Using Evinrude XD50 Oil like My Friends

boating_friendsThe majority of my friends have their own boats and I go out boating and fishing with them pretty frequently. However, I always felt like I was mooching off them a bit because I never had my own boat and we were always alternating with my friends’ boats. Recently, I decided to finally bite the bullet and purchase my own boat so that I could contribute.

Luckily, all of my friends were all really well-versed when it came to boats, so I was able to get a lot of advice about what kind of boat to get. Additionally, they were able to help me figure out what sort of maintenance supplies I would need. For instance, when it came to my oil needs, they guided me towards Evinrude XD50 oil, as it was generally what they used as well.

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A New Boat With Evinrude XD50 Oil

Scarab302cool_002Taking your new boat out on the water for the first time is a pretty exhilarating experience, even if you’ve had many boats in your lifetime. It’s a great feeling to really get to see what your boat can do and push it to its limits. This will be a look ahead at all of the great times that you’ll be having on your boat in the future on your next boating and fishing trips.

Whenever I get a new boat that I want to test out, I make sure that all of the proper maintenance has been done, and use Evinrude XD100 oil for my E-Tecs. Then I take it to a nearby lake that’s usually not very crowded and put it through its paces while I plan my next trip.

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Evinrude XD 50 Oil As A Gift

m_gDNUMdXnYACHVQWX5Z7JgI have a tendency to buy a lot of gifts in advance, so I like to choose things that are non-perishable and non-seasonal, so that I can pull from my stock of gifts to give to people upon certain occasions. For instance, over the course of four months, I have my dad’s birthday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, and my mom’s birthday, so it makes things easier to already have stuff on hand.

For my dad, who recently retired and has been boating a lot, I’ve been picking up various boat-related items. For instance, I pulled some Evinrude XD 50 oil from my gift stock for his birthday, and he was very pleased with it. I think I’ll be giving him something boat-related when Father’s Day rolls around as well.

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Found Some Discounted Evinrude XD50 Oil

DSC02427Having a friend that is a mechanic comes in handy. I go to him if I need any advice on all things automotive. I even talk to him about my outboard engine for my boat. If I hear any sort of funky sounds, I would tell him about it and he would immediately diagnose it and tell me what I need to do. I kind of wish that I learned the mechanics trade myself because it would save me a whole lot of money and headaches.

Another good thing about having a mechanic friend is that he knows where to get good deals on certain things. He told me about another mechanic who sells some Evinrude XD50 oil out of a drum for a discounted price. All I would need to do was bring in my own container for the oil and pay the mechanic. It was way cheaper than if I would buy my own bottle from a store. I’m glad that I was able to save a few bucks.

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Cleaning up the Garage

88df21bb6bbb4b31fccc2a11a49c544d_zps22252821I like to start off every new year by cleaning out my garage for all the unnecessary junk that has accumulated to make room for more junk that I plan on buying.  It’s amazing to find out how much stuff I forgot I had.  I have shelves of unopened paint cans that the wife bought for the bedroom that she never got around to painting.

Every once and a while, I find something useful that I can use which is always a pleasant surprise.  I found some new wiper blades that I never installed on the truck.  I also found a full gallon of Evinrude XD50 oil that I left covered under a tarp.  That just saved me a trip to the store.

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Addicted to Online Shopping

pornography-addiction-gaming-gambling-300x196I’ve been doing a massive amount of online shopping the past few weeks. It started out innocently enough; I was trying to do a little bit of Christmas shopping for my family, and then I started buying things for my friends, and as I was surfing around from website to website, I got caught up in things a little bit, and decided I’d put my Christmas bonus to good use!

I went to a large number of websites that specialized in different things. Checked out some jewelry for my wife and some toys and video games for the kids. I also picked up a bottle of Evinrude XD 50 oil for my boat, because I was running low and I thought it’d be a good use of the money.

