From Kayaking to Boating with Evinrude Johnson 2 Stroke Outboard Oil

kayakersBoatI’ve always been a huge fan of spending time out on the water. Recently, I’ve been going kayaking a lot more often, which has been a lot of fun and really good exercise. However, kayaking can be a little bit exhausting and I had been thinking for a while about getting something more relaxing to do out on the water, which is why I bought a boat.

I still go kayaking frequently, but now I spend some of my weekends taking the boat out with a few friends and just cruising around and having a relaxing time with some music and a few drinks. I make sure to keep Evinrude Johnson 2 stroke outboard oil on hand since I’ve been going out boating quite often and want to make the most of the summer.

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Going Fast on a Waverunner with Yamalube 2W

300174_10151384572748123_1879943396_nIf you’ve never been on a Waverunner before, you’re missing out enormously. The best way that I can describe it is that it’s like the motorcycle of the sea. If you’re interested in high speeds on a personal vehicle in the water, there’s absolutely no reason to not check out a Waverunner. After I rode a friend’s for the first time, I knew I was in love with it and needed my own personal watercraft.

For my Waverunner, it was recommended to me that I use Yamalube 2W for the oil. I’ve used that the entire time I’ve had it and I’ve gotten nothing but great performance out of it. Anyone who loves the thrill of going fast and maneuvering in interesting ways out on a lake has got to try out a Waverunner: I give it my absolute highest recommendation.

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Mercury Premium Plus Gets Used in New Boat

lifestyle_inset_9My dad’s the kind of guy who will make a big purchase, get all the accoutrements for it, use it a lot for a while, and then kind of forget that he has it for a long time. Once, he went all out and got everything that you would need to brew your own beer, then he used it once and made a few bottles, and it’s been collecting dust in the garage ever since then.

His most recent purchase has been a boat. Of course he, purchased everything he would need for it, including a huge supply of Mercury Premium Plus motor oil. This time, however, it seems like he might have made a purchase that will actually last. He’s been using his boat way more often than anything else he’s ever bought, so maybe he’s finally figured out what he loves.

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Evinrude Oil Helps Me Get Great Photos

941225_10151585724961553_1084866596_nI’m an amateur wildlife photographer and one of my favorite things to do is to take my boat out onto the lake and get pictures of birds and nature and whatever else I see while I’m out on the lake. The lake I live closest to is really beautiful and there’s always the chance of seeing herons closer to the water and birds of prey like eagles up in the sky, which are great to take pictures of.

I really enjoy going out at different times of the day during different times of the year because nature can change so much over the course of time. You’ll see completely different things when you’re out at night in the summer than you will in the morning during the cusp of winter. I like going out on a whim, so I always keep a supply of Evinrude oil on hand for my boat.

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Consistently Using the Best Outboard Motor Oil

about-optimaxWhen you’ve done a lot of work with boats, you start to get a feel for what are the best tools to work with. This can be anything from the physical tools required to do serious maintenance to something as simple as the motor oil used on the boat. I’ve definitely found a few favorites when it comes to the top brands in the motor oil industry.

I haven’t thought too hard about what specifically the best outboard motor oil might be though. I think what’s most important is that there’s a level of consistency. For instance, it is always best to use the oil that the engineers that designed your outboard motor had formulated especially for that particular motor.

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Boating Forever with Yamalube 2M

32228_pEver since I was a child, I’ve loved spending time on the water. My parents had a boat and I was constantly begging my dad to take me out fishing or just for a spin. I learned how to drive a boat early on, just so I’d be able to go out on my own boating expeditions earlier. As soon as I could afford it in my adulthood, I bought my own boat; I cared more about than having a car.

If it was convenient, I would probably live on a houseboat, honestly. It’s something that I’ve always considered doing, but there aren’t really any areas nearby where it’d be particularly convenient and I’ve got too much stuff. Until the day that I decide to switch over to a houseboat, I’ll be fine with my current boat, as long as I stay stocked up on Yamalube 2M.

