Pre-Thanksgiving Activities

I hope all you readers had a great Thanksgiving! It’s a tradition in many families to play football before the big meal. It’s a time of family bonding, but more importantly (according to my wife) it keeps the kids and men-folk out of the kitchen while the women finish preparing the meal.

Since we’re a boating family, we usually forgo football and head for the water. This year we took out two outboard motors. The teenagers earned the right to drive the boats by demonstrating to us “old timers” that they knew how to prep the boat by checking the Yamaha 2S oil levels and whatnot.

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Fishing in Arkansas, Part II

Another fish my uncle is partial to fishing is catfish. Generally I’m not a fan of catfish – their ugly faces are so off-putting – but they do taste excellent when fried just right. Arkansas offers many lakes for catching catfish, including Lake Atalanta, White Oak Lake, and Lake Hinkle.

Of course, the biggest catfish can be found in the might Mississippi river. World-record big channel, blue, and flathead catfish are bountiful in the river that runs the length of Arkansas’ eastern border. I’d love to fill a boat up with Yamaha 2M oil, head out on the Mississippi River, and catch some big catfish!

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Fishing in Arkansas, Part I

My favorite uncle was an Army brat who grew up on base in Arkansas. Though he now lives on the East Coast, he often travels back to Arkansas to visit family and childhood friends. When he’s out there, he likes to take advantage of the excellent fishing.

His favorite places to fish for walleye include Bull Shoals, Norfork lakes, Eleven Point, and Lake Greeson. To date, the world-record walleye weighed in at 22 pounds, 11 ounces, and was caught in Greers Ferry Lake in March 1982. Perhaps I’ll get to join my uncle on his next trip. I may not be an expert fisherman, but at least I know how to check to make sure the level of XD1 Evinrude ETec outboard motor oil.

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WaveRunner Oil

A WaveRunner can provide endless summer thrills. Properly maintaining a WaveRunner isn’t too difficult, particularly when it comes to replacing dirty oil. All you need is the owner’s manual, an oil extractor, a rag, an oil filter, and replacement oil.

Start by extracting the oil (typically 2.4 quarts) from the engine. Consult your owner’s manual to find and remove the oil filter using your rag. Next, apply oil around the outside ring of the new filter and put the filter in place. Add replacement WaveRunner oil, turn the engine on and let it run for a few minutes, then check use the dipstick to check the oil levels.

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East Coast Trout Spots

As anyone who has ever caught a trout can tell you, it is an exhilarating feeling. For our East Coast readers, here are two spots that you should definitely check out. First, is Roscoe, NY, aka Trout Town USA. Beaverkill River and the Willowemoc River flow through town and provide stunning wild brown and rainbow trout.

State College, PA, home of Pennsylvania State University, is also a prime trout fishing location. Creeks and rivers fed by cool streams surround the area, making it a prime location for trout to live, breed, and be caught year round. Wherever your destination, make sure your boat engine has plenty of two cycle outboard oil.

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Best Bass Fishing Spots in U.S.

Americans are blessed with plentiful bass fishing holes (with the exception of Alaska, but, hey, 49 out of 50 isn’t bad). I recently stumbled upon an article listing the top 25 bass fishing spots in the Union. From my own experience, I would say there are some more deserving areas that could be on the list, but overall, the author did a good job.

He listed Falcon Lake, TX, Lake Okeechobee, FL, and even Georgia’s Lake Lanier. California had quite a few spots on the list, including Lake Amidor, Castaic Lake, and The San Joaquin Delta. With a little bit of know-how, a good lure, and two cycle oil in your engine, whatever watering hole is closes to you can become the best bass catching spot.

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Blending Synthetic and Regular Oil

I’ll admit that I used to be part of the crowd that believed that synthetic and regular oil could not be mixed. I falsely believed that mixing the two would cause congealing, foaming, and leaks. All of that turned out to be false.

In fact, some major manufacturers produce blended oils known as semi-synthetics. These combination oils work because synthetic oil is based off of regular crude oil and then hydrocracked to eliminate impurities. If you already have synthetic oil outboard motor and regular motor oil on hand, then you can mix your own semi-synthetic. Just be sure to read up on proper procedures before attempting the combination.

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Beneficial Properties of Synthetic Oil

There are boaters who believe that using synthetic oil instead of regular oil is akin to using margarine instead of butter. It may look the same, but does it really do the trick? As a former doubter, I can attest to the beneficial properties of synthetic oil.

Several years ago I made the switch to synthetic 2 stroke outboard oil. I learned that many synthetic oils are made with ash-less components to prevent fouling. The anti-gel properties also proved better than the regular oil I was using. Plus, the synthetic oil came dyed blue which made detecting the oil in fuel a lot easier.

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Whacky Weather Brings Early Winter Fun

As you may have heard, right around Halloween the northeastern United States got smacked with several feet of snow. My cousins live up north and they were out of power for more than a week. Schools were closed, public transportation shut-down – things were simply at a stand still.

Lucky for my cousins, they had already started getting their snowmobiles ready for the winter season. When the snow stopped falling, they checked the snowmobile oil levels, revved up their engines, and went out for several days of fun. They weren’t alone either; a bunch of other young people had the same idea, too!

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Friendly Family Competition

My brothers and I grew up boating on the Chesapeake Bay. Though most of us live in urban areas now, we still go home for all the major holidays. Our dad still owns a small fleet of boats that he needs help winterizing each year.

To make it less of a chore, my brothers and I have made winterizing the boats into a competition. The first brother to finish winterizing their boat properly wins. Dad, of course, gets to be the judge. He is a particular stickler for making sure that we haven’t shortchanged any areas that need outboard oil.

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The Mistakes of “Gold Rush”

The Discovery Channel has some fairly interesting reality television programming, including the series “Gold Rush” (previously known as “Gold Rush: Alaska”). I was watching one of the early episodes from season two and was simply appalled by what I saw. The crew did not winterize their big equipment at the end of last season, meaning when they arrived back at their claim, much of their heavy machinery was heavily rusted.

Naturally, there was concern as to weather the machinery would start at all. By some miracle it did, but I would never advise letting any piece of machinery simply rust away during the winter months – especially not in a climate like that of Alaska! Take this as a warning to winterize all boats now before the worst of winter sets in. Don’t forget to stock up on outboard motor oil while you’re at it.

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Choosing Marine Diesel Engine Oil

Special marine grade oil is needed for diesel marine engines, as they typically carry high loads for extended periods of time. The National Marine Manufacturers Association tests diesel engine oils and gives recommendations based on those tests. The oils tested may be entirely synthetic or partially synthetic.

NMMA-certified oils include: oil TC-W3 amalie, FC-W and FC-W (CAT). TC-W3 is used with two-stroke engines, FC-W with four-stroke engines, and FC-W(CAT) with four-stroke engines that have exhaust treatment catalyst systems. When selecting diesel oil, be sure to consider added characteristics

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