Trying to Find 2 Cycle Oil

domo online blog 1 1-06-14My father uses two stroke oil for many of the machines that he uses around his house. He tries to purchase it online whenever he gets the chance, because he claims he can usually get a far better price there, than he might at a local hardware store. Sometimes, when he is deep in a lawn project or something similar, he runs out of oil at an important moment.

Once he sent me to get him some 2 cycle oil. I had a pretty hard time finding it. I didn’t know exactly what type of oil he was looking for. I went to a hardware store, but there were far too many types to choose from. At the hardware store, I had to choose from sport brands and ones that produced less smoke. I ended up buying something random, since I had no idea what my father wanted.

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Rescued from Ring Sticking by Yamalube 2-M

domo-online blog 4 12-20-13On a boat and even in your car, using certain types of fuel or oil can cause the pistons in the engine to develop a gunky covering that can cause them to move more slowly or even stick so that they can’t move properly at all. You have likely seen pictures of this at gas stations that advertise their gasoline as having the ability to remove some of this gunk.

In a boat, these build ups can be prevented by choosing oil that protects your engine. Yamalube 2-M oil is specially formulated to protect against carbon build up and ring stick. Without oil like this, build ups in your engine can reduce the power that is produced by your engine and make it so that your boat does not run as efficiently as it otherwise could.

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Investing in Bulk Motor Oil

domo online blog 3 1-06-14My neighbor is the type of person who is always trying to save a lot of money. He does this by buying in bulk for almost everything. He buys mayonnaise in large cases or gallon containers. He purchases his beef in huge amounts and freezes whatever he cannot use quickly. He buys almost all of the things that he uses regularly from warehouse stores.

When it comes to maintaining his car and his boat, he also wants to save money by buying in bulk. He buys bulk motor oil for his boat and gets cases of engine oil for his car as well. When he buys soap for washing his vehicles, he buys it in the large gallon containers and uses it for both. He seems to save a bit of money just with his bulk shopping habits.

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Searching Through the Yamalube 2 Cycle Oil

domo-online blog 2 12-23-13My dad’s shed has always been an organizational nightmare. Looking for something in there usually means moving piles of wood, loose nails, and tubs of unknown tools. Finding exactly what you are looking for is challenging, if not impossible at the best of times. Going there in the dark makes the entire adventure just that much more perilous.

One time, I had to go in there at night to find my father a particular tool. I should have known that there was no hope from the very beginning.  He had told me that it was in the crate with the Yamalube 2 cycle oil. Once I got to the shed there was no such oil to be found. I searched through everything with a flashlight with no luck at all.

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Gas to Outboard Oil Ratios

domo online blog 5 1-06-14When you are using oil in your outboard motor, you have to make sure to use the right amount of oil in the gas that you put in the boat. This ratio depends greatly upon what type of motor you are using and what the motor is for. For example, the ratio for oil in a personal water craft could be different from the ratio that you would use for other engines.

Typically, you can find the gas to outboard oil ratio in an owner’s manual for the motor that you are using. If you no longer have the owner’s manual, you can sometimes find them online. You can also access ratio calculators online. Usually the ratio is about 50:1, for outboard motors, but following the guidelines that a manufacturer gives you is probably best.

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Yamaha Oil is Only as Effective as your Maintenance Routine

boatsIt should be just common knowledge: the better you treat something, the better it will work. If you throw your cell phone into a wall, it will likely not work as well as before it smashes into a solid surface. If you talk to someone poorly, the relationship will likely crumble. However, many boaters don’t seem to understand this rule applies to their watercraft.

It’s surprising to see how many people don’t regularly maintain their engine, especially since it’s so easy to do. A 2 stroke engine doesn’t even require oil changes the way a car engine does; just finding the right Yamaha oil to add in will do the trick. Yet many people become a victim to their boat engine seizing due to lack of care for their engine.

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High Power with Mercury Premium Plus

mercury premium plusOne day, my husband and I were considering getting a new boat. Our extended family shares a lake house up in Ontario, and we wanted a better boat to explore the area. The lake was actually connected to several lakes through passes and streams, which made it an incredible area to take day long boat trips through, and even check out some small islands.
My cousins had gotten the last few boats, so we figured it was our turn to pick one out. My husband decided we needed the ‘Mercedes Benz’ of boats. I had no idea what that meant other than high priced but I let him go ahead. It was a bit of a cost upfront, but buying the mercury premium plus oil that was recommended wasn’t a huge expense by any means, especially since we bought it in bulk.

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Slipping on Yamalube Oil

domo-online blog 1 12-23-13I think that just about every racing game I have ever played has used oil slicks as an obstacle that you must overcome. It’s always frustrating when you are managing to do well and then hit an oil slick and slide off of the road. Despite the fact that this is in practically all racing games, I was pretty sure that I had never encountered it in real life. There aren’t usually puddles of oil on the road.

After thinking about it for a while, I have realized that there are actually multiple times that I have slipped on oil. For example, during the summer, when it has been dry for a long time and it starts to rain, the roads become slippery because of the oil that hasn’t run off. Also, in my grandpa’s garage where Yamalube oil was once spilled on the floor the concrete became slick.

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The Quest for the Best Outboard Motor Oil Price

domo online blog 2 1-06-14My father has owned a boat since I was about six years old. He always seems to be behind on its maintenance. Sometimes, he has forgotten to put the right fluids in it. Other times, he just needs to wash it. Part of this is because the boat costs him a lot of money. Between gas, launch fees, and maintenance, it is a luxury that he can just barely afford.

To lower costs he always is trying to find better prices on the things that he uses routinely. To find the best outboard motor oil at a price that he can actually afford he often goes online to buy the oil, rather than going to a store to buy it. He especially tries to avoid going to buy it at the store by the marina, because they will charge him almost twice the price.

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Protecting a Warranty with Mercury 2 Stroke Oil

domo online blog 4 1-06-14When you buy a new boat motor, you probably want to keep it running as long as possible since motors are not exactly cheap. For my father, purchasing his mercury engine was a huge investment. He had been using an engine that his father had used on his old boat, but since this motor was old, it didn’t last very long.

When he made the switch to his new motor, he liked it a lot better because it ran smoother. To keep it running smoothly, he maintained it regularly. This was part of keeping the warranty valid. He also got rid of the cheap off brand oil that he’d used for the old motor and started using Mercury 2 stroke oil.

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Why There’s a Mercury Oil 55 Gallon Drum in My Garage

Domo-Online Pic 4For my entire life, I’ve always hated shopping. Some of my earliest memories are my mom dragging me along to stores with her and attempting to find ways to entertain myself amidst the boredom of shopping. I thought things might be easier with online shopping, but I hate how long it often takes for me to find and select the products that I need.

This attitude of mine towards shopping is one of the primary reasons that I prefer to purchase items in bulk all at once. For instance, when I was thinking last about boat maintenance, I stocked up on everything that I could possibly need so I wouldn’t have to shop for things multiple times. I’ve got a Mercury oil 55 gallon drum sitting in my garage now alongside other boating surplus items.

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Finding the Correct Boat Motor Oil

Domo-Online Pic 2It’s important to make sure that you have stocked up on the supplies you need that can be used to maintain your vehicles. This is something that stands true regardless of whether we’re talking about a car, a motorcycle, a boat, or anything in between. Maintenance is enormously important to ensure that your vehicle will run properly for a long time.

When you have a boat, for instance, it’s absolutely vital that you keep a supply on hand of the best boat motor oil you can find. Motor oil is the lifeblood of your boat, so it’s not something to turn your nose at. You should make sure to do a comparison of the different types of motor oils in order to figure out which can be used best on your own boat.

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