Going for a Swim Thanks to Yamalube 2W Oil

2010-08-29_11.53.50I think that swimming is a great way to exercise. It works out more of your muscles than running would and personally, I find it to be a lot more fun than running even if it does tend to be quite a bit more exhausting overall. I don’t have a pool, but I live close to a lake that varies in depth, which is usually where I go for a swim when it’s nice outside.

I generally prefer to swim in areas that aren’t unsafe due to the depth, since I like to swim by myself. Usually, what I’ll do is take my boat out to an area of the lake where I know it isn’t too deep and then I’ll swim around it. Before I do so, I always make sure to use Yamalube 2W oil on my boat so that I don’t run into any issues when I take it out.

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Two Cycle Oil for the Man Who Has Everything

optimax.3.gallonsWhat do you get for the man who has everything? That’s a question I always find myself asking whenever I’ve got to purchase a gift for my older brother. He’s doing pretty well for himself and he’s not really the type to wait around until Christmas or his birthday to get something that he wants. Unfortunately, this sometimes makes it hard to think of an appropriate gift.

Usually, I like to get something that I know he uses a lot or something perishable. For instance, I’ll get him some sort of foodstuffs that will be easily prepared and delicious. Or instead I’ll get him some two cycle oil for his boat, since I know he takes it out so often that he goes through it constantly. Even though it’s tough to buy gifts for him, I always figure something out!

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Subsidiaries Leading to Evinrude XD100 Oil

evinrude-1-300x173Briggs & Stratton is a company that is best known as the largest manufacturer of air-cooled gasoline engines in the world. They own a number of important subsidiaries that sell related products for automobiles, motorcycles, boats, and more. The company was initially founded in 1908 and is currently based in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

Though not currently owned by Briggs & Stratton, Evinrude Outboard Motors was once owned by Briggs & Stratton co-founder Stephen Briggs as a part of the Outboard Marine Corporation. Evinrude, producer of products such as Evinrude XD100 oil, is now owned by Bombardier Recreational Products, who also own Johnson Outboards and a number of other companies.

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Yamalube 2M Oil and My Son’s First Fishing Trip

Shields 6-20-09 002I’m taking my young son on his first boating and fishing trip next weekend. He’s just old enough to be able to use a small children’s fishing pole and smart enough to keep his lifejacket on when I tell him it’s dangerous to take it off. As someone who has always been a huge fan of boating and fishing, I’m really excited to share this experience with my son.

Since I want to make sure this is a good memory for him, I’ve been trying to ensure that everything goes smoothly. I’ve been double and triple checking the weather every day so that I can make sure it’ll be nice outside on the day that we’re going. I’ve also been doing all the proper maintenance that I can on my boat with Yamalube 2M oil to ensure it’ll work fine.

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Yamaha Oil for Morning Fishing

036700_headlineI really love fishing, but I don’t do it as often as I would like to, mostly because I know that the best time to go fishing is bright and early in the morning, and I’m not exactly a morning person. I’m someone who has difficulty getting up for work in the morning and without that early-morning cup of coffee that I always make sure to have, I wouldn’t even be able to handle that.

Whenever I decide to go fishing, I try to get a lot done the evening before so that I don’t have to use my morning brain to make too many decisions. I get all the maintenance done that I need with Yamaha oil and I put all of the gear that I’m going to need in my car and hitch my boat to the car. As long as I get in bed really early and have coffee when I wake up, I can handle myself.

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Lakeside with Mercury 2 Stroke Oil

sloaneboatLiving on the side of a lake has a huge number of benefits, especially when summertime rolls around. There are all kinds of great things that we can do when guests come over. Obviously, we’re able to go for a swim out there, which is really nice. We’re also able to go fishing whenever we want. However, the most fun thing for us to do is to take people out on our boat.

Since our gatherings with friends are often more impromptu than they are planned, we like to make sure that our boat is always properly maintained. That’s why we always make sure to keep a solid stock of Mercury 2 stroke oil on hand so that the boat is always in good shape before we take it out for a spin on the lake with our friends.

