Preparation Leads to Boating with Confidence

When you are out on the water, it is crucial that you have the gear you need. Life jackets and other essential safety equipment are required by law. The type of boating you are doing, and the environment you are in, will determine what gear you should bring along, and you should take every precaution before heading out on the water. You should know what to bring based on the size of your boat, purpose and length of the trip and the worst case conditions you might face. Experienced boaters will always tell you to keep your boat prepared for emergencies at all times.

This also includes maintaining your boats mechanical systems, and your engine is a critical component. You should be confident out on the water, knowing that you have done all you can to make sure your boat will get you there and back safely. Using the manufacturer’s specified oil, Evinrude XD50 oil for example, can help to ensure that your engine is running smoothly; and don’t forget to check your oil and fuel levels before every trip out on the water.

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The Hamptons

On the other side of the U.S. is a little beach haven known as the Hamptons. (Obviously, “little beach haven” is an understatement). While celebrities may hide out in their gigantic beach mansions, there are plenty of affordable beach cottages average Joes like me can rent.

When I was in university a bunch of us would pool our money and rent a Hamptons beach cottage for a week. Yes, it could be a bit cramped at night, but we spent most of our days on the water, so it wasn’t too bad. We even rented a boat a few times and serviced the engine with Evinrude XD 50 oil.

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Malibu Vacation

Back in the U.S. celebrities like to frequent Malibu. That’s not much of a surprise. I’ve visited Malibu a couple of times and the surfing is amazing.

Fishing, on the other hand, is better further away from the crowds. In fact, it’s better if you go deep sea fishing. I’ve done that a few times with a buddy of mine. I repaid him with a bottle of premium Evinrude XD 100 oil.


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Croatian Coast

The next big summer hot spot, according to People magazine, is the Croatian coast. That one made me scratch my head. When I think of Croatia my mind doesn’t immediately go to tropical paradise.

Apparently, the historic city of Dubrovnik sits right on the Adriatic Sea and is quite beautiful and budget friendly. Grilled octopus, I read, is a specialty along the Croatian coast. With all the money I’ve saved by purchasing affordable Evinrude outboard oil over the years, maybe I’ll be able to afford a trip to such an off-beat destination.

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Italian Coast

The Italian coast is considered another celebrity summer hot spot. Everyone from Tyra Banks to Ellen DeGeneres to Jessica Simpson likes to lounge in the Italian sun. Though I haven’t stayed in any ritzy palazzos, my wife and I did take our honeymoon in Venice, so I suppose that counts.

We scrimped and saved to go on that trip. We thoroughly enjoyed our time, and of course made full use of the water taxi and water bus system. Perhaps if I’d known more Italian I could have chatted with the captains about the virtues of using Evinrude oil.

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Summer Hot Spots

My wife subscribes to People magazine, and I will admit that I flipped through the pages of the latest issue. Since we are in the throes of summer, the magazine did an obligatory spread on the tropical paradises celebrities frequent. Though I myself have no aspirations for fame, I do admit it would be nice to have the money to take exotic vacations on a whim.

The first hot spot profiled was St. Tropez, a tropical French paradise. The waters are so blue that there is a specific shade of blue that bears the island’s name. Apparently, actor Johnny Depp has a 156-foot yacht that you can rent for $130,000 a week. I don’t have that kind of money, so I think I’ll stick to tuning up my boat with Evinrude Johnson 2 stroke outboard oil.

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Bulk Motor Oil

While distracting myself from all the paperwork and financials I’ll need to get in order to start a business, I’ve been searching for deals on bulk outboard motor oil. If you know where to look, then you can get some truly incredible deals. Good prices are available not only on cheap lubricants but on quality bulk outboard motor oil.

When I do order bulk oil, I always make a point in asking about the type of container it will come in. You don’t want to wind up with a rusted container that will leak. Ideally you want a container that can hold up for several years in fluctuating temperatures.

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Learning About Licenses

One area I need to give more consideration before opening a charter fishing boat business is licenses. Preliminary searches online show that I’ll need to acquire a business license, multiple boating licenses, and multiple fishing licenses. That involves a lot of paperwork and fees. Plus, the rules, particularly on the state and county levels, can change every year.

That’s a lot of overhead right off the bat, which concerns me. Not to mention, I’d have to hire a small crew and pay them decent wages. Still, I think that this charter business could be something I could really excel in. To take my mind off these worries I like to shop for bargains on bulk motor oil that I could purchase for my future fleet.

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Starting a Charter Fishing Boat Business

I’ve been an avid fisherman and boater for decades. I’m coming up on retirement soon, so I’ve been giving a great deal of thought about what I will do with my time. I feel young and heart; there’s no way I’m going to sit around the house all day.

I’ve been giving serious thought to starting a charter fishing boat business in my area. It makes a lot of sense. I already know the best areas to fish; I can do my own boat maintenance; and I know where to get deals on bulk Mercury OptiMax oil. I need to think this through a bit more before I discuss this business idea with my wife.

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Yamaha Lubricants

Yesterday I wrote about the guys’ weekend I attended in lieu of a traditional bachelor party. After we docked from the fishing tip, I took the first mate up on his offer to take a look at the different oils they keep stocked. Sure enough, in their store room there was a whole wall lined with Yamaha lubricants.

Though Yamaha lubricants are versatile, the first mate explained, the fleet owner makes sure that only the factory recommended boat motor oil. I started poking around the rest of the storage shed and talking to the first mate about what it takes to start a charter fishing boat business. He and I chatted a bit more and I took down his contact information just in case I had more questions about the industry.

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Charter Fishing Trip

For my buddy’s bachelor party we decided to forgo the stereotypical drunken routine in favor of a guys’ weekend getaway. Eight of us pitched in and we rented out a beach house for three days and two nights. The house had great views and was close to the marina.

All of us love boating and fishing, so one afternoon we chartered a private boat for fishing. As the fishing outing was winding down, I found myself chatting with the first mate about the best outboard motor oil. He and I were in agreement that Yamaha has a decent line of oils.

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Thunder and Lightning

When I was a teenager I earned spending money by working as a lifeguard during the summer. It’s a pretty cushy job most of the time. Who doesn’t want to spend hot days right by the pool? Any time it got too warm, I just jumped in the water to cool off.

The only times we had to shut down the pool were for thunder and lightning. Since we didn’t want to get electrocuted our policy was to wait 30 minutes after the last thunder was heard or the last lightning was spotted before we’d let patrons back in the pool. I use that policy now whenever I go boating. I don’t want to get stranded on the water during a storm, so I use the time ashore to teach my kids about 2 stroke oil and other boating necessities.

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