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Watching a Dumb Movie

My friends and I have a tradition where we watch the movie Waterworld starring Kevin Costner every Thanksgiving. I don’t know how we wound up choosing to do this on Thanksgiving, because there’s no actual relation between the holiday and the movie, but that’s just what we do. The movie is considered one of the biggest box office flops of all time, in that an enormous amount of money was spent in its creation and very little was made back, and overall, it’s a pretty god-awful movie.

Basically, it’s a film set in a future where the polar ice caps have melted and everyone travels around on water. Everybody travels around on boats and people are looking for dry land. I’ll save you the time, they find some dry land, and it’s the peak of Mount Everest. It’s pretty dumb. All the riding around on boats, however, inspired me to pick up some Evinrude XD50 oil and go out on my own boat the next day.

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I Love Boating

I’ve had three boats in my lifetime because I love boating. I’ve always enjoyed being out on the open water and fishing or just cruising around with my family or with some of my good friends. There are a lot of lakes and rivers nearby the area that I live in, so it’s perfect for someone who loves boats.

My boat has an Evinrude E-TEC engine, so I always use Evinrude XD 50 oil when I’m performing maintenance. I’ve also used it in an older non-Evinrude engine on another boat that I recently sold and it worked fine for that as well. I care a lot about maintaining my boat because boating is very important to me.

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Wine and Salmon

If you’re looking to go fishing for salmon in Michigan – or even in the United States at all – my money’s on Grand Traverse Bay. It’s a perfect place to chill out, relax, and fish for some tasty salmon. If (somehow) you get tired of fishing, no problem! Grand Traverse Bay is one of the centers of Michigan’s wine industry, so there are plenty of wineries to explore when you’re not out in your boat.

For those who prefer to bring the taste of Michigan’s vineyards home, you can easily buy wine online to continue the experience. WineOnline for outstanding products offers a wide selection of top-quality wines that capture the essence of Michigan’s rich wine heritage. With just a few clicks, you can explore and purchase exceptional wines to savor in the comfort of your own home, making every moment of relaxation as enjoyable as your time spent on the water.

Once you’ve figured out which wine will go best with all of the salmon you’re about to catch out on the open water, you can ensure a victorious day of fishing if you get out there early enough. In order to beat the crowds, you might want to use a bottle of Evinrude XD50 Oil to service your engine. Once you’ve done that, you’ll surely be in perfect condition to get out there and catch some delicious salmon.

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Preparation Leads to Boating with Confidence

When you are out on the water, it is crucial that you have the gear you need. Life jackets and other essential safety equipment are required by law. The type of boating you are doing, and the environment you are in, will determine what gear you should bring along, and you should take every precaution before heading out on the water. You should know what to bring based on the size of your boat, purpose and length of the trip and the worst case conditions you might face. Experienced boaters will always tell you to keep your boat prepared for emergencies at all times.

This also includes maintaining your boats mechanical systems, and your engine is a critical component. You should be confident out on the water, knowing that you have done all you can to make sure your boat will get you there and back safely. Using the manufacturer’s specified oil, Evinrude XD50 oil for example, can help to ensure that your engine is running smoothly; and don’t forget to check your oil and fuel levels before every trip out on the water.

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The Hamptons

On the other side of the U.S. is a little beach haven known as the Hamptons. (Obviously, “little beach haven” is an understatement). While celebrities may hide out in their gigantic beach mansions, there are plenty of affordable beach cottages average Joes like me can rent.

When I was in university a bunch of us would pool our money and rent a Hamptons beach cottage for a week. Yes, it could be a bit cramped at night, but we spent most of our days on the water, so it wasn’t too bad. We even rented a boat a few times and serviced the engine with Evinrude XD 50 oil.

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Suzuki DT115S

Like the Evinrude E115, the Suzuki DT115S is light, compact and efficient. The 1.77-liter two-stroke engine has a digital multipoint sequential electronic fuel injection system and a six quart oil tank hidden under the engine cowling. (That means that when you add in your Evinrude XD50 oil you don’t have to worry about a messy separate oil tank).

Unfortunately, the Suzuki gets a thumb down for fuel consumption. It burns twice as much fuel as the Evinrude at a 3500-rpm cruise. Price-wise, the Suzuki is still a good bargain.

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