Yamalube 2m for a Two Stroke Engine

domo online blog 5 3-24-14When my brother was first shopping for outboard motors, he was considering a lot of different options. Some of his friends who had boats told him that he should look at Yamaha outboard motors, because they had had really good experiences with the motors they owned. This was the type of motor that my brother ended up choosing.

Since his outboard motor is a two stroke engine, he would have to find a good two stroke oil to use with it. He very quickly chose Yamalube 2m because this was the oil that was listed in the user manual for his engine. He wasn’t a very experienced boater at the time, so he just went with the easy option. He has never regretted his choice though.

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Where to Buy Cheap Yamaha Oil

domo online blog 4 3-24-14My brother has always sworn by Yamaha oil, because it is the exact same brand as the motor that he uses on his boat. He trusts oil that is made by the same manufacturer, because they are bound to know their product better than any other company. Using the oil also keeps his outboard motor under warranty, which is important.

The only problem with Yamaha oil is that it can be sort of expensive. Over time, my brother has learned not to buy the oil from the marina, where prices are almost always high. Instead, he buys all of his oil from online sites. The oil costs a lot less. He is able to actually afford quality oil because of this.

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Using Ringfree Plus to Remove Deposits from Cheap Oil

domo online blog 3 3-24-14One of my friends isn’t exactly known for taking great care of his boat. Since he doesn’t have very much money, a lot of his money is actually going into his boat. However, since he doesn’t really have much money, he tends to try to use cheap oil and cheaper gasoline when he can. This is fine in the short term, but could cause damage later.

In order to keep his engine running well, even when he doesn’t spend enough on quality oil, he uses ringfree plus. By adding this to his engine, he can minimize the deposits that are created by the low quality oil and gasoline that he is using. With any luck, this will keep the engine running for far longer than it would normally.

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Sunny Weekend Fueled by Evinrude XD 50 Oil

domo online blog 2 3-24-14Since there was fantastic weather this weekend and it was actually warm for the first time this spring, my uncle decided that it would be worth launching his boat in a local lake and tooling around a bit to test out the new motor that he bought for the boat. He made a day of it, taking the boat out around ten in the morning so that he’d have the lake to himself.

His new motor runs on Evinrude XD 50 oil, which he hasn’t really used before so he wanted to see how the oil and the motor would do. By the end of the day, he’d been all around the lake countless times without any problems from the motor. He was quite satisfied with the motor that he had picked out and found the oil to be excellent.

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New Boat Motor Oil for a Boat Repair

domo online blog 1 3-24-14Last season, my father’s boat wasn’t working very well. There appeared to be something wrong with the motor of the boat and at the time he didn’t really have the money to fix it. This meant that the boat sat all winter, without ever being prepared for the next season. He is now trying to repair the boat and get it ready for another fishing season.

He has been busy trying to break in the steering and get the boat ready. He has spent several hours working on the boat to get the motor to become functional again. He has also purchased boat motor oil as well. The boat is looking pretty good. I just hope it runs well once he gets it into the water.

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Preparing for the Fishing Season with Yamalube 2m Oil

domo online blog 5 3-17-14The beginning of the spring fishing season is going to start next month and my father has already begun to prepare for the season opening. He has started by getting a fishing license for the season and filling his tackle box with all of the lures and hooks that he plans to use during this fishing season. He even bought a fresh jar of bait.

Next week, he is planning to take the cover off of his boat and get it ready for the season as well. This means buying Yamalube 2m oil and cleaning out the motor. He also plans to wash the boat down to make it look nice for opening day. He has a special scrubber to remove last years fish scales from his boat and leave the whole thing shiny.

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Which Yamalube Oil Do I Choose?

domo online blog 4 3-17-14In a Yamaha outboard motor, there is no real substitute to using oil that is specifically designed for these motors. Yamaha makes both motors and oil. When you put the two together, you get an engine that is running well for years to come, without anything to worry about on your part. It is also a great way to make sure you don’t void the warranty.

Of course, there are several different types of Yamalube oil. You need to make sure that you are getting the right one for your boat. If the motor is a 2 stroke engine, then you need to use the Yamaha oil that is designed for these engines. There is even oil designed by Yamaha that is specifically for WaveRunners.

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Finding WaveRunner Oil for a New WaveRunner

domo online blog 3 3-17-14I plan on getting a WaveRunner for this summer. I will probably be buying a used one rather than trying to get my hands on one that is brand new, since that is somewhat expensive. My only concern with having a used one is that the maintenance on it may not have been done properly in the past. I will want to drain all of the gas and oil to start at least somewhat fresh.

I know that you can technically use any one of many different oils in a WaveRunner, but I would rather use Yamaha oil that is specifically engineered for use in WaveRunners. I just think that having oil that is actually made for the item that you are using is always better than choosing oil that will work, but isn’t designed to be used specifically with the engine.

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Mercury Premium Plus Comes Highly Recommended

domo online blog 2 3-17-14My father loves to hang out on fishing boards online to talk to other fishermen about everything that has to do with fishing. They talk about where they have managed to catch certain types of fish, what lures they have been using, and even what boat motor they have been running. It is a great place to get the information that you need on just about anything fishing related.

When my father wanted to know more about Mercury premium plus motor oil, the people on the website were quick to give him their opinion. They recommended the oil highly, if of course he had a compatible motor. Just about everyone had a glowing review of the product and some people even told him where he could buy it cheaply and easily.

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Surprised by the Cleanliness of Evinrude XD 100 Oil

domo online blog 1 3-17-14One of my friends has really severe asthma. He has to carry an inhaler everywhere, just in case he starts having an asthma attack. One of the things that sets off his asthma is extremely strong ashy smoke from a boat engine. This meant that he was frequently having asthma attacks when he was out on the lake in his small boat.

I recommended that he start using Evinrude XD 100 oil, because this produced a far cleaner smoke. He was skeptical at first, but once he tried it, he said that he never wanted to switch back to the generic oil that he had been using before. Now he can enjoy a day out on the lake and only worry about pollen levels and dust in the air.

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Choices with Outboard Oil

domo online blog 5 3-10-14Everyone who owns a boat has a slightly different opinion on what type of oil will work best in their motor. My uncle, for example, only relies on oil that has the same brand name as the boat motor that he is using. He won’t use oil that isn’t listed in the manual for the motor. My cousin is not nearly as picky with his oil.

Whenever he needs to get outboard oil, he will simply find TC-W3 oil, but is not necessarily brand name oil. Over time, he often has had to decarb his engine, because these oils don’t burn as cleanly as brand name ones do. My uncle prefers to just get better prices by buying in bulk.

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Mixed with Mercury 2 Stroke Oil

domo online blog 4 3-10-14My father has always loved taking his boat out to go fishing. He wakes up really early in the morning so that he can get started. Usually, he makes sure that his boat is completely ready to go the night before, so that he doesn’t have to stop anywhere on his way to the boat launch. The last thing he wants to do is waste any time.

The day before he goes fishing, he’ll fill his gas tank with fuel and mix in the proper ratio of Mercury 2 stroke oil. When this is done, he loads all of the gear that he will need the next day, into the back of his truck. He doesn’t like using live bait, so he doesn’t have to worry about getting this before he goes fishing. In the morning, everything is ready to go.

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