Have to Have Optimax Oil

domo online blog 3 2-17-14I have known quite a few people who either have owned boats or still own them. I have never known anyone that was as obsessive about maintenance as my grandfather was with his boat. He always would follow all of the directions that came with the boat motor. He would use exactly the fuel that was recommended, exactly the right type of oil, and change parts when needed.

One time he got himself stranded on an island, because he had to have Optimax oil. He wouldn’t leave the island without it, but they didn’t have any. After that, he started carrying the oil that he needed with him, because he didn’t want to have to have someone rescue him again. Admittedly, the engine of his boat was always running very well, so being so being picky actually did help.

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Looking for Deals on Mercury Oil

domo online blog 2 2-17-14My cousin is a big bargain hunter. If he can save a little bit of money, he is glad to do it. He will wait for coupons to show up in his grocery store, before he buys certain items. When he buys a car, he has everything checked out thoroughly and manages to talk the price way down.  He wants to get the very best deal on anything that he spends his money on.

This is also true for his boat maintenance. He would never buy an inferior product, because it was cheaper. However, he would buy Mercury oil in bulk or on sale so that he could get the best deal that was possible. Whenever he sees it for cheap, he will buy it, even if he already has what he needs for quite a while. He won’t pass up the bargain.

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Adding the Evinrude XD50 Oil

domo online blog 1 2-17-14During one winter, my father decided that he would live on his boat. He was sure that this would be the most cost affective option. I’m sure that it was, since he had the mooring for free, but it was the coldest option as well. He got to know the other people who were often at the marina. He got to know the guy who was in the slot next to him really well.

My father’s boat was a little one compared to the boats that were normally moored there. His neighbor had a really large boat. He was always giving my father advice. He would recommend Evinrude XD50 oil, or tell him how to do some sort of maintenance on his boat. My father learned a lot from him, but sometimes he really just didn’t want the advice.

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A Mercury Oil 55 Gallon Drum in the Garage

domo online blog 5 2-10-14When my father first moved into his new house, the house started to become a great storage space for a lot of friends and family. Since he was a single man, his friends started to bring him all of the things that their wives would not allow them to keep in their homes. His mother moved in a lot of stuff that she didn’t have room to store in her own house.

One of the things that his friends gave him was a Mercury Oil 55 gallon drum. They had bought the bulk oil as a great investment to lower oil prices. Unfortunately, when they moved to an apartment and moved their boat into storage in the marina, there was no place for them to store the drum. For now, it is waiting in my father’s garage.

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New Speed Boat, New Mercury Optimax Oil

domo online blog 4 2-10-14My uncle just got a brand new speed boat. He bought it from the Seattle Boat Show a few weeks ago. It is a boat that has a whole lot more power than his last boat. Best of all, this boat actually seems to run great, rather than breaking down all the time like his last boat. He got it ready to take out and run for the very first time last weekend.

He had to get it Mercury optimax oil, because this is the type of oil that his boat motor has to use. He can’t use any of the old oil that he has left over from his old boat, because none of it is the right kind of oil for the boats motor.

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Raffling Bulk Outboard Motor Oil

domo online blog 3 2-10-14My grandparents used to belong to a boating club. The club would all get together and take their boats somewhere for a couple of days, usually a weekend. They were always talking about their boats and how to do the maintenance that they needed. Sometimes they had special events to raise more money for the club, such as raffles.

In one of the raffles, they raffled of a big drum of bulk outboard motor oil. The person who won the raffle ended up sharing the oil with a lot of the other members of the club. They said that they could not possibly use all of it just for their one boat. The club ended up having oil for a lot of their boats for quite a while, after that raffle.

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No Ads for Evinrude Johnson 2 Stroke Outboard Oil

When I was listening to the radio this morning, I heard a commercial for some variety of motor oil. They were advertising a special where you could buy three quarts and get the fourth one for half price. I realized then that I always heard ads for car oil on the radio, but I never have heard an ad that is specifically for any type of boat motor oil.

The only time I have seen any ads for this type of oil is when I have been watching something specifically boat related on the television. Only then are ads for Evinrude Johnson 2 stroke outboard oil ever seen. I suppose that this is mainly because boat oil is such a specialized product. Most people do not need it in their day to day lives.

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2 Stroke Oil at a Car Parts Store

domo online blog 1 2-10-14I don’t often visit stores that sell various car parts. A week ago I had to stop into one, because I had to replace a headlight bulb. I wasn’t about to try driving to work on dark mornings with only one headlight working. I was quickly able to find the light that I needed. I decided that I should look at the motor oil while I was there.

I was surprised that in addition to a lot of different types of car motor oil they also had a wide variety of 2 stroke oil types. Of course this type of oil isn’t for cars, so finding it at an auto parts store seemed very strange to me. Also, they weren’t “name brand” oils. I suppose that an auto parts store would be a logical place to look if I wanted it for my car, but I’m not certain about looking there to get oil for a boat.

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Cleaning an Engine with Yamalube Ringfree Plus

domo online blog 5 2-03-14My father’s outboard motor came used with his boat. He debated replacing the motor entirely, but really that was going to be fairly expensive. The motor that he had was running well enough that buying a new one wasn’t actually necessary. My father decided that he would at least use the used motor until he had the money to replace it.

Since he wanted to start with a motor that was at least closer to new, he first ran it with Yamalube ringfree plus. His hope was to get rid of any of the build up in the engine that might have been left there overtime. It seemed to work, because the motor ran well and he didn’t have any problems with it for the first several years that he owned it.

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Summertime with Yamalube 2W

domo online blog 4 2-03-14At the beginning of every summer, my uncle likes to kick things off by taking his WaveRunners out to the lake. He makes the yearly maintenance for the boats into a sort of a party. He’ll start by washing them, so that they’re nice and clean. He even takes a toothbrush to some areas to get any built up scum off of the exterior of the boats.

Then he’ll get them filled with Yamalube 2W oil and some gasoline. He hooks the trailer up to his truck and drives them down to the launch. He takes both of the boats out and runs them around in a few start of summer victory circles. Only then are they ready to be ridden by other members of the family. When the WaveRunners are out, summer has officially begun.

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Snowmobiling with Yamaha 2S Oil

domo online blog 3 2-03-14I am not great at skiing or snowboarding. I have terrible balance, so most snow sports are just really unappealing to me. My favorite thing to do up around the ski slopes is go snowshoeing. I love being able to hike in deep snow without the fear of falling in up to my knee or higher. Usually, if I go to the mountains I will be snowshoeing.

Last time I was up there, I saw a bunch of guys with snowmobiles. They were getting ready to go out by prepping the vehicles with Yamaha 2S oil and filling them with gasoline. I have considered snowmobiling in the past. I suppose that my main problem with it, is that I enjoy watching the scenery and listening to nature. That would be hard to do on a speeding snowmobile.

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Heading to Canada with Mercury Outboard Oil

domo online blog 2 2-03-14My grandparents have always lived in Washington State. Several years ago, they decided that they were going to take their boat up to Canada for a bit. It isn’t a terribly long trip, but it’s a lot rougher water than their boat is usually accustomed to. They have an outboard motor as a backup engine in case their actual engine dies at any point.

For the trip to Canada, they brought along a lot of extra boat maintenance gear. They had several bottles of Mercury outboard oil, just in case they needed it during the journey. They also brought their usual supply of food plus some extra in case they got lost or stuck out somewhere. They managed to travel to Canada and back without too many problems.

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