Maintain your Watercraft with Yamalube 2W Oil

38357When deciding on a personal watercraft for your summertime fun, it’s important to consider what it takes to properly maintain the vehicle. Through proper maintenance of your pwc right from the start, you will extend the life of the craft and get a better investment. It will also greatly reduce the need for costly repairs.

Washing your boat is more important than you might expect. It will help prevent some of the effects of environmental wear and tear. Taking care of your battery by routinely checking if it’s charged and has the correct fluid levels will help extend its life. Maintaining your motor with Yamalube 2W oil and flushing the engine after every outing will also extend its life.

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Store and Dispose of Optimax Oil

PaintoilcollectionProper care of a Direct Fuel Injection engine starts at the beginning. While proper maintenance is essential during the entire lifespan of the engine, what you do during the first two hours of use will dictate how high of a performance value you get out of the investment. This can also help keep your engine alive longer, with the right few steps.

In general, the first two hours are critical. During this time, it’s recommended that owners avoid extended periods of time spend idling and wide-open throttle. It’s also a good rule of thumb to vary your speeds. New two-stroke engines will require more oil during this break-in period so it’s important to have enough OptiMax oil to get a jumpstart to a great engine experience.


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Best Mercury Engine Oil Mix

mercury_250verado-sternrunEngines are complicated things. For mechanics, it’s like second nature to figure out what oil is right for your engine, and doesn’t take much to figure out why one is more beneficial than the next. For those who are not so trained in the art of maintaining mechanics, it can be overwhelming to even decipher which oil is made for which vehicle.

If you have a mercury engine, knowing the right fuel to oil ratio is one of the most important pieces of information. You should have 50 parts of mercury engine oil to 1 part of gas. This will lengthen the life of your motor and ensure it runs more smoothly. Make sure to also have regular tune-ups twice a year when your boat is being used regularly.


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Outboard Must-know Info such as Evinrude XD 50 Oil Benefits

tim10If you’re new to outboard engines, you’ll have to educate yourself a little bit on the proper keep of an outboard engine in order to guarantee you are getting the most for your money. It’s often misinformation that leads to engines seizing rather than it being a problem with the engine itself. Before anything else, learn what you need to put into your engine.

The first thing to find out is what your fuel/oil ratio is for your outboard. Most manufactured before 1964 need 24:1 while 2-stroke outboards since then require a 50:1 fuel to oil mixture. Using the right oil, such as Evinrude xd50 oil, is imperative. Using the wrong oil can cause extreme problems and even ruin an engine in extreme cases.


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Same Quality with Bulk Outboard Motor Oil

B51F5DgCGkKGrHqFjEEyd8QJlnSBMvI7QT1gw_35Buying the right oil for any vehicle can be the difference between a long lasting investment and a never-ending nightmare. Due to this, many people stray away from buying in bulk. There seems to be a myth that bulk oil is of lower quality than that of bottled oil. However, this is only a myth.

Since the price is less expensive, many consumers leave feeling bulk outboard motor oil is much lower quality oil. This isn’t true at all. Buying oil in bulk provides you the same quality as the bottle versions. The only difference is the price. Just like buying a 36-pack of soda is less cost per can, the same is true when buying oil. Due to buying more at once, the price per unit goes down.

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Why Use Yamalube Oil for Motorcycle

p_yamalubeWhen purchasing a motorcycle for the first time, it can get confusing. Between regular maintenance and small tricks of the trade, everything can seem far more complicated than owning a car in the beginning. However, owning a motorcycle doesn’t have to be any more of a hassle than the regular maintenance of having any other vehicle.

Choosing the right oil can do wonders in making your bike last. Yamalube oil is known for its great quality and ability to make motor bikes last. There are two big reasons to stick with the name brand. Yamalube oil costs about the same as the other brands while being higher quality, and will ensure your clutch doesn’t start having issues with slippage.


