Learning About Boat Maintenance and Two Cycle Outboard Oil

img12413131536I’m the type of person who is constantly seeking knowledge, especially in regards to the things I want to do with my life. For instance, when I was purchasing my boat, I probably went on every single major boating website you could think of to check out reviews and figure out exactly what the right boat for me would be.

Similarly, once I did select and purchase my boat, I started picking up as many books as possible that were related to boating and boat maintenance. I was able to determine which two cycle outboard oil was the best for my boat, as well as learned a number of tips and tricks for if my boat ever needs major maintenance. I even learned some things about properly cleaning a boat.

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Mercury Outboard Oil for Birthday Boating

CW-330-Doctors-Gone-WildWork has been really stressful lately so I decided to plan ahead and take some time off around my birthday. I thought that it would be really nice to go on a fishing and boating trip with my friends somewhere far away from work and home, because that would be the perfect way for me to finally get some much-needed relaxation time in.

Luckily, fueling up my boat isn’t particularly stressful and I already had all the Mercury outboard oil that I would need for the trip. I was glad I had thought ahead on that, because with all the extra tasks I’d been doing at work to be able to go on vacation, I didn’t really have time to go out and do a whole bunch of maintenance on my boat as well.

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Fishing with a Group and Evinrude XD50 Oil

1002446_10151731492185993_290184089_nI really enjoy fishing, but I’ve never been a big fan of going fishing by myself. I know that some people will find it relaxing to wake up early in the morning and go out on their own, but I only really have a good time fishing because of the bonding that I can do with my family and friends when we’re fishing as a group activity; I find that this makes it much more fun.

When I go fishing, I usually load my boat up with Evinrude XD50 oil and take it out to the lake with some friends, even though I live on a river. Boating with friends is another aspect that really makes me love the fishing experience.  Fishing with friends and family has created some of my best memories.

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Mercury Oil Leads to Major Life Moments

ar125561248540391Some of the best moments of my life have been out on a boat. I can think back on so many amazing memories that have involved boating over the course of my life, all the way back to when I was a little kid going out on boats with my parents. I spent tons of time with my friends in high school and college out on a boat as well.

The most recent major memory that involved boating was when I proposed to my fiancée, which I did while we were on a romantic boat ride together. Without boats and Mercury oil, I’d never have had all those great times. I’m very thankful that my parents introduced me to boating and that I met so many people with similar boat-related interests in my life.

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Fishfinders and Yamaha 2M Oil

1929043I got one of those nifty fishfinder devices recently and I was just itching to test it out on my most recent fishing trip. I’ve had a lot of friends get some great results from these fishfinders so I figured it’d be worth picking one up because I love going fishing, but I hate it when I go on a fishing trip and wind up not catching anything at all.

I rounded up some of my buddies who were looking to blow off some steam with a fishing trip, got my boat filled up as necessary with fuel and Yamaha 2M oil, and we got the show on the road. My fishfinder worked wonders and we wound up being able to catch more fish than we ever have together before. I won’t be leaving on a fishing trip anytime soon without it.

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Bulk Motor Oil for a New Boating Shop

NcausewayOne of my goals in life has always been to start up my own business. In particular, I loved the idea of creating a retail store that catered to a certain group of people that I’d be able to build up a rapport with. Having a great store with regular customers has always been a dream of mine and it’s why I wound up getting a Business degree when I was in college.

The niche that I wound up landing on was a boating store, because boating has also been a passion of mine and has been one of my hobbies for as long as I can remember. I love the idea of sharing my boating knowledge with customers. I’ve been loading up on supplies for my store, including bulk motor oil and some fishing gear.

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Stocking Up on 2 Stroke Oil

DSCF1584When I buy motor oil for my boat, I tend to buy a lot of it all at once before I worry about getting any more of it. Usually, if you purchase enough, it’s something that you don’t have to have on your mind very frequently at all. And when you go out on your boat as often as I do, that’s really a significant weight off your shoulders to not have to think about that.

I was running low on oil not too long ago, so I had to figure out exactly what amount of oil I would need that would be cost-effective and efficient for me and my busy schedule. I knew that with the right amount of 2 stroke oil on hand, I wouldn’t have to worry about going out and finding more of it for quite some time, so I made sure to purchase a decent amount.

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Evinrude Outboard Oil on Christmas Eve

aEvinrudeThere are a lot of different traditions that people practice for Christmastime when it comes to opening presents. Some people open presents on Christmas Eve, some on Christmas morning, and some wait until after dinner on Christmas Day. My family and I have always opened one present on Christmas Eve and then the rest the next morning.

This past year, when I opened up my present on Christmas Eve, I knew that my dreams were going to come true on Christmas Day. Because when I realized I had unwrapped a bottle of Evinrude outboard oil, I knew that it meant that my family had gotten me a boat for Christmas, which was exactly the gift that I had always been wanting.

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Yamalube Ringfree Plus Helps Make Boating Safer

2280683I went out to get maintenance materials for my vehicles the other day. I needed to pick some things up for my car and for my motorcycle in particular. I like to do all my own maintenance on them because I’ve had so many bad experiences with mechanics in my area. I’ve learned a lot about vehicles just from doing my own maintenance.

While I was out, I also picked up some fuel for my boat, as well as some fuel additives like Yamalube Ringfree Plus. I like ensuring that my boat is running just as well as my car, if not better. When you’re in a car, you can just pull over if something goes wrong and you don’t really have that same luxury if you’re in a boat; you’re more likely to get stranded out in the water.

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American Boater with Yamalube 2 Cycle Oil Wants to Explore

DSC_0484_bOne of my dreams is to spend some time in Europe. I’ve been planning a trip out there for the longest time, but I’ve run into a few hiccups that have kept me from being able to go out there. I think this year is finally going to be the year that I get to visit and I’m getting really excited; there are so many different things to do there.

Though I’d like to visit places where I speak the language like Ireland and England, I really want to go to Italy. I’ve always thought it’d be particularly romantic to go on a gondola ride out there. Until I get a chance to go out to Europe, however, I’ll settle for my regular boat rides in America with my Yamalube 2 cycle oil.

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I Drive the Boat, You Buy the Mercury Optimax Oil

15hpI’m typically the one of my friends who ends up driving on long car trips. The reason for this is just because I have the tendency to keep my car cleaner than my friends and there’s a lot more leg room in my Subaru than there is in most of my friends’ more compact cars. The deal is usually that if I drive, my friends will be the ones who cover the costs of gas.

In addition to being the one with the car, I’ve also got a boat, so our boating trips work very similarly to our road trips. I’m always willing to take people out on a boat trip, as long as they’re willing to cover the costs for fuel and Mercury Optimax oil. Generally, my friends are always fine with this set-up because we have such a great time on the boat.

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Mercury Oil 55 Gallon Drum is Great for Multiple Boats

55_gallon_drumIf you or your family have multiple boats, you’ll wind up going through oil a lot quicker than you’d imagine. I’ve always believed that being prepared for these sorts of thing is far better than finding yourself running out of necessary materials at an inopportune time. This is why I always try to either buy bulk amounts of oil or large containers of oil for my family.

I try to at the very least keep a Mercury oil 55 gallon drum in my garage; I usually pretend like it’s not there so that if I do forget oil, I have a large supply to fall back on. I do the same kind of thing with my bank accounts – pretending the money in your savings account isn’t actually there is a great way to budget; that’s how I’ve been able to afford multiple boats.

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