After Holiday Errands

hatteras_cole_boatI found myself with nothing much to do after the holidays.  I have some time off so I decided to help my wife run some errands.  A quick trip to the post office turned into an hour-long struggle to keep my patience.  It definitely killed some time and I had nowhere else to be so I gutted through it.

I found a gift card I got for Christmas in my wallet when I finally paid for my package to be delivered.  That was enough to lift my spirits and alleviate the frustration I felt while waiting on line at the post office.  I decided to make a quick stop to the store and pick up some Ringfree Plus and a replacement blade for my engine.

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Cleaning up the Garage

88df21bb6bbb4b31fccc2a11a49c544d_zps22252821I like to start off every new year by cleaning out my garage for all the unnecessary junk that has accumulated to make room for more junk that I plan on buying.  It’s amazing to find out how much stuff I forgot I had.  I have shelves of unopened paint cans that the wife bought for the bedroom that she never got around to painting.

Every once and a while, I find something useful that I can use which is always a pleasant surprise.  I found some new wiper blades that I never installed on the truck.  I also found a full gallon of Evinrude XD50 oil that I left covered under a tarp.  That just saved me a trip to the store.

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Breaking in a New Engine

brads392hemiproject140I just recently purchased a new Evinrude engine for my boat.  The old one was acting up on me and I wanted to replace it before it totally went out on me at the most inopportune time.  I got it for a decent enough price.

The one thing about replacing an engine is finding the proper mix of oil to fuel.  I’m just doing some trial and error on how much Evinrude Johnson 2 Stroke Outboard Oil to use with my fuel.  Hopefully I’ll find the right balance.

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Brand Preference

BrandThere are a lot of different motor oils available for boats. Before you even start looking, you should make sure you know what to be looking for, based on the type of engine that your boat has. For instance, a 2 stroke engine requires special 2 stroke oil, so if that’s what you have, you should make sure that that’s what you’re going after.

Once you’ve figured out exactly what kind of oil you need, you can get into the specifics of brand choices and things like that. There are many different brands of motor oil that you can choose from. You could take a look at Yamaha or Mercury oil, but personally, I prefer Optimax oil.

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Words of ‘Wisdom’

Words-of-Wisdom-1024x718My mother always had strange words of advice to impart on me, that I’ve never really hear from any source other than her. Somehow, however, many of these words of ‘wisdom’ have stuck with me into my adulthood. I’ve noticed, on a number of occasions, her bizarre words of advice resulting in some of my own decisions.

For instance, one of her ideas was that no one should make a purchase on an empty stomach. So recently I made sure to have my fill of food before I went out to purchase a few bottles of Yamalube 2M for my boat. These weird little quirks of hers have stuck with me, but they haven’t ever caused me any hardships, so maybe there’s something to all of her strange little superstitions.

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Oiled Up

imagesJust like a car, it’s important to make sure that you keep your boat stocked up with the motor oil that it requires. In order to make sure that your engine lasts a long time and doesn’t end up failing on you and requiring some costly replacements, you should be sure to check your oil and add the oil you need whenever possible.

With a bottle of Mercury 2 stroke oil, I can make sure that my boat’s running in perfect condition. I always try to keep stocked up, especially if I’m planning on taking my boat out on any long trips. This way, I’ll be prepared as soon as I get home to check the oil and see if my boat needs more of it.

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Dragged Out Shopping

628x471I hate it when my girlfriend drags me along to go shopping with her. I’m not someone at all who cares about things like clothes and fashion, but she’s of course, very much into it, and I typically wind up sitting next to the dressing room in a bunch of different stores, telling her that everything she’s wearing looks good, because I don’t care and just want to get out of there.

The most recent time we went out and did this, I decided that it was only fair if we went to some stores that I wanted to go to afterwards. One of the stores we went to was a boating store and I decided to explain all of the intricacies of boating and taking care of one’s boat to my girlfriend. Then I picked up a couple of bottles of Evinrude XD 100 oil.

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Keeping Customers Pleased

customer-serviceI work for a boating store and whenever summer rolls around is the time that I start having to order products for my store like none other. The summertime is when people want to start getting out there, and a lot of my customers don’t plan too far ahead. Luckily, for them I’m able to plan ahead so that they don’t need to.

By ordering a large amount of bulk outboard motor oil for my store in the springtime, I can ensure that I’ll have everything that I need for my store once summer hits and we start getting a massive influx of customers. Every summer, this is what I make sure to do, and I’ve never run into a situation where I don’t have what my customers need! This in itself ensures they’ll be coming back every summer.

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Addicted to Online Shopping

pornography-addiction-gaming-gambling-300x196I’ve been doing a massive amount of online shopping the past few weeks. It started out innocently enough; I was trying to do a little bit of Christmas shopping for my family, and then I started buying things for my friends, and as I was surfing around from website to website, I got caught up in things a little bit, and decided I’d put my Christmas bonus to good use!

I went to a large number of websites that specialized in different things. Checked out some jewelry for my wife and some toys and video games for the kids. I also picked up a bottle of Evinrude XD 50 oil for my boat, because I was running low and I thought it’d be a good use of the money.

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All I Want For Christmas

christmas-gift-1024x640Last Christmas, my gift to myself was a boat. I spent a lot of time getting it prepared properly so that I would be able to use it fairly often from spring until fall – because I don’t live somewhere where there’s much of a boating season in the winter – and it really paid off with the amount of good times I’ve had on it. Everyone in my family knows how much I love my boat.

That’s how I know that, this year for Christmas, I can expect to be getting a whole bunch of Christmas gifts related to boating. For instance, I snuck a peek at my wife’s e-mail and I noticed that she had placed an order on some bottles of Yamalube 2-M, which will work perfectly for my boat. I’m very excited for Christmas to come this year!

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Outboard Motors

6a00d8341c339953ef00e54f3d08ed8834-640wiThe outboard motor is a typical propulsion system for boats and is one of the most efficient ways to get your boat around. Figuring out what kind of outboard motor you want for your boat can sometimes be the tricky part, however. Luckily, there are a few major brands that it’s typically best to select from.

Evinrude and Yamaha are pretty much definitively among the best outboard motors for boats you could possibly find. Primarily, from my experiences anyway, the only differences are related to weight, which is important for the hull you mount it on. Personally, I have an Evinrude one so I make sure to stock up on Evinrude oil now and then to make sure I’ve got everything running well.

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Can Never Get Enough Oil

user65932_pic155259_1160865991Sometimes finding motor oil at the beginning of the boating season can be a bit difficult because the stores often end up picked through by everyone excited to go out boating and trying to get their boat prepared the way that it needs to be. One way is to just go online and get it, but even if you’re doing that, more is always better than less.

A good way to make sure you’re not hurting for it is to pick up bulk motor oil in the winter. That way, when the rush comes in after winter is over and boating season is about to commence, you’ll already be a step ahead of everybody else and won’t have anything to worry about, which I’m certain will be a load off of your shoulders if you’re as big a boating fan as I am.

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