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Yamaha Outboard Oil for a Clean Boat

boaterslogvol4no1image1_largeMy friends and I are in the middle of planning out our big annual fishing trip this year. Though we’re still deciding which lake we want to head out too, we know it’ll end up being a long road trip, followed by a long weekend of fishing, drinking, and catching up with one another. Since we’re all family men now, we don’t get a chance to hang out as often as we once did.

My boat’s the one that we’re going to be taking out this time, so I’ve been doing everything I can to make sure it’s well-maintained and in the best possible condition. For instance, I’ve made sure to load up on Yamaha outboard oil. I’ve also been cleaning my boat to make sure that it looks great; I like being able to have a nice-looking boat when my friends come to see it.

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Saving Money with Bulk Mercury Optimax Oil

Mercury-Marine-2Since a few of my buddies and I all have our own boats, we often alternate on whose turn it is to take their boat out and be the ‘driver’ for the day (or the weekend, depending on where we’re going). We take our boats out so often that we’ve essentially turned this into a bit of a routine, where we always know whose turn it is because we figured out an order.

Another way we make things easier on ourselves is by purchasing boat-related items in bulk. For instance, we’ll buy bulk Mercury Optimax oil when we know that we have to do maintenance and then we split the costs, which winds up being much less expensive than it would be for each of us to buy our own oil. It’s been an effective plan thus far.

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2 Cycle Oil for Dad’s Maintenance

76MontesaCota247My dad was bed-ridden during a particularly nasty battle with the stomach flu, so I was going over to his house every day for a few days to help him out with errands while he was feeling ill. I knew that he had been planning a big boating trip soon and had intended to prepare for it, but was too focused on staying in bed and recovering from being so sick.

While he was out of commission, I did some maintenance on his boat that he had planned on doing. For that, I had to go out and pick up some 2 cycle oil so that I could use it on his boat. I also picked up some groceries for him and got him the medication that he would need to feel better and get over the stomach flu faster.

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Trusted Brands of Outboard Motor Oil

suzuki-outboard-propellers-300x199In the time that I worked as an assistant in a boat mechanic’s workshop, I learned a great deal about the intricacies of boats and boat maintenance. Not only did I learn about the inner workings of boats themselves, but I also learned a lot about what types of items were used when mechanics did boat maintenance. I particularly remember learning about the brands they trusted.

The brands of outboard motor oil that they tended to trust the most were Yamaha, Mercury, and Evinrude. The things that I learned while working in that shop have carried over to my own life now that I have a boat of my own, so I always know what sorts of things I need to purchase when doing maintenance on my boat.

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Learning About Boats and Yamalube 2-M

1365688376_500635412_3-Rubberduck-Falcon-7m-RIB-with-200hp-V6-Yamaha-2-stroke-motor-Boats-ShipsWhen I first bought my boat, I was clueless; I really didn’t know heads or tails about boating. The only thing that I really knew is that I wanted a boat and I would figure out the rest as time went on. I’m a fast learner when it comes to things like that, though I underestimated exactly how much knowledge I would need to know about having a boat.

Obviously, I had to learn how to properly drive it, as well as learn how to set up my car so that I could tow it to where I wanted to take it. Driving with a boat attached to your car has a learning curve of its own. In addition to learning about transportation itself, I also made sure to learn about the maintenance of the boat, and learned to start using Yamalube 2-M in it.

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Prepared for Winter with Snowmobile Oil

snowmobile-1-largeI’ve got a lot of friends who are always talking about how summer is their favorite season because they believe that there are more activities that can be done. I sometimes feel like I’m the only one who disagrees and honestly, I’m always much more excited about winter coming than summer starting back up again, because I love being in the snow.

All of my favorite activities happen during wintertime. I can go skiing and snowboarding and my all-time favorite hobby, snowmobiling. Even in the summer, I like to do work and maintenance on my snowmobile, which is why I keep snowmobile oil on hand. As soon as fall hits and there’s a chance of snow, I want to be able to be ready to get out there.

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