Another Bottle of Yamalube Oil Keeps My Dad’s Fishing Season Going Strong

domo online blog 5 9-16-14Yesterday, I went over to my father’s house to go out on a fishing trip with him on the small lake that is near to his home. As usual, he was all ready to go with his boat hooked up to his truck and everything perfectly prepared for the fishing trip. We went out on the lake and had a great time hooking trout and reeling them in throughout the early morning.

When we were done with our trip and returned to shore, my father made sure that the boat was securely on the trailer again. When he got home, he filled the boat up again with gasoline and Yamalube oil so that he would be able to go out fishing again tomorrow. My father really wants to make the most of the season before it is over and the lake by his house is closed.

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Meeting and Exceeding Industry Standards with Yamalube 2-M

domo online blog 5 9-08-14Buying generic marine oil for your boat can be very tempting. I know many people who have been tempted by low costs to buy oil that is not as good for their boats as it is for their wallets. Generic oils are not good for your boat because they often don’t run as cleanly or as efficiently. This can make it so that you are wasting more oil and getting build up in the engine.

When I use oil for any boat, I make sure that I use oil that meets and exceeds all of the industry standards for boat oil. In one of my boats, I use Yamalube 2-M because I know that this is oil that is made for my engine. The oil protects my engine from carbon build up and makes it so that I get the best performance in my boat. It also isn’t that much more expensive when I buy it in bulk.

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Yamalube Oil is a Good Choice in New and Used Motors

domo online blog 5 8-18-14One of my cousins owns a repair shop where he buys broken outboard motors and rebuilds them so that they work again. He has seen a lot of motors that are damaged because of regular wear and tear and other motors that have been damaged by owner negligence. Whenever he sells a motor, he gives the new owners very specific instructions about caring for their new motor.

He has a couple of new and used motors of his own for his different boats. Since these are all Yamaha outboard motors, he is careful to always use Yamalube oil and make sure there is always enough oil to keep the motor running smoothly. He is also very careful to ensure that he is using the right type of oil for each of his motors so that there are no problems.

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Relying on Yamalube 2M When Trolling for Fish

domo online blog 5 7-28-14I have two motors on the back of my boat. One of the motors is for going fast and getting where I am going without any difficulty. The other motor is a smaller motor that is mainly for trolling when I am fishing or using as a backup motor in case the main motor breaks and I need to get myself back to shore some other way. I have to rely on this motor for trolling since my other motor is too powerful.

I always make sure that my smaller motor works before I leave the dock, because I don’t want to get out to where I am fishing and find that it doesn’t work. I put Yamalube 2M and plenty of gasoline in it so that I can be able to troll around for a long time. I make sure to keep it in top condition so that it can always keep me safe and perform the way I expect it to.

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A Boat Shed Filled with Yamalube 2M Oil Just in Case

domo online blog 5 7-21-14Since my father prefers to buy in bulk and online, he usually has things that he needs long before he is actually going to need them. For example, he has a shed that is stocked with screws, rope, and oil that might be needed on his boat at some point. Of course, since that point isn’t now, his shed just ends up cluttered up with all of these items until he ends up needing them.

Right now, the shed has a lot of Yamalube 2M oil, because my father bought a lot of it in case he might need it in the near future. So far he has used some of the oil of course, but unless he uses his boat a lot more frequently, he has enough oil to last him for a couple of years for sure. My father doesn’t mind because it saves him the trouble of buying it more regularly.

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Why My Cousin Chose to Use Yamalube Brand Oil for His Boat

domo online blog 5 7-14-14Each person who buys a boat usually has to make a decision early on about what type of oil they’ll be using in the boat. Of course, part of this decision is made for them purely in the type of motor the boat has. If the boat has a two cycle motor, then your options are limited to oils that are rated for this type of outboard motor. Beyond this, there are many brands of oil to choose from.

When my cousin first bought a boat that had a Yamaha motor on it, he started to look for oil that he could use in the motor. The natural decision for him was to buy Yamalube brand oil, because the brand was from the same company as the one that had manufactured his boat motor. This was logical to him because that company should know what oil formula would work best for a motor that they made.

