Summertime with Yamalube 2W

domo online blog 4 2-03-14At the beginning of every summer, my uncle likes to kick things off by taking his WaveRunners out to the lake. He makes the yearly maintenance for the boats into a sort of a party. He’ll start by washing them, so that they’re nice and clean. He even takes a toothbrush to some areas to get any built up scum off of the exterior of the boats.

Then he’ll get them filled with Yamalube 2W oil and some gasoline. He hooks the trailer up to his truck and drives them down to the launch. He takes both of the boats out and runs them around in a few start of summer victory circles. Only then are they ready to be ridden by other members of the family. When the WaveRunners are out, summer has officially begun.

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Snowmobiling with Yamaha 2S Oil

domo online blog 3 2-03-14I am not great at skiing or snowboarding. I have terrible balance, so most snow sports are just really unappealing to me. My favorite thing to do up around the ski slopes is go snowshoeing. I love being able to hike in deep snow without the fear of falling in up to my knee or higher. Usually, if I go to the mountains I will be snowshoeing.

Last time I was up there, I saw a bunch of guys with snowmobiles. They were getting ready to go out by prepping the vehicles with Yamaha 2S oil and filling them with gasoline. I have considered snowmobiling in the past. I suppose that my main problem with it, is that I enjoy watching the scenery and listening to nature. That would be hard to do on a speeding snowmobile.

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Heading to Canada with Mercury Outboard Oil

domo online blog 2 2-03-14My grandparents have always lived in Washington State. Several years ago, they decided that they were going to take their boat up to Canada for a bit. It isn’t a terribly long trip, but it’s a lot rougher water than their boat is usually accustomed to. They have an outboard motor as a backup engine in case their actual engine dies at any point.

For the trip to Canada, they brought along a lot of extra boat maintenance gear. They had several bottles of Mercury outboard oil, just in case they needed it during the journey. They also brought their usual supply of food plus some extra in case they got lost or stuck out somewhere. They managed to travel to Canada and back without too many problems.

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At the Marina with Evinrude Outboard Oil

domo online blog 1 2-03-14I always used to love going down to the marina. There is something great about being able to walk along the docks. There’s always the salty scent of the bay and the call of a seagull from on top of a pier. It reminds me of my childhood, when my sister and I would walk along the docks, waiting for our dad to be ready to take the boat out.

We would always read the boat names. Some of them were funny, others were serious. Sometimes we would run into other people, working on their boats. They’d be busy mixing Evinrude outboard oil or painting some part of their sailboat. The people were always friendly. They’d often say hello. It was peaceful out in the marina.

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Switching to Yamaha 2w Oil

domo online blog 5 1-27-14When Yamaha originally released its 2w oil, it was advertised as just being for WaveRunners that had catalytic converters. Overtime, they discovered that this type of motor oil was the best for all WaveRunners. They started to recommend this type of oil for all WaveRunners over their 2s and 2m options, because of its ability to better protect these engines.

My uncle always used to use their 2s oils in his WaveRunners. When he saw the Yamaha 2w oil, he was initially skeptical. Eventually, he decided that he was just going to have to try it for himself. He found no problems after he completely drained the oil from the boats and refilled them with the 2w oil. He liked the way that the new oil produced less smoke as it burned.

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Protecting Your Motor with High Quality Outboard Motor Oil

domo online blog 4 1-27-14Whenever I go to get my cars oil changed, the shop always recommends that I buy some extremely expensive type of oil. I don’t do it. Mainly this is because my car is old. Whatever damage can be done to the engine by cheap oil has already been done. If I had a new car, I would probably spend my money on the more expensive fuel options.

My father agrees with this policy. With his brand new boat engine, he makes sure to protect his investment by using high quality outboard motor oil. When he had the old engine that he inherited from his father, he just used whatever cheap oil he could find. He figured there wasn’t any point putting a lot of money into an engine that was already starting to break down.

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Minimize Carbon Deposits with Mercury 2 Cycle Oil

domo online blog 3 1-27-14Carbon deposits are one of the biggest problems for outboard motors. They can cause damage to the engine and cause ring stick or problems with the pistons moving. This makes your engine less efficient in the short term and puts it in danger of breakdown in the long term. Fortunately, carbon can be cleaned out once it is there.

You can use additives to the fuel to dissolve the carbon deposits inside of the engine. Once your engine is clean, you may want to switch to a different type of oil. Some oils leave less carbon deposits than others. For example, Mercury 2 cycle oil is specially formulated to minimize carbon deposits, while providing the lubrication that your motor needs.

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Getting the Best from Evinrude XD 50 Oil

domo online blog 2 1-27-14My father has used both Penzoil and Evinrude oil in his Evinrude outboard motor. A lot of this has been because of the oil that was available to him at the time. If he could find one but not the other at the marina store, then he would buy it. Both of them were not usually available in the same store at the same time, so he never really had to decide.

From using both types of motor oil, he has started to recognize differences between the two. He has seen that the Evinrude XD 50 oil produces a lot less smoke. This is important for him, because he, like most boaters, cares about the environment.

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Choosing a Good Boat Motor Oil

domo online blog 1 1-27-14When you are running an outboard motor, there will be times where you have to replace the oil in the engine. Most boat owners do their own boat maintenance, because it can be extremely expensive to have someone do it for you. Unless you own a larger boat, you usually do not need assistance doing basic maintenance.

In order to pick good boat motor oil for the motor that you have, you should really consult the owner’s manual that came with the motor. If you don’t have the manual anymore, you can usually look it up online. It is best to use the oil that the manufacturer recommends for your outboard motor. This will ensure that your motor is running the way that it should.

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Protecting a Motor with Mercury Premium Plus

domo-online blog 2 1-20-14My uncle’s boat was always more trouble than it was worth. It was always having surprise issues at just the wrong moment. My uncle called it the Knot Worthy, which I suppose was probably a bad omen. Usually, help wasn’t too far away when something went wrong, so my uncle didn’t end up lost at sea or rather adrift in the bay somewhere.

It wasn’t that my uncle didn’t take care of the boat. He always made sure to do the required maintenance on the engine. He used Mercury premium plus oil each time. Still, strange things beyond his control happened to make the engine break. My uncle was glad when he managed to sell the boat. Now, someone else would have to deal with its issues.

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Leftover Yamaha Oil

domo-online blog 4 1-20-14My grandpa recently sold his boat. He has Alzheimer’s disease. After several trips out on the boat, where he couldn’t figure out where he was, he decided that it wasn’t safe for him to take his boat out anymore. This was a difficult decision, but he realized that it was just what was necessary at this stage of his disease. Other people could enjoy his boat still.

He sold the boat, after a couple of weeks of advertising it on various online sites and forums. Soon, the boat was with its new owners. Later, he found an entire case of Yamaha oil left in his garage. He ended up selling this as well. If he had known that it was in his garage before he sold the boat, he would have given the buyers the oil to go with the boat.

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Deals on Yamalube 2m Oil

domo-online blog 5 1-20-14I have always loved the saying, “a boat is a hole in the water into which you throw money.” My grandpa used to have a sign in his boat with this saying clearly printed onto it. My father always agreed with the saying. To him, it always seems like he is spending money on his boat. One day, he is buying new oil for it. The next, he has to get a new trailer hitch.

Lately, he has been looking online to see if he can get any really good deals on Yamalube 2m oil. So far, he has discovered that most of the best deals come from buying the oil in bulk. He’s not sure that he’s ready to commit to storing cases or gallons of oil in his garage, but he definitely has been looking into the idea of buying it with several of his friends.

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