Subsidiaries Leading to Evinrude XD100 Oil

evinrude-1-300x173Briggs & Stratton is a company that is best known as the largest manufacturer of air-cooled gasoline engines in the world. They own a number of important subsidiaries that sell related products for automobiles, motorcycles, boats, and more. The company was initially founded in 1908 and is currently based in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin.

Though not currently owned by Briggs & Stratton, Evinrude Outboard Motors was once owned by Briggs & Stratton co-founder Stephen Briggs as a part of the Outboard Marine Corporation. Evinrude, producer of products such as Evinrude XD100 oil, is now owned by Bombardier Recreational Products, who also own Johnson Outboards and a number of other companies.

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