Staying Safe With Evinrude Outboard Oil

article-new-ehow-images-a07-87-b8-remove-johnson-outboard-lower-unit-800x800I don’t yet have any kids of my own, but my older brother’s son sure is growing up fast. Every now and then I’ll take my nephew out – sometimes with my brother as well, though his schedules is pretty busy – and we’ll go fishing together. I don’t yet know if I’ll ever end up having kids, but taking my nephew out boating every now and then is good practice for if I do.

Whenever my nephew comes over, I realize that I’ve got to be in charge of keeping him safe. Obviously, I always make him wear a lifejacket, but another important part of keeping him safe is simply making certain that my boat has received the proper maintenance. That’s why I always keep a supply on Evinrude outboard oil on hand to do regular oil changes.

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Knowing If Your Vehicle Needs 2 Stroke Oil

0a7fcdb2250f43fa9c30ae8ec2af096aIt’s important to know as much as possible about your vehicle, whether it’s car, a boat, or anything else. The reason for this is because knowing a lot about vehicles allows you to know how to diagnose and treat any problems with it. Obviously, if you’re less experienced, it’s generally in your best interest to bring your vehicle in to a mechanic, but having some knowledge can help.

Even having the most basic information can help significantly. For instance, if you have a 2 stroke engine in your boat, you have to be certain that you’re using 2 stroke oil when you’re doing maintenance on your boat. Similarly, knowing the type of car you have can be important when it comes to choosing tires or anything else for your vehicle.

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Yamalube 2M Oil for Newlywed Boaters

sbe5p705I went to a wedding recently; it was the first wedding I had ever been to, so when I was thinking about what I was going to give the couple as a gift, I panicked a little bit. They didn’t have a registry or anything like that, so I wasn’t entirely sure what it was that I should try and pick up for them. I’d never given a wedding gift before, but I wanted it to be something they’d enjoy.

One thing that I knew very well about the couple was how much they loved boating together. They actually met initially at a boating convention, so there was rarely a weekend where they weren’t out together on their boat; I’d been out with them a number of times. What I decided to get them was some Yamalube 2M oil, because who can have too much of that?

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Learning About Yamalube Ringfree Plus

tractorBoating was never something that really interested me, but I think may have been in part because I didn’t live close to any large bodies of water when I was growing up. I never really had the chance or the option to do any water-based activities except on the few occasions I’d visit my grandfather and he would go take me fishing, but those instances were few and far between.

Nowadays I’ve moved further away from home to a place where there are lakes all over the place. The majority of my friends now grew up around water so boating and fishing is always part of what we like to do. I’ve learned a lot about boating over the years, as well as boat maintenance; I even know things about fuel additives like Yamalube Ringfree Plus.

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Arguing About the Best Outboard Motor Oil

SB1C985_sI’m always arguing with my brother about things; we’re both natural-born arguers and we were both even on the Debate team when we were in high school. Sometimes we have a tendency to just argue for hours about the most trivial things. We are never really unfriendly,  but we often both find ourselves becoming very passionate about whatever we’re arguing about.

We recently got into a debate over what the best outboard motor oil for boats is. Personally, I think it’s Mercury oil, while my brother is on the side of Evinrude oil. As per usual, we had to agree to disagree, because we’re both particularly stubborn when it comes to changing our minds. Neither of us ever wants to admit when we think the other might be right.

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Betting with Evinrude Oil

xd50My best friend and I can be a little on the competitive side. We’re always finding ways to turn things into bets and competitions. Most recently, when we were hanging out on a boating trip, we decided that we would have a fishing contest. All we needed to do was set up the parameters of the bet, so we could figure out exactly what the stakes would be.

I promised that I would buy him some Evinrude oil for his boat if he won the contest, and he said he would do the same for me if I won. I thought that would be a fair wager and that we were pretty evenly matched. I was wrong about one thing though; he caught way more fish than I did. He’s clearly more of an expert fisherman than I am, but I was happy to pay up.

