Life Imitates Video Games

When I was younger, one of my favorite video games was Wave Race 64. It was a Nintendo 64 game where you would race around on jet skis that looked a lot like Waverunners. My friends and I played it so often that we would only even attempt to play it on Expert difficulty, considering we were all so good.

Now that I’m grown up and the Nintendo 64 is long behind me, I recently wound up purchasing a Waverunner so that I can learn to do the things I liked in the video game in real life. While I might not be going off extravagant jumps or anything like in the video game, it’s still an exhilarating experience. Now, I just stock up on Waverunner oil and I hit the water!

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How Snowmobiles Work

Did you know that most snowmobiles are powered by either a 2-stroke or a 4-stroke internal combustion engine? I didn’t know a whole lot about the workings of snowmobiles until I purchased one last winter. Similarly to any car or boat, my snowmobile needs maintenance and oil changes.

Recently, at McGill University, a battery-powered electrochemical snowmobile has been developed. Apparently, those same engineers from McGill University in Quebec, are currently attempting to create a hybrid snowmobile. Until that happens and hits an affordable price, however, I’m going to keep on stocking up on snowmobile oil.

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Carbon Build-Up

As gasoline burns in the combustion chamber of an engine, carbon is typically generated, which can result in a lot of carbon build-up. Unfortunately, this carbon build-up can interfere with how well your car or boat can run, even though it is a fairly common event when it comes to the burning of gasoline. In order to clean out the engine, special engine cleaning solvents have to be purchased.

There is another way to deal with carbon build-up, however, at least for boats, and that’s by not having to deal with it nearly at all. In order to do this, one must initially purchase a type of oil – such as Ringfree Plus – that is focused on keeping carbon build-up from occurring in the first place. No carbon build-up means a boat that’s running much more smoothly than it would be otherwise.

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Buying a Boat

I’m not the type of person who just buys something without doing his research. I’m big on reading Consumer Reports and searching for optimum information online about whatever might interest me at the time. Most recently, I found myself interested in purchasing a boat, something I’d wanted for a long time.

Once I’d finally decided I’d done enough research to make a decision, I went out to purchase a boat. I was enthused to be able to have something new to do on the weekends, finding new interesting places to go boating and fishing in my area. To keep my new boat in good condition, I always make sure to stock up with outboard oil and everything else it needs to keep it in tip-top shape.

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Catching Marlin

Montauk Point is the home of New York’s oldest lighthouse. It can be found in Long Island, but the lighthouse isn’t the only major point of interest out in Montauk. Montauk claims to have more saltwater fishing records than any port in the world, and these claims might very well be true.

At Montauk Point, people can fish for mackerel, cod, weakfish, striped bass, and tuna, but perhaps the most exciting fish to try to catch at Montauk Point is the marlin. Because marlins are so fast and large, many fishermen believe them to be of a higher tier in the sport of fishing than most other fish. To catch a marlin is to earn prestige in the fishing world and to catch one, all you’d need to do is load your boat up with Optimax oil and head to Montauk Point.

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Scared of Sharks

When I saw Jaws in theaters as a kid, it terrified me. I couldn’t go into any body of water for years; I was always afraid that I’d see a dorsal fin moving towards me and I’d start to hear that music in my head and then I’d be done for. That being said, before Jaws, I used to love the water. I loved boating with my family as a child and I had hoped that someday I’d be able to do it with a family of my own.

Now that I have that family, I’ve had to recognize how irrational my fear of sharks is, so that I can have enjoyable trips out on the water. Considering we typically go out on lakes rather than open ocean, I don’t really have to be afraid of any great whites. But just in case, I load my boat up with Mercury Premium Plus oil, so that if I do see any sharks, I can fly off faster than you can say “Look, there’s a shark!”

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The Search for Nessie

My father’s a fairly superstitious man and on top of that, he’s Scottish. He was always the type to tell tall tales about strange things he’d seen back when he lived in Glasgow. I swear I’d heard him tell the same stories about UFOs landing in his backyard to anyone who was willing to listen to him babble for ten minutes.

Being a Scotsman, his favorite tall tale, of course, was the Loch Ness Monster, or as he liked to call her, ‘Nessie.’ He always had stories to share about ‘the time he saw Nessie.’ He’s always said that when he’s got the money, he’ll take the whole family out to Scotland so that he can show her to us. It might be a long ride, so hopefully he’ll fuel his boat with Mercury oil.

