Cutting Costs

budget-axe-300x177Owning a boat is very rewarding but it’s also very expensive.  Maintenance, dock fees, and insurance are enough to turn a lot of people away from boat ownership.  The feeling I get of being able to go out onto the water whenever I want is enough to counteract the stress and financial strain of owning my own boat.  I’ve been around boats ever since I was a child and there’s nothing I love more than feeling the wind in my hair and the sea spray in my face when I’m out on the water.

I try to take advantage of any sales on boating products and accessories that come my way.  Every little bit helps.  I like to buy used parts from other owners or scrap yards and do all of the work myself.  I also like to buy bulk Mercury Optimax oil because it’s cheaper than just buying it individually.  My boat was given to me by my father and he took very good care of it.  I just do my best to maintain it as well as he did.  He taught me everything I know about boats and I hope to be able to teach my son too someday.

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Brand Preference

BrandThere are a lot of different motor oils available for boats. Before you even start looking, you should make sure you know what to be looking for, based on the type of engine that your boat has. For instance, a 2 stroke engine requires special 2 stroke oil, so if that’s what you have, you should make sure that that’s what you’re going after.

Once you’ve figured out exactly what kind of oil you need, you can get into the specifics of brand choices and things like that. There are many different brands of motor oil that you can choose from. You could take a look at Yamaha or Mercury oil, but personally, I prefer Optimax oil.

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Friendly Arguments

My best friend and I tend to argue about things a lot; typically these are very trivial things like whether or not Harvey Keitel was in Pulp Fiction or what year the last Beatles album was released. Luckily, these days, we’re always able to pull out our smartphones and prove to each other who’s right and who’s wrong.

Recently, we’ve started making minor bets over these little arguments that we have; we’ll buy each other something small or hand over a few bucks. In our most recent argument, I bet him that squids had eight tentacles. I wound up buying him a bottle of Mercury Optimax oil as his winnings, because after all, I had lost the bet (squids have ten tentacles).

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Hole in My Boat

There’s a hole in my boat and it’s been a pretty big pain in my rear end. I was minding my business out on my boat not too long ago, when the bottom of the boat got scraped up against some pointy rocks. Unfortunately, as I was trying to get the boat off of the rocks, it hit one in the wrong way and now there’s a hole. It wasn’t enough to make the boat sink, but it’s certainly affecting the boat’s performance.

I thought I’d be more prepared for something like this, but I guess I didn’t think that far ahead. I just figured that if I kept my boat loaded up with Mercury oil, I’d never have any problems, but I neglected to think about the other things that could potentially happen to my boat that weren’t directly related to the engine.

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Going to a Professional

I’ve always been wary about trusting the opinions of friends when it comes to finding the right products for things like my car or my boat. I always like to go to a professional to get the information I need. For instance, recently, I was trying to find out what kind of oil I should purchase for my boat.

I went to a boat mechanic and he was able to recommend to me the right kind of oil for my boat and he even let me know which one I’d be able to find at an affordable price. I picked up some Optimax oil and applied it to my boat so that it would run smoothly. It’s worked just fine since I did that; I haven’t had any problems.

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Solving Tough Times with a Boat Trip

I’ve been having a bit of a rough month. My ex-wife and I just went through a messy divorce and the economy has resulted in me having to receive a pay cut at work, which isn’t great now that alimony is in the mix. It’s all had me a bit down in the dumps, even though I’m a fairly optimistic person generally.

Recently, I really had the straw that broke the camel’s back. My best friend got a new job in Ohio, and even though I’m happy for him, it’s no fun knowing that my friend’s moving away at a time like this. It made me feel like busting out the bulk Mercury Optimax oil I purchased a while back, fixing up my boat, and hitting the open water.

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Catch and Release

I went with my dad to Banks Lake for Labor Day weekend. He had gone out there a few times before with his buddies on his new boat but I hadn’t yet gone out there with him. He’s big on fishing so that’s what we decided we would do out there; we were fishing with on a catch and release basis.

When we got back home, my mom asked us why we hadn’t brought home any fish for her to cook up. Next time we go out there maybe we will. As long as we’ve got some Mercury Optimax oil, we’ll be able to go there again and actually bring back some fish to eat.

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Buying a Boat

I’m not the type of person who just buys something without doing his research. I’m big on reading Consumer Reports and searching for optimum information online about whatever might interest me at the time. Most recently, I found myself interested in purchasing a boat, something I’d wanted for a long time.

Once I’d finally decided I’d done enough research to make a decision, I went out to purchase a boat. I was enthused to be able to have something new to do on the weekends, finding new interesting places to go boating and fishing in my area. To keep my new boat in good condition, I always make sure to stock up with outboard oil and everything else it needs to keep it in tip-top shape.

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Catching Marlin

Montauk Point is the home of New York’s oldest lighthouse. It can be found in Long Island, but the lighthouse isn’t the only major point of interest out in Montauk. Montauk claims to have more saltwater fishing records than any port in the world, and these claims might very well be true.

At Montauk Point, people can fish for mackerel, cod, weakfish, striped bass, and tuna, but perhaps the most exciting fish to try to catch at Montauk Point is the marlin. Because marlins are so fast and large, many fishermen believe them to be of a higher tier in the sport of fishing than most other fish. To catch a marlin is to earn prestige in the fishing world and to catch one, all you’d need to do is load your boat up with Optimax oil and head to Montauk Point.

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Starting a Charter Fishing Boat Business

I’ve been an avid fisherman and boater for decades. I’m coming up on retirement soon, so I’ve been giving a great deal of thought about what I will do with my time. I feel young and heart; there’s no way I’m going to sit around the house all day.

I’ve been giving serious thought to starting a charter fishing boat business in my area. It makes a lot of sense. I already know the best areas to fish; I can do my own boat maintenance; and I know where to get deals on bulk Mercury OptiMax oil. I need to think this through a bit more before I discuss this business idea with my wife.

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Minnesota Boating

According to Boating Life magazine, there is one lake for every 424 Minnesotans. There is also one boat registered for every six Minnesotans, which is a statistic no other state can most. Most access to water is free with ramps open 24 hours a day (oh how I wish that were true where I live!).

The state government is also working to make Lake Superior shore more accessible. Makes sense for a state that’s mission statement reads: “It is the policy of this state, which is blessed with an abundance of water, to promote its full use and enjoyment by all of the people.” With a welcoming statement like that, how can you not want to grab your boat trailer and some OptiMax oil and set out for Minnesota?

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Government Cut

Government Cut – what an odd name for a fishing spot. I’ve read that during the winter fishing season Government Cut is tarpon central. Since I’ll be visiting in July I’m wondering if I want to expend my Mercury OptiMax oil there or move on to another hole.

What’s keeping me from making a decision one way or the other is that the Cut is in a great location. The north side of the north jetty extends to 18th Street on Miami Beach, while the south side extends to Fisher Island. The deep channel attracts mangrove snapper, grouper, barracuda, and cobia. Not sure if I’d want to catch a barracuda, but mangrove snapper sounds delectable.

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