Breaking in an OptiMax Outboard

Breaking in a new outboard engine can be a daunting task. You want to be sure that the task is completed correctly in order to ensure optimal performance and longevity of the outboard. Before you begin breaking in a new outboard engine, particularly an OptiMax outboard, be sure to read through the Operation, Maintenance & Warranty manual.

Generally, keeping the throttle wide-open or idling for any length of time is to be avoided during the first two hours of use. In older two-stroke models, the process of breaking in required extra oil, but the OptiMax engines use specific computer programming to increase the oil mixture during the breaking-in process. In order for the computing to work, you first need to be sure that you have the appropriate amount of Mercury OptiMax oil in place.

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Evinrude E-TEC Specs

I’m concluding Refresher Week by explaining the phenomenon that is the Evinrude E-TEC outboard boat motor. Simply put, the E-TEC is Evinrude’s answer to traditional four stroke motors. Four-stroke motors are touted for their easy start, minimum noise, and superior fuel economy in comparison to two-stroke engines.

The E-TEC rights all those wrongs by being a smooth-operating, quiet, gas conserving two-stroke motor. It’s so fuel efficient that it won the 2004 Clean Air Excellence Award from the EPA. I can personally vouch for the effectiveness of these engines and I recommend that you give one a try.

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Adjusting the Choke on a MerCruiser

To increase the gas entering your MerCruiser cylinders, you’ll need to adjust the engine’s choke. The choke enriches the air and gas mixture that enters the cylinders, thus making starting a MerCruiser engine an easier task. Of course, before you begin, you should check to make sure that your boat has plenty of gas and Evinrude 2 cycle oil XD100.

First, tilt the motor so the drive system is submerged and then open the tank vent. Shift into neutral and set the choke lever between full and half full. Place the throttle in the start position and rip the manual cord (or press the start button on an electric starter). Adjust the choke back into the off position as the engine warms.

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Benefits of Outboard Motor Mount

Today I’ll be writing about the many benefits of using an outboard motor mount. Though motor mounts are not necessary, I find that they provide several benefits in the areas of acceleration, handling, and onboard space. That’s perhaps why some boat companies are incorporating mounts into the hull design of outboard motor boats.

In terms of acceleration, a motor mount moves the motor and propeller away from the hull’s current, thus the propeller can move calm water, which in turn provides greater acceleration and fuel efficiency. An outboard motor mount moves back the boat’s center of gravity, which also provides for faster movement through the water. Finally, the mount frees up space in the hull that would ordinarily be infringed upon. When you’re done looking over bulk outboard motor oil, I highly suggest you pick up an outboard motor mount.

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Starting an Outboard Motor

Yesterday, as the kick off for Refresher Week, I wrote a brief post about storing bulk oil. Today I’m specifically posting for boating beginners by covering how to start an outboard motor. Now, if you seasoned boaters are laughing, keep in mind that learning how to master an outboard is no easy task. Here are some step by step directions:

Start by facing the motor and checking to see if the motor back is in the locked up position. If it is, proceed by opening the tank vent and then moving the gearshift lever to neutral. Next, set the choke between half and full, adjust the throttle to start, and prime the fuel system until it feels firm. Now, pull the starter chord (or press the starter button if you have an electric starter). Reduce the choke and throttle once the motor gets going.

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Refresher Week

This week I’ve dubbed “Refresher Week.” I’ll be answering a number of questions that are frequently posed to me by friends and boating enthusiasts alike. You might read a post and think, “Well, that’s a no brainer.” Please bear in mind that we were all beginners once.

Today’s topic is: How to store bulk motor oil. Personally, I always buy my oil in bulk because it’s a true costs saver. The first thing I do when I receive my shipment of bulk motor oil is to check the drum for any leaks or weaknesses. If I notice any dings, I have a reserve drum that I can transfer the contents of the damaged drum into. Next, I move the drum into a safe, dry area that will be well protected from the elements and from extreme temperatures which can affect the oil’s viscosity.

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Roche Harbor

For those of you who love boating and history, you’ll want to check out Roche Harbor. The highlight of the unincorporated community is the Hotel de Haro. The wrap around porches and meticulous gardens invite you to really soak in the impressive views.

Another unique detail of Roche Harbor is the sunset ritual of playing the U.S. and Canadian anthems. Though the island is part of the United States, it sits right on the border and has a history that is linked with the formerly British Canada. Personally, I think it’s an interesting salute to the island’s history. It’s one of the spectacles I look forward to when I break out my boat motor oil for a day at the harbor.

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Deer Harbor

Another region of the San Juan Islands I love to explore by boat is Deer Harbor. The harbor is part of an unincorporated community on Orcas Island. Like the other San Juan Island communities I’ve described, the area is a hotbed for kayaking, whale watching, and fishing. The area is also known for its plentiful Dungeness crab, rock crab, and shrimp.

My wife and I particularly like boating in Moran State Park. The views of Mount Constitution are just tremendous. I would highly recommend breaking out your best outboard motor oil and heading over to Deer Harbor for a weekend of waterfront fun.

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Pig War

Did you know that the U.S. once had a stand-off with Great Britain over a pig? That’s stretching the truth a little bit, but the only casualty of the Pig War was a pig. Essentially, there was a longstanding border dispute between the U.S. and British Canada regarding the San Juan Islands. Obviously each side sought control over the archipelago.

The U.S. favored the western border of the Haro Strait while the British favored the eastern Rosario Strait. The conflict was not resolved until a pig wandered over to the American side of the island and ate the potatoes of a farmer. The farmer retaliated and killed the pig. The British authorities tried to get involved and arrest the American, but the American settlers called in for back up. Eventually, an international arbiter was called in and ultimately sided with the U.S. Think about that next time you’re loading you boat up with amalie oil to go boating around the San Juan Islands!

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Friday Harbor

The county seat of the San Juan Islands is Friday Harbor. It has a rich maritime history and it remains an active commercial fishing port. The downtown area is quite pleasant with a plethora of shops, galleries, and restaurants. While I’m putting 2 stroke oil in my boat, my wife likes to take a walk in the local park or take in a summer series concert.

Kayaking and whale watching are also big in the area. Personally I have spotted the majestic creatures a half dozen times or so. Each sighting still takes my breath away.

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San Juan Islands

Prior to moving to Port Townsend, WA, my aunt and uncle lived on Lopez Island, which is one of the larger islands that make up the archipelago known as the San Juan Islands. For years they had extolled the beauty of the islands and urged me to make the trip up from Seattle. I finally carved some time out of my schedule to go visit the islands.

All I can say is: breathtaking. The islands are truly a wealth of natural beauty and the residents do their utmost to keep it that way. I now take frequent boating trips out to the islands. In fact, I plan on putting some 2 cycle oil  in my boat for an outing this weekend

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Family PWC Models

Did you know that among personal watercrafts, multi-person models sell the best? Even though they are the slowest and least fuel efficient, one, two, three and even four person PWCs sell extremely well. That is because these models have been touted as family-friendly.

When my kids were younger we owned a multi-person PWC. It was great to strap everybody into life vests and take a spin on the water. Once my kids got older, I ditched the multi-person for a single sit-down ride. I’ve saved a lot of money on fuel and Yamalube oil by making the switch.

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