Leftover Oil

My best friend has always been a huge fan of boating and fishing and he finally got around to purchasing his own boat recently. He’s kind of become a little consumed with it, trying to make sure everything’s always in perfect condition. Boating has pretty much been all he’s talked about for weeks.

I used to have my own boat but I sold it when I was running low on money a while back. Even though I sold my own boat a while ago, I still had some Yamalube oil sitting around so I decided to give it to my friend, knowing he’d be able to make a lot more use out of it than I could.

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Holiday Shopping

My wife and I like to make time each year during the holiday season to go shopping together at the local town centre. We have opposing work schedules during the week so we often don’t get to spend much time together apart from the weekends, but we always do the holiday shopping together.

We went in and out of all the different stores in the town centre, trying to find the right gifts for our friends and family members. We were able to find a great variety of gifts that we would be able to give them. While we were out, I had wanted to pick up some Mercury oil for my boat, but for some reason, I couldn’t find any stores that sold it.

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Shopping Online

I like to surf on the Internet to find the best deals on the things that I need. My wife’s more of the type of person that likes to physically go out to the stores, but honestly, when I’m home after a long day at work, the last thing I want to do is get in my car and drive to a store and drive home to get something, not when we’ve got the wonders of the Internet at hand.

I realize that I’m spoiled by technology here, but I figure, we’ve got it, so why not be spoiled by it? Most recently, I was doing some shopping online to get some things for a boat trip that I was planning. I found a website online that had a pretty good deal on Mercury oil so I snatched some of that up.

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The Basics of Boating

I was at a boating goods store with a couple of buddies of mine. We all have our own boats and we’re pretty experienced boaters if I do say so myself and one of my friends just got his so we were telling him, as a newcomer to the world of boating, what kinds of things he was going to need as a boater.

While we were at the store, each of us kept finding things that we needed for our own boats (my friends and I being in a boating store is dangerous; it’s like my wife being in a shoe store). I remembered that my boat needed some maintenance done on it so I decided to get some Mercury oil.

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Rewarding Yourself

I don’t like going to the dentist; I’m pretty sure that nobody really does, but I’ve always especially disliked going to my dentist and I feel like whenever I do it, it’s in a completely begrudging manner. Over the years, however, I’ve learned to find ways to trick myself into not hating my visits to the dentist as much.

For instance, I like to implement a rewards program with myself when I have to do things that I really hate. I get through going to the dentist and then I indulge by purchasing something for myself that makes me happy. After my most recent visit to the dentist, I swung by a boating store and got some Mercury oil and some other nifty accessories for my boat.

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Extra Spending Money

I went to the mall recently to pick up some gifts and a card for my girlfriend’s birthday. She’s always pretty particular about the things that she wants, so believe me, I’ve always already got it in my head exactly what it is that I should get her for birthdays and Christmas and anniversaries, which is nice, although I feel like she’s never really surprised.

Luckily, my girlfriend’s not really the type to ask for things that are too expensive so after I’d found all of her gifts, I still had some extra spending money leftover for me to use on myself. I decided to indulge by heading over to a boating store that was nearby the mall and picking up some Mercury oil for my boat.

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Surprise Boat Trip

One of my friends called me up out of the blue recently; I hadn’t heard from him in a while so I was a little surprised. He told me to come over to his house because he had some awesome plans for the weekend that he wanted to include me in. I didn’t have anything planned so I went over to his house.

When I got there, he had a bottle of Yamaha 2W oil in one hand and a printed off picture of Chesapeake Bay in the other hand. Quickly, I knew exactly what we were going to be doing that weekend and it was much-needed. We were going to do some boating and fishing up in Chesapeake Bay. We went out there and had a great time.

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Christmas Shopping

It’s getting to be that time of year again when Christmas is just around the corner. I’ve been trying to get all the shopping for Christmas presents out of the way but my family never really gives me any hints of what I should buy them and when I ask them what they want, they usually nonchalantly say that they can’t think of anything specific and that I’ll figure something out.

I had to pretty much improvise when I was picking up Christmas presents for everyone. I got some candles and things like that for my mom. I got my dad some 2 cycle oil for his boat, because I figured you could never have enough for that. And I got some video games for my little brother, because all he really does is play video games.

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Nautical Supplies Store

I went to a nautical supplies store with a friend of mine. They sell all kinds of things there, from scuba gear to fishing rods to boating equipment. Personally, I was there to pick up some fly fishing tackle. I’ve been going fishing for a long time but I’d never done any fly fishing before and I thought it’d be something new and fun to do to mix up our next fishing trip.

While I was taking a look at the different fly rods and accessories that the store had available, my friend was checking out general boating supplies because he recently got a new boat. He wound up picking up some Yamalube 2M oil for his boat because he needed to do some maintenance on it.

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Scuba Diving

I decided that I wanted to try out some scuba diving; it’s something I’ve never done before but always wanted to do. I’ve got a boat, so with some supervision and some classes, I might be able to go out and do it with some friends after I’ve got enough knowledge about it.

Recently, after signing up for scuba classes, I went to this scuba store not too far away from where I live. I got a whole bunch of scuba gear that I would need for going out on my own scuba expeditions; I wanted to have high quality equipment to keep myself safe when I was out scuba diving because I think I’ll end up doing this quite a bit. Afterwards, I picked up some Yamalube 2W oil for my boat.

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Buying in Bulk

I absolutely hate shopping and I always have. I’ve just always seen it as a huge burden. Ever since the advent of online shopping, I’ve loved that I can at least do shopping at home but I still feel like I’m using up all of my precious free time when I have to shop for anything, especially if it’s something I can’t find online.

These days, when I’ve decided to buy something, I prefer to buy a lot of it all at once (if it’s something that doesn’t really expire, of course) so that I don’t have to go through the process of buying more of it later. For instance, when I decided to get a new boat, I bought enough Yamalube 2 cycle oil that I wouldn’t have to buy any again for years.

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Best of the Best

I can’t stand when people settle for less than the best! It’s always been a pet peeve of mine when people go for the cheaper, off-brand items that are clearly of lower quality than brand-name high quality products. I feel this way about everything; toaster pastries, toilet paper, and especially anything that I use on my car or my boat.

Seeking out the best outboard motor oil for your boat is something that I believe is genuinely important. People shouldn’t be settling for less than the best if they want something that lasts and is of excellent quality. If you’re not getting the best products, you might have a boat or car or something else that doesn’t work when you need it to, and when it comes to your car or your boat, this could become a matter of life and death.

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