Teaching Proper Maintenance

Yesterday, I wrote about teaching my kids pride in ownership. I’ve been reflecting on that topic a bit since then. I’ve tried evaluating how well I’ve instilled those values in my children. Have I driven home the point?

I hope so. Just in case, I think I’ll add boat maintenance to the list of chores they’re responsible for. After all, if they’re more than willing to take the boat out for a spin, then they should be willing to help with its upkeep. Teaching them how to replace XD1 Evinrude ETec outboard motor oil is sure to be a skill they can use throughout their lives.

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Every 100 Hours

Every 100 hours of use, I change out the filter and oil on my WaveRunner VX 1100. The sporty Yamaha WaveRunner has held up very well over the years, due in no small part to my meticulous maintenance. It’s all part of my philosophy of pride in ownership that was instilled in me by my father.

I’m trying to instill the same values in my kids. The next 100 hours will probably be reached this weekend. At that time I’ll insist that my two teenage children assist me with replacing the WaveRunner oil and filter.

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Trimming Back Trees

In addition to my weed whacking and edging duties, I’m also responsible for trimming back trees. Dead tree limbs that could crash onto the roof are the first to be taken apart with a chainsaw. Branches that cross property lines are the next to go. Finally, I do some general trimming for aesthetics.

I used to buy the two cycle oil needed for the chainsaw down at the hardware store. Then, I discovered that the two cycle outboard oil brand I use for my boat also carries a line of general two stroke oil. The shop where I purchase my boat oil is now my destination for my chainsaw and weed whacker oil, too. I’d rather they have my money than a big box chain store.

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Getting the Garden in Shape

Spring has sprung which means a lot more yard work for me. Even though my wife is the one who plants all the flower beds, I somehow wind up responsible for their upkeep. Part of that upkeep involves weed whacking and edging.

To make the work a bit easier, I use a two stroke weed whacker. It’s pretty state of the art in that I can get up really close to the edges of the flower beds without risking chopping off the heads of the flowers. Plus, it doesn’t cost too much to maintain the weed whacker; all I really spend money on is some two cycle oil at the beginning of the season and some fuel when it’s needed.

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Reducing Outboard Smoke

For a long time I swore by using mineral oil in my outboard motor. Year after year I experienced zero issues with the particular brand of motor oil I used. I’m not sure if the brand changed their formula or if my engine simply succumbed to its age, but the outboard started smoking far more than usual.

To reduce the outboard smoke, a mechanic friend of mine suggested I use synthetic oil outboard motor instead. I was reluctant but eventually did make the switch. Much to my surprise, the synthetic oil did the trick! From that point on I didn’t have any further issues with a smoking outboard.

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No Crankcase Here!

Chainsaws, trimmers, and outboard motors are likely equipped with 2 stroke engines. Unlike their 4 four stroke counter parts, 2 stroke engines do not have a crankcase. To provide proper engine lubrication, 2 stroke engines require a mix of specially formulated synthetic 2 stroke outboard oil.

Equipment manufacturers typically work with the oil industry to develop these specialty 2 stroke oils. To find out which 2 stroke oil is recommended for your motor, take a look at your owner’s manual. If you can’t find your manual, then check out the manufacturer’s website.

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Testing Snowmobile Oil

Even though the snow has melted and the sun is starting to peek through the clouds, it is worth re-visiting the proper way to test snowmobile oil. Just as you would with car motor oil, open up the new quart of snowmobile oil and place the dipstick into the container. Remove the dipstick and let small drops of oil fall on a white sheet of paper or a paper towel.

Wipe the dipstick off and dip the stick into the oil tank. Pull out the dipstick and let a few drops of the old oil fall on the paper next to the new oil. Look for discoloration in the old engine oil. If the old oil looks significantly dirty, then you know that it is time for a change.

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Kick Off Party

In two weeks time, my family and I will be having a small spring kick off party. Yes, I realize that spring will already have been around for about a month, but in my experience, you can still get snow in March. Thus, I want to wait until I’m sure that the snowy season has passed us by.

A few family friends will be joining us at a nearby lake for a day of boating and barbecuing. I’m not a big party planner, so my only responsibility will be to get the boat ready by replacing the outboard oil. I’m sure I’ll be suckered into grilling, too, but for now I’m keeping my mouth shut so I don’t get dragged into any more party preparations.

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Engine Oil Analysis Service

Have you ever used an engine oil analysis service? I haven’t, but I do have a few friends who swear by the practice. Apparently, all you need to do is send a sample jar filled with outboard motor oil to a specialty place and then they run a full analysis to figure out the condition of your engine.

Upon further research, it appears that engine oil analysis is something frequently done by fleet operators. Taxi companies in particular condone the practice because it helps them figure out how often they should be changing their oil and parts, or even replacing cars in their fleet. The aviation industry also uses oil analysis to get a better sense of what is going on inside of their jet engines.

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TCW-3 Amalie Oil

When it comes to maintaining my two-stroke outboard motor, I swear by oil TCW-3 Amalie. For a while I was attached to the Chevron brand. When I could no longer buy Chevron TCW-3 I tried out some other brands.

What I found out is that TCW-3 Amalie oil is pretty consistent across brands. Though I have some brands I favor more than others, all that I have tried have performed well. If you’re looking to try out new two-stroke oil, then I would recommend a TCW-3 Amalie because regardless of brand and price, it will get the job done.

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Replacing Floats

Last weekend I helped a friend troubleshoot some issues he was having with his older 65hp Mercury outboard motor. Whenever he pumped the bulb to get the fuel lines filled with gas, the gas started spraying out of both carburetors. Too much pressure seemed to be reaching the carburetors in the float bowl.

We took apart the fuel pump and did not find any holes. After some more inspecting we concluded that it was probably time to replace the old cork floats with new plastic floats. We did that, put the parts back together, filled it up with fuel and Mercury outboard oil, and then gave it a go. The new floats seemed to do the trick!

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How Long Does Bulk Oil Last?

Every now and then I like to browse boat forums to see what people are talking about outside of the marina. One question that comes up frequently is how long does bulk oil last? One poster stated that he had recently bought a Mercury oil 55 gallon drum and was now worried that he might lose money on the transaction.

One person replied that oil only has a shelf life of four years. The overwhelming majority, however, replied that that was nonsense; motor boat oil does not have an expiration date. From my experience, bulk oil can last years and years, but you may have to mix it every so often to keep it from jelling.

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