Mercury Oil Fuels Great Pastimes

civicconcet 359One of my favorite foods is properly cooked salmon. Whenever I decide to cook up some salmon, I always try to make a new and interesting dish with it, because I really love cooking; I would say it is one of my favorite pastimes. Sometimes I’ll make a grilled salmon and spinach salad with peach dressing; other times I’ll prepare some salmon chowder with bacon.

My other favorite pastime is going fishing, so the two really go hand in hand, because I love to catch my own salmon. I get to be involved with the entire process; filling my boat up with Mercury oil, going out and fishing for some salmon, and then bringing it home and coming up with some new recipe that my wife and kids will enjoy as much as I do.

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Won’t Run Out With Bulk Motor Oil

oil-changeI work in an independent mechanic’s workshop; we’re not associated with any of the major mechanic shops but we’re very well-rated and we know how to get the job done. I’m not an expert mechanic by any means, but some of the people that I work with definitely are. Whether it’s a car or a boat, they seem to know everything there is to know.

One of my duties at my job is to make sure that supplies are ordered and delivered regularly; the ones that you would need for any mechanic job. For instance, I’m regularly making orders of bulk motor oil, because we use a very large amount of it. It would be a big problem for our customers – and furthermore, for us – if we were to ever run out of it.

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How 2 Stroke Oil Works

4cycle-diagramFour-cycle engines have a closed crankcase, which is what makes them different from two-cycle engines. Crankcase compression two-stroke engines require a different type of oil than a four-cycle engine because of this reason. Since these types of engines use the crankcase as part of the induction tract, gasoline and oil must be mixed for proper lubrication.

Generally, the best way to do this is to use 2 stroke oil, which is offered by many of the top motor oil brands. This type of oil is burned alongside the fuel in what is technically a total-loss oiling system, though it is rarely referred to as such, because two-stroke engines differ greatly from other total-loss oiling systems that are used in steam engines.

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Yamalube For A Helpful Father

stever5_dualI recently moved into my first apartment and it wasn’t something that I could really do on my own. I didn’t want to drop a lot of money paying movers, so I enlisted the help of my father. We were able to get everything moved in there in under six hours, which was really nice.

In order to thank him for all of the help he had given me with the move, I decided to get him a couple of bottles of Yamalube oil. I knew that he had been putting off doing some maintenance on his boat because he didn’t have all of the right materials, and I thought that some motor oil might be a step in the right direction.

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A New Boat With Evinrude XD50 Oil

Scarab302cool_002Taking your new boat out on the water for the first time is a pretty exhilarating experience, even if you’ve had many boats in your lifetime. It’s a great feeling to really get to see what your boat can do and push it to its limits. This will be a look ahead at all of the great times that you’ll be having on your boat in the future on your next boating and fishing trips.

Whenever I get a new boat that I want to test out, I make sure that all of the proper maintenance has been done, and use Evinrude XD100 oil for my E-Tecs. Then I take it to a nearby lake that’s usually not very crowded and put it through its paces while I plan my next trip.

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New Boats May Need Yamalube Ringfree Plus

runabout_from_lake_centerWhen it comes to purchasing a new boat, or even a previously owned boat, it’s very important to get all of the necessary supplies to go along with your purchase. This can sometimes add up to a larger cost than you initially calculated, but it is always worth it to be prepared for maintenance and anything else that might happen to your boat.

Getting outboard motor oil for your boat is obviously very important, as well as purchasing fuel additives that are sometimes necessary like Yamalube Ringfree Plus. It’s also very important to make certain that you purchase cleaning supplies for your boat, so that you can make sure to keep it in good shape externally after it’s been used.

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Avoiding Boat Problems With Yamalube Ring Free Plus

dog-boat-dogA friend of mine recently sold a boat to me for cheap. Unfortunately for me, the reason it was so cheap was that he hadn’t been putting the maintenance into it that was necessary and it was having some problems. Even though it was a cheap purchase, I knew I would still probably have to take it into a shop and pay more to get some repairs done on it.

I got some repairs done on it and it didn’t seem like he’d done quite as much damage to the boat as he had though. I bought a bottle of Yamalube Ring Free Plus, knowing that everything would run a lot more smoothly if I used that, and I’ve been making sure to keep up on maintenance just in case there are any problems that start to show up with the boat again.

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Yamaha 2M Oil For A Father-Son Fishing Trip

father_son_salmon_fishingEvery year, my father and I go on an annual fishing trip. One caveat to the trip is that we have to decide on a fishing location somewhere that we have never been before. Usually, this means we’ll go to a different lake nearby or something like that, though we did splurge one year and visited South America for a pretty spectacular fishing trip.

This year, however, we’re keeping it low-key, though we did realize that traveling is a fun thing to do when it comes to fishing. What we’re doing this year is loading up with Yamaha 2M oil and taking the boat over to Oregon for some quality father-son bonding time. Every year has been really fun and it’s nice to be able to spend some time with my dad.

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Mercury Lends His Name To Mercury Outboard Oil

mercuryThe Roman god Mercury was also known as Hermes to the Greeks and was known well for his speed, his winged shoes, and his work as a messenger to the other gods. He was the god of commerce, communication, luck, and trickery, and he was known as the guide of souls to the Underworld. In time, Mercury has had a large effect on popular culture.

Many things have been named after Mercury, the most obvious examples being the planet Mercury and the element of mercury, which is commonly used in thermometers to tell temperature. Mercury’s name has also been taken for companies such as a former car brand made by Ford or the company that produces Mercury outboard oil for boats.

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What Is The Best Outboard Motor Oil?

outboard-engine-electric-torqeedoI’ve got a lot of experience when it comes to using different outboard motor oils with boats; I worked in a boat repair shop for quite a while and I’ve had my own boats for a number of decades at this point. Frequently, I get asked a question that, even with all of my experience, I’m not entirely sure how to accurately answer: what is the best outboard motor oil?

I’m not really sure what the best outboard motor oil is. I have experience with Yamaha and Mercury and Evinrude and I definitely believe that those three are among the top brands in the industry, but I’m not certain if I could say that one of those brands is particularly better than the other. It’s a really tough call, as certain brands are better for certain uses than others.

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Evinrude Outboard Motors And Evinrude XD100 Oil

digi47019996_lEvinrude Outboard Motors is a company that was founded in 1907 by Ole Evinrude, a Norwegian immigrant to the United States. He was fascinated by the newly developed internal combustion engine and wanted to design small engines with his new company. The company developed motors for American military marine craft in World War II.

These days, the company not only develops the cleanest, most efficient outboard motors in the world, but also offers many other products to help keep them running like new. These include outboard motor oils like Evinrude XD100 oil. It is always best to buy the type of oil that was specifically designed for your motor.

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Keeping 2 Cycle Oil In Stock

271007_front200As a boat mechanic, I always have to make sure I’ve got the products that I need in my shop. If my employees don’t have the necessary tools and materials, they can’t do their jobs properly. We always keep an additional stock of our supplies in a storage unit so that we can easily get anything we need for any job.

One of the items I always keep is a large stock of 4 cycle and 2 cycle oil, fuel additives, tool sets, and spare parts for all different kinds of boats. We like to promise our customers that the work done on their boats will be speedy so that they can get out and enjoy the water as often as they can.

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