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Packing Yamalube for Personal Watercraft Learning

domo online blog 5 7-07-14Recently, my brother and I took my cousin out to a local lake so that he could learn a bit about personal watercraft. He wanted to learn to drive one since he thought that they were pretty cool. My brother and I wanted to make sure that he understood how to operated one safely and also how to maintain one so that he wouldn’t damage a boat or himself.

We brought some Yamalube 2-M to the dock so that we could show him how to add this to the watercraft before launching it. Then a nice person on the dock asked us why we were putting outboard oil in a personal watercraft.  He said, “There are oils specifically made for pwc’s, and that is not one of them.  Running outboard motor oil in your pwc engine can cause severe damage.”  Embarrassed, we went to the dock store and purchased some Yamalube 2-W for the day.  Our goal that day was to teach my cousin about proper care for a personal watercraft and we were the ones that ended up getting schooled! I think that my cousin learned a lot from the experience, and so did my brother and I.

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Preparing for a Long Trip with Yamalube Oil

domo online blog 5 6-23-14As usually happens at this time of year, my brother has decided that he is going to be taking a lengthy boating trip all around the little islands near his home. The good weather has tempted him to extend the trip to be more than a week long this time. My brother is an impulsive guy, so the trip is planned for the first week of July, leaving him very little time to prepare.

A longer boating trip means bringing all of the little things that you might need if something goes wrong while you’re out on your boat. He has already packed some Yamalube oil and extra life vests. He is planning to restock a boating first aid kit that he has on board as well. In a matter of days, he will have everything that he thinks he needs packed in his boat.

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More Yamalube 2 Cycle Oil for My Friend’s Boat

domo online blog 4 6-23-14One of my friends likes to joke that his boat definitely seems to be a hole in the water that he is throwing money away in. The boat has been temperamental since the day that he got it and seems to be in the shop more than it is ever out on the water. Still my friend would never consider buying a new boat, because to him that would be something close to admitting defeat.

Yesterday, I went with him to buy more Yamalube 2 cycle oil to mix into the gasoline of his boat. As my friend forked over more money, to put straight into his boat, he simply laughed and said that this is what owning a boat is all about. At least the oil is a part of regular boat maintenance, rather than some emergency repair that is needed shortly after launching the boat.

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Summer WaveRunners Require Yamaha 2W Oil

domo online blog 4 6-2-14Now that it is summertime many people are hitting the lake so that they can enjoy nice weather and cool water. One of the most fun things to do on warm summer days is take out a couple of WaveRunners and race around a lake or a bay. My cousins and I always enjoy the days that we spend out on the lake doing this.

We always make sure that we follow proper boat safety by wearing life jackets and watching out for other boats. We also take great care of our WaveRunners by using Yamaha 2W oil to make sure that all of their components continue working well. The last thing that we want is to have one of the WaveRunners break down while we are out in the middle of the lake.

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Life Jackets and Yamalube 2m in My Dad’s Shed

domo-online blog 5 5-26-14The last time that I went out on a boat, I went along with my father, because I have had my boat in the shop for some minor boating repairs. He wanted me to show up at his house the night before we were to go out on his boat, because he wanted to get an early start as usual. I bought my fishing and boating gear with me, but left it in the car overnight.

Early in the morning, my father sent me out to the shed to get out the life jackets, which he said were located behind the Yamalube 2m. I had forgotten that he bought all of his boat oil in bulk, so I was a little bit surprised when I found out that the life jackets were behind a rather large oil drum in the shed. I had to edge around the drum to get into the tight space behind it where the life jackets were located.

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You Never Know When Cleaning Might Reveal a Stock of Yamalube 2M Oil

In preparation for the weekend, I made the effort to actually get my shed cleaned out. I have all of my boating things in the shed including extra life jackets, motor parts, and several crab pots. I originally started the cleaning project so that I could find a particular fishing pole that I knew was in there somewhere. By the end of the day, I had found many things, but not the pole.

I found an entire supply of Yamalube 2M oil that I thought I had used up over a year ago. It turns out I still have a few gallons of the outboard oil left, which I can use for next year. That was by far my most exciting discovery in my shed. Only after organizing all of the crab pots and tow ropes, did I realized that the fishing rod that I was looking for had been lent to a friend.

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