Maintenance After Winter

512502Don’t forget to go through the motions when it comes to boat maintenance after the winter season is over! I know that it’s very easy to forget about your boat when the lakes are iced over or when it’s just flat-out too cold to even really go outside, depending on where you live.

You’ve got to make sure everything is running fine when winter is over though because there’s no other time that’s more likely for your boat to break down (or at least mess up in some way) on you. It’s important to make sure that your boat motor oil has been changed and is up to standard before you go out on any journeys on your boat.

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Tips for a Smooth Ride

My best friend has had his boat a lot longer than I have, so he knows a lot more about boating and boats in general than I probably ever will. He’s always giving me hints and tips about what I should be doing to make sure that my boat is getting its proper maintenance and so it’s at maximum efficiency.

For instance, he was recently talking to me about his experience with fuel additives and he was making some pretty convincing statements, honestly. He wound up convincing me to pick up a Yamalube Ringfree Plus fuel additive because he said that it would make my boat run more smoothly.

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Scarcely Stocked

I stopped by a boating store the other day while I was doing a little bit of shopping out on the town. I’ve had a boat myself for quite some time now so I always make a point to stop by the boating store to see if they’ve got anything in stock that I might need, just in case there’s something I’ve been meaning to purchase for my boat but haven’t gotten around to actually buying yet.

While I was in the store, I made sure to grab up a bottle of Yamalube 2W oil for my boat; I’ve been having a good deal of trouble finding it lately in brick and mortar stores, so seeing a bottle of it sitting there, I felt like I had to buy it. I decided it was a good purchase to make; when I went back recently, they didn’t have any in stock!

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Be Prepared

I like to think of myself as a pretty prepared person in all aspects of my life. I tend to carry around a utility satchel that’s always full of things that I might need in any particular situation. I think it’s something I learned from when I was a Boy Scout; the ‘Be Prepared’ mantra.

I always make sure to have a decent amount of 2 stroke oil as back-up in my garage. Having back-up oil makes on-the-fly maintenance a lot easier and with the amount of usage my boat gets, on-the-fly maintenance is something that I often find myself having to do. It’s not a big deal; I get a lot out of my boat, so it’s not surprising that I need to put work into it as well.

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Winter Fishing for Bass

We had our last fishing trip of the year just recently. We caught a decent amount of bass, which was great because we all actually enjoy eating bass. A lot of people are fans of trout and salmon, but they tend to forget that bass is a perfectly edible fish that I think can be quite tasty if it’s prepared correctly.

I stopped off and got some Yamalube oil on our way home because I figured it’d be a good time to do some maintenance on my boat since we were about to hit wintertime and there’s not a whole lot of boating to be done in the winter. It was pretty chilly even here on our last trip, but once winter really kicks off, it’ll be unbearable, unless you’re out to do some ice fishing.

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Saving Space in the Garage

I have pretty limited space in my garage; there’s a ton of junk in the garage that my wife and I haven’t bothered going through since we moved to this house years ago, and it seems like it’d be a huge hassle going through all of it. We’re just able enough to get both of our cars in the garage, so it hasn’t been a huge problem yet.

Because of this, we like to find ways to save space when we plan on storing things in our garage. For instance, when it comes to oil for the boat that we have (which we keep in a special storage facility since there’s no room in the garage), having a Mercury oil 55 gallon drum actually saves space, compared to how much space that amount would take on if it were being stored in separate bottles.

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Leftover Oil

My best friend has always been a huge fan of boating and fishing and he finally got around to purchasing his own boat recently. He’s kind of become a little consumed with it, trying to make sure everything’s always in perfect condition. Boating has pretty much been all he’s talked about for weeks.

I used to have my own boat but I sold it when I was running low on money a while back. Even though I sold my own boat a while ago, I still had some Yamalube oil sitting around so I decided to give it to my friend, knowing he’d be able to make a lot more use out of it than I could.

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Holiday Shopping

My wife and I like to make time each year during the holiday season to go shopping together at the local town centre. We have opposing work schedules during the week so we often don’t get to spend much time together apart from the weekends, but we always do the holiday shopping together.

We went in and out of all the different stores in the town centre, trying to find the right gifts for our friends and family members. We were able to find a great variety of gifts that we would be able to give them. While we were out, I had wanted to pick up some Mercury oil for my boat, but for some reason, I couldn’t find any stores that sold it.

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Shopping Online

I like to surf on the Internet to find the best deals on the things that I need. My wife’s more of the type of person that likes to physically go out to the stores, but honestly, when I’m home after a long day at work, the last thing I want to do is get in my car and drive to a store and drive home to get something, not when we’ve got the wonders of the Internet at hand.

I realize that I’m spoiled by technology here, but I figure, we’ve got it, so why not be spoiled by it? Most recently, I was doing some shopping online to get some things for a boat trip that I was planning. I found a website online that had a pretty good deal on Mercury oil so I snatched some of that up.

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The Basics of Boating

I was at a boating goods store with a couple of buddies of mine. We all have our own boats and we’re pretty experienced boaters if I do say so myself and one of my friends just got his so we were telling him, as a newcomer to the world of boating, what kinds of things he was going to need as a boater.

While we were at the store, each of us kept finding things that we needed for our own boats (my friends and I being in a boating store is dangerous; it’s like my wife being in a shoe store). I remembered that my boat needed some maintenance done on it so I decided to get some Mercury oil.

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Rewarding Yourself

I don’t like going to the dentist; I’m pretty sure that nobody really does, but I’ve always especially disliked going to my dentist and I feel like whenever I do it, it’s in a completely begrudging manner. Over the years, however, I’ve learned to find ways to trick myself into not hating my visits to the dentist as much.

For instance, I like to implement a rewards program with myself when I have to do things that I really hate. I get through going to the dentist and then I indulge by purchasing something for myself that makes me happy. After my most recent visit to the dentist, I swung by a boating store and got some Mercury oil and some other nifty accessories for my boat.

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Extra Spending Money

I went to the mall recently to pick up some gifts and a card for my girlfriend’s birthday. She’s always pretty particular about the things that she wants, so believe me, I’ve always already got it in my head exactly what it is that I should get her for birthdays and Christmas and anniversaries, which is nice, although I feel like she’s never really surprised.

Luckily, my girlfriend’s not really the type to ask for things that are too expensive so after I’d found all of her gifts, I still had some extra spending money leftover for me to use on myself. I decided to indulge by heading over to a boating store that was nearby the mall and picking up some Mercury oil for my boat.

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