Stick to the Classic Containers

I’m a big fan of the show Seinfeld. There’s an episode of the show where hipster doofus Cosmo Kramer tries to create a new product that can be used to carry oil. The idea is an oil tanker ‘bladder’ which is essentially oil being held in a giant rubber ball. Like many of Kramer’s ideas on the show, this idea drastically backfires.

After the oil bladder falls out the window, it’s proven that the rubber ball is not nearly sturdy enough to carry that much liquid. He would have needed a much sturdier container to actually work. He should have just kept it in a Mercury Oil 55 gallon drum; there are never any problems with those!

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Women Can Boat Too

My girlfriend grew up boating with her parents a lot. She was an only child and while a lot of people associate boating as a ‘men’s activity,’ she’s proven that that doesn’t always have to be the case. She knows more about the mechanics of boats than I know about the mechanics of anything; her father worked on both cars and boats for a living and knew the ins and outs of all of it and taught her about it too.

She’s got a couple of boats of her own that she maintains and works on herself. She always uses Yamaha 2W oil in her boat and she keeps everything up to date when it comes to the boat’s maintenance needs. She makes sure people think twice before they think boating is a man’s world!

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Bad Driver

It is unbelievable how many cars my friend has wrecked. He doesn’t drink and drive or anything like that, but he constantly overshoots what he can do on the road and winds up doing something really stupid to annihilate his car. It doesn’t help him that he has done this so frequently that he can’t purchase nice cars, so he’s trying to operate really poorly-made, cheap used cars as if they were brand-new sports cars.

Most recently, it was revealed to me that the court fumbled up and lost his records completely, which is how he’s managed to not get his license revoked completely. He told me the other day he was looking into getting a new car. I handed him a bottle of two cycle outboard oil and told him, “You’re better off buying a boat.”

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A Boat Fixer-Upper

My friend recently purchased a fixer-upper boat. I worried about this because I feel like it’s a little dangerous to be using a boat that you know needs to be fixed up, considering using a boat typically involves being out in the middle of open water and a boat breaking down on you out there would be bad, to say the least. Nobody wants to get stuck in the middle of nowhere, especially if you have to swim to safety.

But he’s been working on it non-stop. He’s got more of a mechanical brain than I do, so perhaps he understands how a fixer-upper truly can be fixed better than me. He took it out for the first time a couple weeks ago. He put some outboard motor oil in his boat and it’s been working fine.

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Ruined Jeans

I’m one of those people who has a favorite pair of jeans. I know some people say jeans are jeans, but I disagree. I definitely have a favorite pair; they’re the most comfortable pair of pants I own and I look good in them too! How could they NOT be my favorite?

Needless to say, I was devastated when I spilled a bottle of Yamaha oil on my jeans. Not only did I need new jeans but I needed new oil for my boat. It was a pretty devastating loss on both counts, but the oil wasn’t as expensive as buying new jeans, so at least there was that.

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Waiting for Summer

Winter hits early where I live and I don’t often have a lot of time to take off from work for vacations in warmer places. Because of this, I don’t get to enjoy time on my boat as often as I would like to. I love fishing and boating and just being out on the water, but we only get a few weeks a year to do it at a nice, acceptable temperature.

Thus, there’s often a long period of waiting time where I work on boat maintenance rather than boat enjoyment. I like to keep my boat clean and ready for use. When it’s summer again, I’ll be the first one using Yamaha 2S oil to get my boat ready to go.

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Using Two-Stroke Oil

Two-stroke oil is a special kind of oil used for crankcase compression two-stroke engines. A four-cycle engine has a closed crankcase, but two-stroke engines in comparison, use the crankcase as part of the induction tract. Because of this, gasoline must be mixed in with the two-stroke oil for lubrication.

When the two-stroke oil – also known as two cycle oil – is burned with the other fuel, there is often blue smoke because the oil is dyed blue so that it can be more easily recognized when mixed in with the gasoline. There is also often a specific odor that is produced by this type of oil.

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Catch and Release

I went with my dad to Banks Lake for Labor Day weekend. He had gone out there a few times before with his buddies on his new boat but I hadn’t yet gone out there with him. He’s big on fishing so that’s what we decided we would do out there; we were fishing with on a catch and release basis.

When we got back home, my mom asked us why we hadn’t brought home any fish for her to cook up. Next time we go out there maybe we will. As long as we’ve got some Mercury Optimax oil, we’ll be able to go there again and actually bring back some fish to eat.

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Biggest Fish Contest

I was fishing with a close buddy of mine and we decided to make a gentleman’s wager in regards to who could catch the biggest fish. Neither of us had ever really caught a whopper before, but we figured it was something that could allow us to test, perhaps, which of us was the better fisherman. Or at the very least, it’d just be a fun, interesting way to spice up our fishing trip.

We were fishing for hours and honestly, we weren’t getting very many bites until the very end of the night, surprisingly enough. We each caught a single fish by the end of it all. He won the bet and I had to give him a bottle of Mercury engine oil for his boat.

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Wives and Boats

My wife and I went through a little bit of a rough patch when I bought my boat. She thought that it was a waste of money and when the boat started to have problems, she seemed convinced that she was right. The problem was that I had bought a used boat and it hadn’t been inspected or maintained as well as advertised. This was something that could be fixed.

Eventually, I got the boat running. I think one of the issues my wife had was that I was taking my buddies out on the boat to drink and fish, rather than spending a day on the boat with her. So for the holidays, I took her out on the boat for the first time and she had a great time. She got me a bottle of Yamalube 2M, just to remind me she loves me.

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Boating in Idaho

I didn’t know when I moved to Idaho how frequently I would end up boating. There are lakes all over the state that I had no idea about when I moved here for my job. Sometimes new friends would take me to Priest Lake to go sailing or Cascade Lake to go fishing and eventually I realized I had to get a boat of my own.

Most frequently these days, I like to travel out to Lake Lowell in southwestern Idaho, because I enjoy fishing. Every now and then I’ll also head out to Redfish Lake or Lucky Peak Lake, however, and sometimes the ones that I used to go to as well. I always remember to bring an extra bottle of Yamaha outboard oil along with me, just in case.

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Shark Fishing in Nova Scotia

I’ve got a friend who recently moved out to Nova Scotia for a job. I didn’t even know where Nova Scotia was, other than it being in Canada. It’s actually all the way on the east of Canada, surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean. Considering it’s right out there on the ocean, it’s a pretty interesting place to go fishing, which was what we decided to do when I flew out and visited him.

He took me out to Blue Shark Fishing Charters, which is a professional sport fishing charter service. They took us out the fish for sharks! It was catch and release, but it was still really interesting fishing for sharks out on the open ocean, which is something I’d certainly never done before. I bought the guys a bottle of Yamaha 2M oil for their boat to thank them for such a great time.

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