Ensuring Your Boat’s Longevity Thanks to Mercury Optimax Oil

Domo-Online 12-29-2014 Pic 1When you buy a boat, you ought to make sure that you have everything that you’re going to need to perform that boat’s maintenance. Just like any vehicle, a boat will perform poorly if you don’t provide it with the proper maintenance. Oftentimes, this is simply a matter of finding the right products to use for maintenance.

Essentially, if you can find a quality outboard motor oil for your boat, such as something like Mercury Optimax oil, you can ensure that your boat remains in good shape. As long as you do periodical maintenance on the boat, you can expect to continue using your boat for years and years.


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A Midwest Man and His Optimax Oil

Domo-Online 12-8-2014 Pic 3As someone who lived the majority of his life in the Midwest, I didn’t get to spend much time around oceans, apart from the occasional family vacation. When I was near them, I absolutely loved them and couldn’t get enough of them and I knew I wanted to live closer to them when I got older.

I’ve fulfilled that dream by living in California these days and now I am able to enjoy the water whenever I’d like. I’ve even got my very own boat and I’m always stocked up with all the Optimax oil that I could possibly desire, so that I’m able to get my boat ready for use at a moment’s notice.


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Mercury Optimax Oil is Necessary for My Brother’s High Performance Optimax Outboard

domo online blog 2 10-27-14When my brother first decided that he wanted a new outboard motor, he decided to look for one with better performance and ability than the one that he had at the moment. His older motor was a hand-me-down from one of our friends so it wasn’t one that ran particularly well. Almost any motor that my brother bought would have been better than that one.

In the end, my brother chose an Optimax outboard motor because he liked how efficient these motors were. He has enjoyed the motor ever since he decided to get it for his boat because of the amount of power he can get from it. The motor works perfectly for his purposes and has always been very efficient as long as he always puts Mercury Optimax oil in it on a regular basis.

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Optimax Oil is Needed in a Special Kind of Engine

domo online blog 2 10-20-14With many outboard motors, the operator actually has a bit of choice when it comes to buying oil for the motor. It isn’t the end of the world if you have to use the cheaper brand of oil a few times because your local marina has run out of your favorite brand. Some people even manage to run these outboards only on cheap oil for the majority of their lives.

For some more special outboards, like Optimax outboards, it is important to buy oil that is made for this engine. Since the engine has special requirements that other oils might not be able to provide, you should always stick to using Optimax oil when you are operating this outboard. Using another type of oil could cause damage to the outboard in the long run.

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Time to Buy Mercury Optimax Oil After Upgrading to a Direct Fuel Injection Outboard

domo online blog 3 8-25-14My neighbor has always been the type of guy who finds something that works and sticks with it indefinitely. He has had a small fishing boat for far longer than I have known him. The boat has an outboard engine that is really a thing of the past. It is an old two stroke engine that pumps out a lot of filthy exhaust whenever he drives it around the lake by our homes.

Recently someone told him that he ought to switch to a direct fuel injection outboard motor so that there would be less exhaust. Initially he was very reluctant and wouldn’t hear of it. Then he did some research and found that with a new engine and some Mercury Optimax oil he might be able to get a lot more out of an outboard motor. He decided to make the switch.

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Optimax Oil for an OptiMax Outboard Engine

domo online blog 3 8-18-14My father is really excited because one of his friends sold his boat and decided to let my father buy his OptiMax outboard engine. My father has wanted one of these engines for his boat, but he hadn’t been able to find one that was in his price range until his friend offered him the one that he has. He has already taken the outboard motor out a few times and loves the way that it runs.

His friend did a really good job of taking care of the outboard engine so it is in very good condition even now. My father has been continuing to take good care of it by running it in the right conditions and using Optimax oil to keep the engine running smoothly. He hopes to be able to keep the engine running just as nicely for many years to come.

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Optimax Oil Lubricates a Boat Motor Well

domo online blog 3 6-16-14Last weekend, I celebrated Father’s Day with my family. As so often seems to come up in a family of people with boats, we started talking about boat maintenance, different types of oil, and what would work best for what type of boat. These topics are always difficult ones in my family because no one really agrees on any of it.

For example, my brother started using Optimax oil in his boat this year because one of his friends absolutely swears by it. My father sees the oil as unnecessary unless you have a really high powered boat. The rest of us tried to educate him on using the proper oil in your boat, regardless of performance level or horesepower.

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Have to Have Optimax Oil

domo online blog 3 2-17-14I have known quite a few people who either have owned boats or still own them. I have never known anyone that was as obsessive about maintenance as my grandfather was with his boat. He always would follow all of the directions that came with the boat motor. He would use exactly the fuel that was recommended, exactly the right type of oil, and change parts when needed.

One time he got himself stranded on an island, because he had to have Optimax oil. He wouldn’t leave the island without it, but they didn’t have any. After that, he started carrying the oil that he needed with him, because he didn’t want to have to have someone rescue him again. Admittedly, the engine of his boat was always running very well, so being so being picky actually did help.

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Better Prices on Bulk Mercury OptiMax Oil

domo-online blog 1 1-20-14The dip in the economy has affected many people. Almost everyone is looking for a way to save just a little bit of extra money. For some people, this might mean that they aren’t eating out as much or that they’re driving their cars less. For other people, it might mean that they’re trying to make sure that they write off as much as they can on their taxes.

Even when money is tighter, there is no reason to give up what you love. If you like to get out on your boat once in a while, you shouldn’t let high gas and oil prices stop you. To save money, you can buy bulk Mercury OptiMax oil, instead of buying it in small amounts. Just like you can save money by buying that gallon jar of pickles, you can save money by buying bulk oil.

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Make Your Oil Perform Better with Optimax Oil

domo-online blog 4 12-23-13Not all engines are built the same. This can be seen easily with boats and cars. Walking down the isle of an auto store can give you some idea of all the variations in parts and fluids required by differing engines. Some require different types of oil. For two stroke outboard boat engines, the right oil can result in an increase in fuel economy, cleaner exhaust and more power.

Higher performance boat engines run better when the oil that was formulated for that specific engine is used.  Using Optimax oil in your Mercury 2-stroke engine will help maintain the performance your investment.

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Store and Dispose of Optimax Oil

PaintoilcollectionProper care of a Direct Fuel Injection engine starts at the beginning. While proper maintenance is essential during the entire lifespan of the engine, what you do during the first two hours of use will dictate how high of a performance value you get out of the investment. This can also help keep your engine alive longer, with the right few steps.

In general, the first two hours are critical. During this time, it’s recommended that owners avoid extended periods of time spend idling and wide-open throttle. It’s also a good rule of thumb to vary your speeds. New two-stroke engines will require more oil during this break-in period so it’s important to have enough OptiMax oil to get a jumpstart to a great engine experience.


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How Bulk Mercury Optimax Oil Saves Money

mercury_outboards_marine_engines_right_12No matter what your hobby or interest, it’s becoming more important every day to try and save money. While it may seem as though the time is coming to give up your hobbies and pastimes in order to afford your mortgage, maintaining a personal life can be cheaper than you might imagine. With a few tricks, you’ll be able to have your cake and eat it, too.

While taking a two week vacation to Cabo might not be an option, you can still have a great weekend getaway. Buying things like bulk Mercury Optimax oil or buying soap and shampoo in bulk will cut the dollars necessary to make a cheaper trip. It’s the small items you wouldn’t expect that add up the quickest. Saving coupons and shopping sales will make it easier to keep up your weekend lifestyle.

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