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Saving Money with Bulk Motor Oil

vegetable-oil5Whenever I buy groceries, I skip over the typical grocery stores and I go straight to Costco. For me, buying in bulk is the only way to go with pretty much anything. As long as you’ve got enough room to store the items that you’re purchasing and they aren’t quickly perishable, there’s almost no reason at all to not buy things in bulk.

Generally, buying in bulk means getting a lot more for a lot less; the cost is typically lower by volume if you’re buying something in bulk. This goes for more than just food-related items too. For instance, whenever I’m purchasing items for my car or boat, I go for bulk, such as bulk motor oil. This way, I never have to worry about getting more and I get it for a better price.

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Using Evinrude XD50 Oil like My Friends

boating_friendsThe majority of my friends have their own boats and I go out boating and fishing with them pretty frequently. However, I always felt like I was mooching off them a bit because I never had my own boat and we were always alternating with my friends’ boats. Recently, I decided to finally bite the bullet and purchase my own boat so that I could contribute.

Luckily, all of my friends were all really well-versed when it came to boats, so I was able to get a lot of advice about what kind of boat to get. Additionally, they were able to help me figure out what sort of maintenance supplies I would need. For instance, when it came to my oil needs, they guided me towards Evinrude XD50 oil, as it was generally what they used as well.

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Yamalube Oil for a Father’s Day Outing

ben Spies and Colin Edwards - Tech3 YamahaMy brother and I went on a weekend fishing trip with my dad for Father’s Day this year. We had a great time together; my dad rented out a house by a lake for the weekend in advance and we got up early in the mornings to go out on his boat and see what we could catch. I think it was fun enough for us to consider turning it into an annual trip.

I didn’t get my dad much for Father’s Day; after all, what do you get for the man who has everything? But I did get him some stuff that I knew he would have to replenish eventually. For instance, I picked him up some Yamalube oil, since I know how often he goes out on his boat, and he could always use the necessary maintenance supplies for it.

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Remembering Mercury Oil

20130302_011400_herringI have trouble remembering names. This isn’t something that just happens when I meet people, but I also struggle when it comes to remembering the names of songs or movies or brands. Sometimes this can become a real issue, but I’ve learned to better remember names by associating names with something and coming up with mnemonics or other tricks.

For instance, I was out the other day shopping for some things for my boat. I couldn’t remember the outboard motor oil that I like using for my boat, but luckily I had used association techniques to remember it. I had somehow associated ‘boat oil’ with ‘hot planet’ and remembered that it was Mercury oil that I preferred to use on my boat.

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Learning about Boats and Two Cycle Outboard Oil

boat-oil-changeWhen I was in high school, I remember knowing a lot of guys that were way into cars and could talk about all the different specs and information about new cars coming out and things like that. I was kind of bewildered by it because I couldn’t fathom being one of those people, but as an adult, I’ve turned out not to be that different from those kinds of guys after all.

Rather than being into cars, however, my current group of friends is very interested in boating and all of the logistics behind having a boat. We’re constantly discussing which two cycle outboard oil to use or talking about the new boats that are coming out. We know how to do maintenance on our own boats and we’re all pretty well-versed in the subject.

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Former Surfer Uses Mercury Outboard Oil

Mercury-Marine-2Surfing was something I used to do a lot when I was younger; it really developed an intense love of water for me. I sustained a leg injury and haven’t been able to properly surf ever since then, which was something that really upset me, but one injury certainly couldn’t keep me away from the open water, even if I can’t surf anymore like I used to.

These days, the primary time that I spend out on the water is on my boat. Obviously, it doesn’t give me quite the thrill of surfing, but I still love the water so much that I’m always willing to lounge around or go fishing with my friends. If I’m not out on my boat, I’m usually working on it and fixing it up, which is why I’ve got a good stock of Mercury outboard oil.

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