Evinrude XD50 Oil for My Grandpa’s New Outboard Motor

domo online blog 2 8-25-14Now that my grandpa is retired he decided that he should spend a lot more time doing the things that he loves. When he was a kid, one of his favorite things to do was go out on his father’s boat to go fishing. He had a boat when his kids were still young, but ended up selling it so that he could better support his family. Now he’s planning on getting back into fishing.

He already bought a new little fishing boat complete with an Evinrude two cycle outboard motor. He has stocked up on Evinrude XD50 oil so that he can constantly have the oil that he needs to take his boat out fishing early in the morning. So far the boat has made it so that he is able to spend his retirement actually enjoying himself and doing what he loves.

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He Says He Uses Evinrude XD 50 Oil

domo online blog 3 7-28-14One of my friends just started testing out a small outboard motor attached to his boat so that he can troll around when he is fishing and not worry about being run over by all of the speed boats out on the lake. The little two cycle outboard is pretty impressive for its size and actually puts out a good amount of power. My friend has really been enjoying using the engine so far.

Since my friend is very particular about keeping all of his fishing equipment in perfect shape, he will only use the best oil for his engine. He makes sure that he uses Evinrude XD 50 oil whenever he is out on the lake with his new outboard. He loves how this oil reduces the smoke that comes from the outboard motor and how well his motor seems to run.

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My Spring Boating Trip

domo online blog 1 4-21-14 On a sunny Easter weekend, I decided that it might be fun to take my boat out to the bay for a spring boating trip. I hooked up the trailer and headed to the boat ramp. I figured I would just take the boat out and around the bay, see some of the sights, and be back in time for dinner.

It took a bit longer expected since there was a long line for launching. This gave me time to check the level of Evinrude XD50 oil in my boat as well as do some checks on the steering and on the operation of the engine. I ended up getting back home a little bit later than I had planned, but it was a good day to be out on the water.

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Sunny Weekend Fueled by Evinrude XD 50 Oil

domo online blog 2 3-24-14Since there was fantastic weather this weekend and it was actually warm for the first time this spring, my uncle decided that it would be worth launching his boat in a local lake and tooling around a bit to test out the new motor that he bought for the boat. He made a day of it, taking the boat out around ten in the morning so that he’d have the lake to himself.

His new motor runs on Evinrude XD 50 oil, which he hasn’t really used before so he wanted to see how the oil and the motor would do. By the end of the day, he’d been all around the lake countless times without any problems from the motor. He was quite satisfied with the motor that he had picked out and found the oil to be excellent.

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Adding the Evinrude XD50 Oil

domo online blog 1 2-17-14During one winter, my father decided that he would live on his boat. He was sure that this would be the most cost affective option. I’m sure that it was, since he had the mooring for free, but it was the coldest option as well. He got to know the other people who were often at the marina. He got to know the guy who was in the slot next to him really well.

My father’s boat was a little one compared to the boats that were normally moored there. His neighbor had a really large boat. He was always giving my father advice. He would recommend Evinrude XD50 oil, or tell him how to do some sort of maintenance on his boat. My father learned a lot from him, but sometimes he really just didn’t want the advice.

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Getting the Best from Evinrude XD 50 Oil

domo online blog 2 1-27-14My father has used both Penzoil and Evinrude oil in his Evinrude outboard motor. A lot of this has been because of the oil that was available to him at the time. If he could find one but not the other at the marina store, then he would buy it. Both of them were not usually available in the same store at the same time, so he never really had to decide.

From using both types of motor oil, he has started to recognize differences between the two. He has seen that the Evinrude XD 50 oil produces a lot less smoke. This is important for him, because he, like most boaters, cares about the environment.

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Keeping the Engine Running with Evinrude XD50 Oil

domo online blog 3 12-16-13My father owned a boat when I was growing up. That boat was the bane of his existence. Every winter, when the boat didn’t go out very much, he would run it a few times to make sure that the engine didn’t break. Every spring, without fail, something would go wrong. One year the steering stopped working. The next it leaked oil.

He would go out to the boat, armed with a gallon of Evinrude XD50 oil and come home cursing and stomping, because there was always one more thing wrong with it. Just when he thought that he had the boat fixed, it would die, usually in some extremely inconvenient place. While the boat refused to work properly most of the time, he loved it and would never part with it.

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Continuing Top Performance with Evinrude XD 50 Oil

boatMy husband gets really into our new purchases when we first make them. He feels that the first couple weeks you own anything defines how well it will work for the remainder of the time you use it. While he’s right when it comes to electronics or vehicles, it can get a little concerning when he applies the same theory to a new knife set.

His precautions at the beginning of ownership have definitely made our outboard engine last much longer than some of my friends. I think my friends have had to replace their engines at least once each since we first bought ours. When our friends ask him how he does it, he just says he uses Evinrude XD 50 oil. I don’t think he wants to give up his maintenance routine.

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Outboard Must-know Info such as Evinrude XD 50 Oil Benefits

tim10If you’re new to outboard engines, you’ll have to educate yourself a little bit on the proper keep of an outboard engine in order to guarantee you are getting the most for your money. It’s often misinformation that leads to engines seizing rather than it being a problem with the engine itself. Before anything else, learn what you need to put into your engine.

The first thing to find out is what your fuel/oil ratio is for your outboard. Most manufactured before 1964 need 24:1 while 2-stroke outboards since then require a 50:1 fuel to oil mixture. Using the right oil, such as Evinrude xd50 oil, is imperative. Using the wrong oil can cause extreme problems and even ruin an engine in extreme cases.


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Whitefish Lake and Evinrude XD 50 Oil

100-0509tarpon_atboatOne of my favorite places to go fishing is in northwest Montana. In particular, I’ve always found the best lake to go fishing there is Whitefish Lake, which is a place that has been named for the large amount of mountain whitefish that can be found in it. You’re also likely to be able to fish for rainbow trout and northern pike, which are both great to cook and eat.

There are lots of really huge fish in Whitefish Lake, so it’s important to have good fishing equipment and a powerful fishing boat, preferably one running on Evinrude XD 50 oil. I’ve pulled a lot of fish from that lake that have weighed upwards of twenty pounds, so you can often have a challenging yet lucrative fishing experience there.

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Fishing with a Group and Evinrude XD50 Oil

1002446_10151731492185993_290184089_nI really enjoy fishing, but I’ve never been a big fan of going fishing by myself. I know that some people will find it relaxing to wake up early in the morning and go out on their own, but I only really have a good time fishing because of the bonding that I can do with my family and friends when we’re fishing as a group activity; I find that this makes it much more fun.

When I go fishing, I usually load my boat up with Evinrude XD50 oil and take it out to the lake with some friends, even though I live on a river. Boating with friends is another aspect that really makes me love the fishing experience.  Fishing with friends and family has created some of my best memories.

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Remembering Proper Maintenance with Evinrude XD 50 Oil

IMG_1328-1 Occasionally, I can be a little bit scatter-brained and forget to do something important. This was majorly the case the last time that I went boating; I completely forgot to put sunscreen on and I wound up with one of the worst burns I’ve ever had in my entire life. Ever since I did that, I’ve made a vow to make lists before I do things like this to ensure that I don’t forget anything important.

For instance, I’m planning a boating trip in a few days and so I generated a list of all of the things I need to do before I can make that happen. Obviously, I’ve got to remember sunscreen for the day I go out on the boat. I also have to remember to get some Evinrude XD 50 oil so that I can perform the proper maintenance beforehand.

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