XD100 Fact Sheet

Evinrude Oil XD100 Synthetic formula for use in Evinrude E-Tec outboard engines, direct injection or oil injected outboard engines. XD100 provides unsurpassed protection against friction and wear while maximum detergency helps eliminate combustion deposits. Evinrude Oil XD100 burns clean and is smokeless, ashless, and odorless.

– Promotes maximum engine life
– Ashless and odorless
– Smokeless

Evinrude XD100 is a premium synthetic fomulation that delivers ultimate performance while providing the opportunity to reduce oil consumption on most Evinrude E-TEC models with dealer programming.

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Q & A

Evinrude OilQuestion:

I have a sport twin 10hp evinrude and wandering if i need to add any special gas additive or can i just run it on 50:1 Evinrude oil


The 10hp Sportwins were built in one form or another up into the early 1960s (need model number to pinpoint) and don’t make the cut for 50:1 mix. They still had several bronze babbit bearings and need some extra oil to stay in operation over the long haul. 32:1 (pint oil to 4 gallons gas) using good quality TCW-3 rated oil and good quality gasoline (89 should be good enough – 87 can be kinda junky in some areas, 90+ high test not necessary) and you’ll be good to go…
– Scott

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