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2 Cycle Oil in a Better Boat

PM703102AI always feel like when my younger brother makes purchases, he’s trying to catch up with the things that I have just purchased. I’ll purchase a new car, then he’ll purchase a new car. I move into a new place, then he moves into a new place. I think some of these instances have been coincidences, but it’s still something that seems to happen a whole lot.

Most recently, this happened with a boat; I purchased a boat, and then he went out and purchased a boat. While sometimes it’s been a coincidence, I’m pretty sure that this one wasn’t. He always tries to compete with me, so he’s sure to bring up things about his boat whenever he can. My boat uses 2 cycle oil quite efficiently though, much better than his, so I have that advantage.

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Yamaha Outboard Oil Always on Hand

px_al_09.10_checking_oilI’ve always been the type who likes to be at the wheel in all situations. For some reason, I just don’t trust anybody else to drive a vehicle but myself. I’ve always preferred being the one who drives people around; I even prefer being the designated driver when we go out to bars, just so I don’t have to deal with anyone else’s driving. I’m the same way with boats as well.

Whenever my buddies and I go out boating together, I always insist that we take out my boat. Since that’s often what we end up doing, I always have to make certain that my boat is well-maintained. That’s why I always keep as much Yamaha outboard oil on hand as possible, so that I’m able to use it in a pinch whenever my boat is in need of an oil change.

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A Bottle of Mercury 2 Stroke Premium Outboard Motor Oil Can’t Hurt

Aqua_Patio_250_Express_Night_Lights_LO-RES.jpgMy friend was having some issues with his boat recently. I’m a car mechanic predominantly, but I’ve done a small amount of work with boats before, so when he told me about his issues, I told him I’d be willing to take a look at it for him. Whenever any of my friends need car or boat advice, I’m always willing to help them out free of charge.

I took a look at it, but I couldn’t really figure out what the problem was. I’m a lot more well-versed when it comes to cars than I am when it comes to boats, so it didn’t surprise me that much that I wasn’t able to figure it out. I told him that I didn’t know what was wrong with his boat, but a bottle of Mercury 2 stroke premium outboard motor oil certainly wasn’t going to hurt.

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Mercury Premium Plus for Family Fishing Trips

936916_10151586548630867_637457102_nMy father passed away when I was younger, so I wound up spending a lot of time with my uncles, who really became my male role models as I grew up. They showed me how to do all kinds of things; they took me on my first hunting trip and they took me camping for the first time. Our favorite thing to do together, however, was to go fishing.

These days, I live further away from my uncles than I did when I was a kid. However, we still always find times during the year to organize fishing trips. I have my own boat now, which is something I had always wanted, and I’ve got all the Mercury Premium Plus that I need to make sure that my boat always stays in the best possible condition.

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The Trusted Brands of Outboard Motor Oil

mercury-outboard-propellersThere are a lot of different brands of outboard motor oil that should be browsed through when you are looking to do maintenance on your boat. Some of the brands that are out there are cheap and cannot necessarily be vouched for and they may be knock-off brands. These should generally be avoided, as you cannot trust a brand that is not well-known when it comes to your boat.

Some of the brands of outboard motor oil that can definitely be trusted include such well-known brands as Mercury, Evinrude, and Yamaha. These are some of the most trusted brands in the industry, which is why they are generally endorsed by many boat manufacturers. You don’t want to shirk on costs when it comes to making sure your boat is maintained.

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Outboard Oil For Doing Work On The Boat

outboard-001480x420I decided recently that I was going to spend a weekend working exclusively on mechanical stuff. I’ve been putting off working on my car for a while and it’s in desperate need of a tune-up. I always like to do those sorts of things myself, because I’ve got the expertise and I always feel like hiring a mechanic is a waste of money if I already know how to do it.

I went out earlier in the week to get all of the supplies that I would need to work on my car; I was missing a few essential tools and oil and things like that. While I was out and about, I also decided to pick up some outboard oil for my boat. Perhaps if I finish up work on my car earlier than expected, I’ll also be able to do a bit of work on my boat.

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