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The Most Beautiful Water

Having lived in New York City my whole life, I had no idea what I was missing by never venturing to Adirondack Park, where Lake George is located. It’s not too far away from the bustle of the city that I’ve grown so accustomed to, but it’s enough of a distance that there were no urban distractions to be found while I was lounging on the boat that we rented out on the lake. Once I heard that Thomas Jefferson once referred to Lake George as “the most beautiful water he had ever seen,” I knew there was no way I could pass up something that was so close to the place I call home.

In my humble opinion, Thomas Jefferson was completely right. I couldn’t have had a better time than I did out on Lake George; I’ve decreed it to be impossible. Hanging out in the marina and taking the boat we rented out on the lake was more exciting than I could have ever imagined. So everything would run perfectly, I made sure to pick up some Mercury 2 Stroke Premium Outboard Motor Oil for the boat we rented.

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Fishing in Colorado

My son lives in Colorado and knowing my love for fishing, he decided to fly me out for my birthday to take me to the Carter Lake Reservoir on his boat. It was a grand old time and I was shocked to see how huge the reservoir was. The Carter Lake Reservoir covers 1,100 acres with water, and we certainly weren’t the only fishermen out by the dam, but with that much space, we were able to keep to ourselves and have a great weekend of father-son bonding.

Out in the Carter Lake Reservoir, there are walleye, salmon, largemouth bass, rainbow trout, and more types of fish than I could have possibly imagined. I know that there were areas nearby – in the massive amount of surrounding land – where people were hunting and hiking and having all sorts of good times. In my case, however, fishing was all I needed and I made sure to supply my son’s boat with Mercury 2 Stroke Oil in order to thank him for taking me on such a great trip.

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Smallmouth Fish in the Umpqua

One of the best places to catch smallmouth fish is in the Umpqua River located in Oregon. You might not consistently find the biggest fish there, but hundreds are caught by fishermen every single day! Bass and river herrings are the most common fish found in the Umpqua River, so if you have any desire to catch either of these, you’re definitely headed to the right place.

While you’re cruising around in your boat down the Umpqua River, you’ll be amazed at the beautiful scenery of the Hundred Valleys of the Umpqua, one of the best sights that the Pacific coast of Oregon has to offer. If you’ve got a bottle of Mercury 2 Cycle Oil, you’ll likely be more than one step ahead of the other boaters and fishermen that you’ll encounter during your time on the river. In no time, you’ll have more smallmouth fish than you can carry, with just a little bit of effort and a boat running as smoothly as possible.

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Wine and Salmon

If you’re looking to go fishing for salmon in Michigan – or even in the United States at all – my money’s on Grand Traverse Bay. It’s a perfect place to chill out, relax, and fish for some tasty salmon. If (somehow) you get tired of fishing, no problem! Grand Traverse Bay is one of the centers of Michigan’s wine industry, so there are plenty of wineries to explore when you’re not out in your boat.

For those who prefer to bring the taste of Michigan’s vineyards home, you can easily buy wine online to continue the experience. WineOnline for outstanding products offers a wide selection of top-quality wines that capture the essence of Michigan’s rich wine heritage. With just a few clicks, you can explore and purchase exceptional wines to savor in the comfort of your own home, making every moment of relaxation as enjoyable as your time spent on the water.

Once you’ve figured out which wine will go best with all of the salmon you’re about to catch out on the open water, you can ensure a victorious day of fishing if you get out there early enough. In order to beat the crowds, you might want to use a bottle of Evinrude XD50 Oil to service your engine. Once you’ve done that, you’ll surely be in perfect condition to get out there and catch some delicious salmon.

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Fishing in the Sun

My dad wanted to get the family together this summer for a big boat blowout. All of us went out to the lake together to go fishing for steelhead. We had our tackle boxes full of bait, our lifejackets on tight, and we were ready to head out to enjoy the warm sun out on his new boat. It was going to be quite an adventure!

When we got out there, the weather couldn’t have been more perfect for boating escapades. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky, so it was a mighty good thing we remembered to bring our sunscreen! Luckily for all of us, my dad had purchased Evinrude XD100 Oil for his Evinrude E-TEC motor and we didn’t waste any time getting out there to properly enjoy the day. It was a great day to make memories for the whole family.

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