowls and carburetor, and then tighten the screws. Check to make sure everything is secure and that none of the parts got dinged during cleaning.

Your carburetor should now function perfectly. Hopefully, while working on the carburetor you took a few minutes to check out other parts of your boat. Checking the level of Mercury 2 stroke premium outboard motor oil, for instance, is an important part of boat upkeep.

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Cleaning Mercury Marine Carburetor, Part II

Let’s pick up from where yesterday’s post left off. After removing the carburetor, you’ll next want to clean the jets with a jet pick. Try to remove as much oil gel as possible before washing the jets in carburetor cleaner. Clean the gunk out of the fuel bowl, too.

Next, take your . This will remove any buildup that has managed to stay put. Wear safety goggles to protect from particles blowing into your eyes. Stay tuned for part III tomorrow, and don’t forget to stock up on Mercury 2 stroke oil!

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Cleaning Mercury Marine Carburetor, Part I

Mercury manufactures a number of outboard motors with carburetor intakes. Learning to clean these carburetors is a moderately difficult endeavor. You will need: various screwdrivers, shop rags, jet pick, safety goggles, compressed air and air nozzle, and a carburetor cleaner. It doesn’t hurt to pick up some Mercury 2 cycle oil while out getting supplies.

Begin by removing the brass screws on the side of the fuel bowl with a flat screwdriver. Drain the fuel from the carburetor and use a shop rag to absorb the excess. Using a number two Phillips screwdriver, remove the four fuel bowl screws and lift the bowl up and off the carburetor body. Take your jet driver and remove the main jet and pilot jet, taking care not to damage the brass jets.

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Fast Facts: Marine Engine Oil

Why use marine engine oil? Isn’t all oil the same? In a word: no. The oil you use in your car is not suitable for your boat.

Boats have a closed loop cooling system, unlike automobiles. Boats, obviously, are subject to water corrosion and buildup. For those reasons, marine engine oil, with its high anti-corrosion properties, is better suited for boats than regular engine oil used on cars.

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Starting a Flooded Johnson Outboard

A flooded Johnson outboard motor is not the end of the world. With a little bit of time to allow the engine to drain, along with working the choke and idle, your outboard will be up and running in no time. Just follow these simple instructions:

First, push the choke on, turn the ignition switch, and bring the throttle to neutral. Next, push the throttle to full and open, turn the choke off, and then crank the engine. Finally, pull the throttle back to neutral, turn the ignition a few times, and let the engine drain. After you get back to land, make sure to check the motor and replace the Johnson outboard oil if necessary.

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What’s in a Name?

The best part of purchasing a new boat is getting to pick out a name. Some people are sentimental and name their boats after a spouse or child. I think that’s a great idea, but I lean toward funny or clever names.

When I walk down to the marina I keep an eye out for funny boat names. Friends also send me links to boats with clever names like “Vitamin Sea” and “Playbuoy.” A great party boat name is “Cirrhosis of the River.” Sometimes I’ll strike up a conversation with the boat owner’s while they’re changing their Evinrude XD50 oil. Boat owners with cleverly named ships tend to be pretty friendly and easy going.

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No Cruise Ships For Me

I’ll let you in on a secret: I love boating, but I loathe cruise ships. Don’t get me wrong, I have been on many a gorgeous cruise ship with fantastic décor, food, and entertainment – not to mention exotic destinations. What I dislike is the seasickness that accompanies such trips.

I’ve spent my whole life on the water in kayaks, canoes, motor boats, and sailboats. That’s why I was so startled the first time I went on a cruise ship and experienced sea sickness. Even though there are drugs and patches that take the edge off, I much prefer to steer my own smaller boat. I get more satisfaction and zero sickness in my own craft. I also take pride in knowing that I’ve maintained my boat with Evinrude XD100 oil.

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Best Light Show in Town

The cooler weather is making me nostalgic for summer. This past Independence Day was quite spectacular. Per tradition, the whole family stayed at my grandparents’ home on Long Beach Island. From the rooftop deck, we had the best view in town of the fireworks.

We could see the mainland’s fireworks show to one side and then simply swiveled our chairs to see the island’s fireworks display. Best of all, when it got really dark around, we watched the fireworks display over Atlantic City. The famed casino town goes all out, which is probably why all the boats cruised up the inter-coastal before nightfall to get a good spot to see the show. I’m betting a hefty chunk of those boat owners used Evinrude XD 50 oil in their engines.

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