Sticking to the Manufacturer’s Best Outboard Motor Oil Suggestion

unoAny time we buy something new, whether it’s an appliance or vehicle, my husband immediately begins trying to find another way of doing everything. I have found unopened instructions packets for nearly everything we have bought over the years, which has become bothersome to say the least.
When we bought a new outboard motor for our vacation home’s boat, I put my foot down. While several online forums may have claimed we could find the best outboard motor oil outside of the suggestion by the manufacturer, I felt like this was completely silly. Most of the other brands were maybe a dollar less, if not the same price, and weren’t the risk of blowing our whole motor.

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Buying Evinrude Oil Before the Trip

evinrudeIt could be (accurately) said that I’m not terribly organized when it comes to family trips. It’s pretty funny because as I sit at my work desk, there’s a post it note for every task that needs to be done and a neat order in which I approach every day’s work. When I get home, that all gets erased and I fall into a lazier person’s habits.

When we were planning our family trip, my husband had an incredible idea that never occurred to any of us: buy the Evinrude oil we needed before we left. Every year, we went up to our shore house and complained on high about the inflated prices of oil in town. My husband finally was the one to think, hey, couldn’t we just buy this beforehand?

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Mercury 2 Stroke Oil and Other Winterizing Supplies

WebPicture-560x245As the cold air sets in, it’s time to get your two-stroke engine ready for the winter. The change in temperature will make your engine have different needs, since it will be working under new conditions. In order to get ready for the season, there are a few things you will need to buy to extend the life of your motor, even during the winter.

You will need to get the right mercury 2 stroke oil, along with fogging oil. Other materials include lower unit gear lube, gasoline additive, CRC or WD, marine grease, lower unit gear lube pump, and new fuel. The cost of all of these materials is typically around $50, but will make sure you get the most out of your motor. The investment definitely pays for itself.

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Deciding to Buy Bulk Motor Oil

bulkOur family has a vacation house on a lake that we share with my grandmother’s siblings and their kids (and their kids, etc.). Over the years, we’ve gotten quite a collection of boats on our dock. Since each family wanted a different model or didn’t want this person to use their boat and the usual family stuff, we now have four boats.

With so many boats, it didn’t make too much sense to buy smaller amounts of oil. We all pitched in for one big bulk motor oil purchase. For some reason, there’s an attitude that buying oil in bulk means you’re getting lower quality oil because it costs less. It actually means you’re buying more at once and therefore paying less in the long run — aka, a much better deal.

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What You’ll Need for a Tune Up Aside from Outboard Oil

boat-motor-oil-300x225Properly maintaining your outboard engine means having regular maintenance that will extend the life of the engine. At *least* once a year, owners should tune up their outboard motor. You should follow the owners manual your specific model came with before trying to tune yours. However, there are some materials every model will need.

You will need outboard oil, soft cloths, lower-unit lubricant, fresh fuel, replacement spark plugs, and waterproof marine grease. All of these materials can be bought online or at a marine store. Some of the tools that will make your tune up easier will be the owner’s manual, a screwdriver, adjustable wrench, and pliers.

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Advantages of Evinrude XD100 Oil

evinrude_etec150_high_torqueNavigating through brands and promises is difficult when it comes to choosing the right oil for your two stroke engine. With every brand promising an extended life for your engine, it can be difficult to decipher which ones will be helpful and which brands are selling false hope for a smoothly operating vehicle.

Evinrude XD100 oil is a premium synthetic oil. The oil can be used in outboard engines, direct injection or oil injected outboard engines. The unsurpassed protection against friction and wear helps against combustion deposits while extending engine life. The best part for many customers is the lack of smoke, ash and odor while using a motor.

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Advantages of a Two Stroke Engine with Mercury Outboard Oil

02For many consumers, there doesn’t sound like there is much of a different between a two stroke engine and a four stroke engine. The first thing to understand when it comes to the differences between the two is what a stroke actually is. A stroke in an engine is the movement of the piston going up or down. The power stroke is when the gasoline in the cylinder fires.

This is what creates the power that is used to make a vehicle operate. In a two stroke engine, every second stroke is the power stroke whereas every fourth in a four stroke engine is the power stroke. This means a two stroke engine can be considered ‘more powerful,’ which many people consider to be a huge advantage. Just make sure to buy the right mercury outboard oil to maintain your engine properly.

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The Right Mix for Two Cycle Oil

Four_stroke_cycle_compressionGetting the right gas to oil mixture ratio for a two stroke engine can make or break your engine — literally. Luckily, manufacturers have already come up with the right amount of each to best maintain and run an engine. Whether you have a golf cart, garden tool or motor skates, it’s important to find out which ratio will work the best for you.

For most tools, transportation and recreational motors, the ratio will be in the range of 20:1 to 100:1 gas to two cycle oil. For most motorcycles, you will need 32:1 but others require 40:1 and others use 50:1. This makes it incredibly important to check your model rather than making an assumption. Make sure to not add oil to the fuel for a 4 cycle engine.

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Learning How to Drive a Boat with Yamaha 2M Oil

1234154012_largeGrowing up, I used to spend a week or two at my extended family’s lake house in Ontario. It was always a long drive, taking about nine hours to get there from our house in New Jersey. While there was a lot to look forward to for the trip, I always anticipated getting to take boat-rides on the lake and get to explore the many islands and coves.

One year, my mom’s boyfriend decided I was old enough to learn how to drive the boat. He showed me how to put the Yamaha 2M oil in, and then we took off into the lake. I was 12 years old and had only ever driven in Mario Kart, but I quickly got used to turning the motor in the opposite direction of where I wanted to go. It went smoothly until I ‘parked’ at the dock.

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Maintain your Watercraft with Yamalube 2W Oil

38357When deciding on a personal watercraft for your summertime fun, it’s important to consider what it takes to properly maintain the vehicle. Through proper maintenance of your pwc right from the start, you will extend the life of the craft and get a better investment. It will also greatly reduce the need for costly repairs.

Washing your boat is more important than you might expect. It will help prevent some of the effects of environmental wear and tear. Taking care of your battery by routinely checking if it’s charged and has the correct fluid levels will help extend its life. Maintaining your motor with Yamalube 2W oil and flushing the engine after every outing will also extend its life.

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Store and Dispose of Optimax Oil

PaintoilcollectionProper care of a Direct Fuel Injection engine starts at the beginning. While proper maintenance is essential during the entire lifespan of the engine, what you do during the first two hours of use will dictate how high of a performance value you get out of the investment. This can also help keep your engine alive longer, with the right few steps.

In general, the first two hours are critical. During this time, it’s recommended that owners avoid extended periods of time spend idling and wide-open throttle. It’s also a good rule of thumb to vary your speeds. New two-stroke engines will require more oil during this break-in period so it’s important to have enough OptiMax oil to get a jumpstart to a great engine experience.


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Best Mercury Engine Oil Mix

mercury_250verado-sternrunEngines are complicated things. For mechanics, it’s like second nature to figure out what oil is right for your engine, and doesn’t take much to figure out why one is more beneficial than the next. For those who are not so trained in the art of maintaining mechanics, it can be overwhelming to even decipher which oil is made for which vehicle.

If you have a mercury engine, knowing the right fuel to oil ratio is one of the most important pieces of information. You should have 50 parts of mercury engine oil to 1 part of gas. This will lengthen the life of your motor and ensure it runs more smoothly. Make sure to also have regular tune-ups twice a year when your boat is being used regularly.


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