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Get the Most out of Your Two Cycle Outboard

PU9D0379-01_copy2-1024x682If you have recently purchased a 2 cycle outboard, there are a few things you need to do in order to get the most out of your investment. With a few tips and tricks, you can get the most out of the engine by ensuring it lasts through the years at top performance. The first few hours of use will dictate how well the engine performs for many years.

While breaking in the new engine, it is recommended to limit and vary the rpms. The top two things you need to watch out for with a two-stroke outboard are ethanol and water. Ethanol is know to cause fuel system issues that can ruin your outing.  Ethanol is also responsible for causing water in your fuel.  It is important to treat your fuel every tank with a fuel treatment such as Yamalube RingFree Plus.

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Where is the Oil Filter on my 2-stroke Engine?

mercury-4-strokes-175-verado-close-upIt’s not a news-breaking headline that you need a good filter to get the best performance from an engine. Having a new filter can promote the longevity and performance peak of your engine. But why do 2-stroke motors not have an oil filter?  I did some research and found out there is good reason.  In a 4-stroke engine (like the one in your car), the oil is added to a reservoir and is then recirculated through the engine, lubricating the moving parts and settling back into the oil pan.  It collects the “bad stuff” as it circulates, and therefore, it must be filtered before returning to the engine again.

So what makes a 2-stroke engine different?  In a 2-stroke engine, the oil is consumed with the combustion process.  Since it is not recirculated, no oil filter is necessary!

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When to Use 2 Stroke Oil

350px-TwostrokeinjectionBefore understanding when it is appropriate to use two stroke oil, you will have to know what the oil is made of. The oil-base stock is typically petroleum, vegetable, semi-synthetic or synthetic oil. This is added to petrol or gasoline at a fuel to oil ratio from 16:1 to as low as 100:1. For lower emissions, the new two strokes use synthetic oil.

The most common time to use 2 stroke oil is in a crankcase compression two-stroke engine. These engines are different than their four-cycle counterparts and need different oil as a result. A two stroke engine is lighter weight and does not have a closed crankcase. Instead, the crankcase is used as part of the induction tract, meaning gasoline must be mixed in with the oil at some point during the process.

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Specs on Yamalube 2 Cycle Oil

dscf0081_1There are many types of two stroke oil that Yamalube offers customers, such as 2R, 2S and 2M. With all the different oil options, it can be confusing as to which one you should choose for the craft you own. Whether you own a WaveRunner, snowmobile, motorcycle, ATV, scooter or golf cart makes a huge difference when choosing the best oil for your motor.
Yamalube 2 cycle oil comes in a 2M option. This oil is designed for outboard boat motors. The blend includes a special additive to reduce wear and help against carbon buildup. Yamalube 2W is better used for watercraft. The blend is semi-synthetic which was designed to work against rust and corrosion. Since the two oils have these specific needs in mind, they are the best choice for each type of craft.

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How Bulk Mercury Optimax Oil Saves Money

mercury_outboards_marine_engines_right_12No matter what your hobby or interest, it’s becoming more important every day to try and save money. While it may seem as though the time is coming to give up your hobbies and pastimes in order to afford your mortgage, maintaining a personal life can be cheaper than you might imagine. With a few tricks, you’ll be able to have your cake and eat it, too.

While taking a two week vacation to Cabo might not be an option, you can still have a great weekend getaway. Buying things like bulk Mercury Optimax oil or buying soap and shampoo in bulk will cut the dollars necessary to make a cheaper trip. It’s the small items you wouldn’t expect that add up the quickest. Saving coupons and shopping sales will make it easier to keep up your weekend lifestyle.

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Learn About Outboard Motors and Evinrude Oil

79rude70If you’re just getting into boating, the different jargon concerning motors and other boat accessories can sound the same. Outboard motor is likely something you have heard, but it might not bring any images to mind when you try to picture it. Before you can own and operate a boat to the best of your ability, you will have to understand the basics about how they are made.
An outboard motor propels a boat forward, running well on Evinrude oil. These motors are the most common method for pushing small boats forward. The motor includes an engine, gearbox, and propeller or jet drive. They do more than just motorize a boat. They also control the watercraft’s direction when under power.

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