Two Cycle Oil is Perfect for the Two Cycle Outboards I Use on Rental Boats

domo-online blog 3 2-15-16When I took over the rental boat company that my father started when he was young, I had to learn a lot more about boats than I initially knew. I was lucky to have my dad looking out for me, making sure that I knew how to do simple maintenance on the boats that we had. I was able to learn a lot about the type of oil the boats needed and how to fix simple problems.

To make sure that I am able to keep all of the boats in my shop supplied with the oil they need, I have to make sure that I always have a good amount on hand. I typically will buy the best quality two cycle oil that I can find in bulk since this saves me money in the long run because my boats are well cared for. I love getting boats back from a customer and having them complement me on how great the boat ran.

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