Always Using Mercury Optimax Oil

sigpic109267_4I’ve been boating for quite some time now and I made sure to do all the necessary research when I purchased my boat. I went through the motions when it came to picking out what type of boat I wanted and how much space I wanted. Then, I did my best to figure out the best deal that I could get, based on market listings and the availability of used boats that I wanted.

When I purchased my boat, I made sure to ask the previous owner what sorts of oil and fuel additives he used on it and things like that, to ensure that it would continue running in its best possible shape. He told me that I should exclusively use Mercury Optimax oil. I’ve followed his instructions and I’ve always gotten amazing performance from my boat.

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Bulk Mercury Optimax Oil Helps with Retirement

4a7_415_BayCruiser_1As someone who has recently retired, I have found myself with a lot of free time on my hands that I didn’t have before. I’ve worked five days a week for the majority of my life, and it’s very strange suddenly having a bunch of extra time to do whatever I want. I had a decent retirement plan as well, so it’s very nice not having to worry about money or work anymore.

I get a lot of time to spend gardening, which has always been something that I’ve been interested in. I also picked up some bulk Mercury Optimax oil so that I can spend a decent amount of time going boating and fishing in the different lakes that are nearby my home. I like to have the oil in bulk so that I don’t have to keep going out and buying more.

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A Friend Recommended Optimax Oil

3742158_20111014110430_10_LARGEI’m the second among my group of friends to get a boat, so I luckily have one person to help guide me towards the things I’ve needed to consider regarding my boat. For instance, my friend had actually purchased one boat that hadn’t run very well at all and was able to steer me away from looking at that particular brand of boat.

Similarly, my friend has been able to give me some tips about oil and maintenance that I wouldn’t know without his guidance. He recommended that I stick to using one type of oil on my boat for the sake of consistency, and based on the kind of boat that I have, he recommended that I use Optimax oil in particular. It’s been very helpful having someone who knows what they’re talking about around.

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I Drive the Boat, You Buy the Mercury Optimax Oil

15hpI’m typically the one of my friends who ends up driving on long car trips. The reason for this is just because I have the tendency to keep my car cleaner than my friends and there’s a lot more leg room in my Subaru than there is in most of my friends’ more compact cars. The deal is usually that if I drive, my friends will be the ones who cover the costs of gas.

In addition to being the one with the car, I’ve also got a boat, so our boating trips work very similarly to our road trips. I’m always willing to take people out on a boat trip, as long as they’re willing to cover the costs for fuel and Mercury Optimax oil. Generally, my friends are always fine with this set-up because we have such a great time on the boat.

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Saving Money with Bulk Mercury Optimax Oil

Mercury-Marine-2Since a few of my buddies and I all have our own boats, we often alternate on whose turn it is to take their boat out and be the ‘driver’ for the day (or the weekend, depending on where we’re going). We take our boats out so often that we’ve essentially turned this into a bit of a routine, where we always know whose turn it is because we figured out an order.

Another way we make things easier on ourselves is by purchasing boat-related items in bulk. For instance, we’ll buy bulk Mercury Optimax oil when we know that we have to do maintenance and then we split the costs, which winds up being much less expensive than it would be for each of us to buy our own oil. It’s been an effective plan thus far.

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Optimax Oil for an Indecisive Boater

lcgreenbowMy best friend has always been a bit on the indecisive side, especially when it comes to choosing things that he wants to purchase. He’s got a lot of buyer’s anxiety so whenever he decides to go shopping, he usually grabs me or one of our other friends to go along with him so that we can help guide him towards what he needs or reassure him that he’s making the right purchase.

His most recent stressful purchase was a boat; he brought all of his friends along to help him make that decision. We also helped him figure out the other basic items that he would need to go along with his boat for general maintenance. For instance, we chose Optimax oil because it was the perfect choice to go with his boat’s outboard motor.

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Two Cycle Oil for the Man Who Has Everything

optimax.3.gallonsWhat do you get for the man who has everything? That’s a question I always find myself asking whenever I’ve got to purchase a gift for my older brother. He’s doing pretty well for himself and he’s not really the type to wait around until Christmas or his birthday to get something that he wants. Unfortunately, this sometimes makes it hard to think of an appropriate gift.

Usually, I like to get something that I know he uses a lot or something perishable. For instance, I’ll get him some sort of foodstuffs that will be easily prepared and delicious. Or instead I’ll get him some two cycle oil for his boat, since I know he takes it out so often that he goes through it constantly. Even though it’s tough to buy gifts for him, I always figure something out!

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Bulk Mercury Optimax Oil to Stay Prepared

I’ll be the first to admit it: I take better care of my boat than I take care of my car. I’m not really sure why that is, especially since I’m very aware of it, but for some reason, keeping my boat pristine and well-maintained is extremely important to me and my car kind of gets left on the back-burner sometimes. My car runs fine and all, but I often am a little late with its maintenance.

With my boat, I’m always completely prepared for any kind of maintenance. My garage is full of bulk Mercury Optimax oil, so I’m always able to keep my boat well-maintained. I think I have a greater fear of getting stranded out on the ocean because of a poorly maintained boat than I worry about anything happening to my car.

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Optimax Oil For The Next Fishing Trip

wahoo-fishing-uaeI found a lake that’s not to far away from my house that’s just teeming with trout. The last time I went out there, my friends and I caught fifteen decent-sized trout and we’re going to go back to get more. We are hoping to get twenty to thirty trout so we can have a big cookout.  We will smoke them and have a giant fish feast.

I’ve made certain to stock up on Optimax oil so that I can do my boat’s maintenance myself before we head out for our next fishing trip. We’re going to do it soon because we want to have the cookout before summer officially hits; a spring cookout is always a nice way to bring the season to an end and allow summer to officially start.

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Search and Rescue with Mercury Optimax Oil

VAKTA-SAR-123My brother is on a search and rescue team that’s particularly focused on people who get stranded at sea, on islands, or anywhere off-shore. When someone goes missing at sea, it’s his duty to look for them by searching a certain perimeter based on the evidence at hand.

Of course he and his team have a very nice boat, which allows them to move quickly and cover as much of the area as possible. Because of the importance of this mission, he makes certain that his boat is well-maintained with Mercury Optimax oil at all times, because time is of the essence.

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Boat Maintenance With Bulk Mercury Optimax Oil

50hpMy friends and I decided to go out on our first fishing excursion of the year not too long ago. It’s still a little cold out, but we’d been itching to go fishing for quite a while, and I’d been hearing that the walleye were out. We had pretty much all of the supplies that we needed for a nice fishing trip; at the time, all we had to do was help my buddy out to perform maintenance on his boat.

We pulled from his large stock of bulk Mercury Optimax oil and made sure to perform all the required maintenance before we took the boat out to the water. I think it’s smart that he keeps such a large amount of it on hand at all times, so that he doesn’t have to go out and buy more when he wants to actually use his boat, whatever the occasion.

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Boat Safety With Optimax Oil

optimax with under waterBoating is an excellent pastime if you live nearby an open body of water, but it’s always important to remember to stay safe with your boat. There are a lot of rules and laws that are typically in place (though they vary from state to state) that have been designed to ensure the safety of yourself and of everyone else out on the water when you’re out boating.

For instance, drinking and boating is illegal and it can be something that is very dangerous. It’s also very important to keep items like lifejackets on your boat, so that if an accident occurs, you are prepared. Another simple way to make sure you stay safe is by keeping your boat maintained; filling it up with Optimax oil is usually a pretty good be

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